Today is #WorldPressFreedomDay and one cannot overstate its relevance to the #Greece mediascape.
In a country where there is wide distrust of the media (trust in the news overall stands at 30% after decades of undue influence by politicians & businessmen as per Reuters);
where trust in newspapers as a source for the news stands at 13% (as per Palmos Analysis poll); where the relevant Reporters Without Borders’ entry starts with “Press freedom has suffered in Greece in 2020”, highlights censorship, arbitrariness, obstruction and violence
and awards it the 70th place in its Index of World Press Freedom; where the state broadcaster is overseen by the Deputy Minister to the PM; where a journalist of thirty years is forced to resign from one of the most respected newspapers (To Vima) after breaking the story
of the inadequate #Covid_19gr “system”; where *two* journalists (G. #Karaivaz and S. Giolias) have been murdered in the last 11 years and another one, @KostasVaxevanis, has just gone public with information he has obtained on a credible threat against his life;
where the sycophantic treatment reserved to the PM @kmitsotakis by a large part of the media (who have hailed him as Moses, The Elvis of the EU, Greek Kennedy, Hercules and a Cheetah, whilst his wife is being celebrated ad nauseam as The Ever-Chic) remains unrivalled...
In this country, then, “Information as a Public Good” -this year’s World Press Freedom Day theme- is of vital & fundamental importance.
Information and those who chase it, unearth it, verify it, connect it, structure it, convey it, explain it and defend it, must be cherished.
“The special role of journalism in producing news as verified information in the public interest” is to be supported and safeguarded. Urgently.
In addressing the question “where do people go to get the news” in #Greece then, let us celebrate a new, younger generation
of excellent investigative journalists, new outfits like @The_Manifold, @reporters_gr, @AthensLiveGr amongst others, brilliant freelancers, dedicated photojournalists & videojournalists who risk violence & obstruction when documenting information, as well as all those who fight
the good fight upholding their own high professional standards in difficult, suffocating, precarious and often dangerous circumstances.
Σήμερα είναι η Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ελευθεροτυπίας και η σημασία της, ειδικά για την Ελλάδα και τα ΜΜΕ της είναι όλως ιδιαίτερη.
Στη χώρα όπου, μετά από δεκαετίες διαπλοκής, μόνο το 30% εμπιστεύεται τις ειδήσεις (Reuters), στη χώρα όπου μόνο το 13% εμπιστεύεται τις εφημερίδες για
την ενημέρωσή του (Palmos Analysis), στη χώρα την οποία οι Reporters Without Borders κατατάσσουν στην 70η θέση του πίνακα Διεθνούς Ελευθεροτυπίας μιλώντας για λογοκρισία, αυθαιρεσίες, ακόμα και βία, στη χώρα όπου η κρατική ρ/τ και το πρακτορείο ειδήσεων επιβλέπονται από τον
Υφυπουργό στον ΠΘ, στη χώρα όπου δημοσιογράφος της εφημεριδας Το Βήμα εξωθείται σε παραίτηση γιατί αποκάλυψε το ανεπαρκές σύστημα καταγραφής κρουσμάτων #COVID19gr, στη χώρα που μετράει δύο δολοφονημενους δημοσιογράφους, τον Γ. #καραϊβάζ και τον Σ. Γκιόλια μέσα σε μια δεκαετία
It feels distinctly like a watershed moment for #Greece.
What started as the whiff of a scandal has now escalated into a full-blown political crisis at the most inopportun moment, after a string of PR disasters involving PM himself & whilst the lockdown-fatigued public
mood is neither generous nor charitable.
Celebrated theatre personality N. Lignadis, the (now ex) director of the National Theatre, a direct appointment to the position and an integral part of the Athenian elite is first publicly accused of, and later arrested and charged
with multiple counts of rape inv. minors.
Minister Lina Mendoni who appointed him to the post after cancelling the hiring process that had already been set in motion by her predecessor, is accused of dragging her feet in the matter. She calls a disastrous press conference
It seems that @ERTsocial ran a report about the PM’s tour of the island of Ikaria yesterday during its noon bulletin -after the uproar and general outcry however, the following notice was posted in the Production Room to ensure this “mistake” was not repeated.
The note reads:
To fellow producers
We don’t run (a) photo(s) or video of @kmitsotakis on the veranda of the Stefanadis residence (lunch) in Ikaria.
Also, we only run footage of Lignadis on his own, not with others.
Thank you”
Να τα πάρουμε ένα-ένα τα πράγματα; Να τα πάρουμε:
Έχουν προβλήματα εγκληματικότητας και αντικοινωνικής συμπεριφοράς τα Βρετανικά πανεπιστήμια; Φυσικά και έχουν
Η Ελλάδα έχει αντίστοιχο πρόβλημα; Αναμφισβήτητα -αν και όχι ιδιαιτέρως μεγαλύτερο, μιά που είναι ακριβώς μετά το ΗΒ στην κατάταξη των ασφαλέστερων χωρών για να σπουδάσει κανείς