We are popping into the SFUSD Board of Education Budget and Business Services meeting. We missed the presentation and public comment on the PEEF presentation. go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board… Joining as commissioner remarks begin. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Sanchez is concerned about funds being shifted around from one line-item to another. Edwin Diaz who is PEEF director shares info about the process. #Boardwatch
Working to incorporate regular updates on where the district is in terms of funding, but have not regularly shared info on use of fund balance. Isn't because we don't want to, just have not built that into the update process. Plan is to incorporate this moving forward #BoardWatch
Commissioner Sanchez: what programs in the recent past have been discontinued because the committee has found low efficacy or not a good fit for the district. Diaz: nothing in recent memory that CAC has recommended not be funded by PEEF #Boardwatch
Sanchez wonders what evaluation process of programs is. Diaz: this year suspended the evaluation program because of COVID, working to revamp the process going forward. In the past have done an evaluation report. #Boardwatch
PEEF CAC member Lainie Motamedi concurs that there have not been programs that have been recommended for termination, but have wanted more data. These recommendations usually come to the board. #Boardwatch
That said, we don't have much say in what comes up, it is what the Superintendent proposes. This year some things were taken off of PEEF funding, that doesn't necessarily come from the CAC. #Boardwatch
As a CAC, don't always get to see why unspent funds occurred - was it because program was more efficient? they couldn't hire people? or they didn't do what they should have been doing. #Boardwatch
Motamedi: An example Q1 of athletic spending was dramatically down this year, for obvious reasons. When spending isn't happening, to me that means students are not getting served. This predates the pandemic #Boardwatch
President Lopez wonders if the extension in reporting is just because of COVID or if it will continue. Diaz: It is our hope that this is a permanent change. Created more efficiency in district budgeting to have timeline aligned. #Boardwatch
Discussion between Commissioner Alexander and Mr. Diaz about building more transparency about why funds are not being spent, when and why funds are shifted from one line item to another. #Boardwatch
Commissioner Alexander has concerns about cuts to world languages. Thought we were trying to avoid school-based cuts this year. Diaz: rather than lowering # of staff, cuts coming in supplies etc. Realize this will have an impact. #Boardwatch
Commissioner Moliga is interested in putting more funds into athletics. See that funds are being increased. Are those allocated with a particular purpose? #Boardwatch
Diaz agrees to pull together spending on athletics and PE and last 3 years. Ann Marie Gordon, ED of Budget Services says some of this info was shared in response to a board information request about unspent balances. #Boardwatch
Commissioner Lam, would like some additional information about the possible restructuring of world language pathways, how does this play into funding shifts. #Boardwatch
Chief Wallace explains a bit about the reason that funds have been shifted-part of long-term strategy to balance budget. Making shifts in ways that are allowable under PEEF authorization. #Boardwatch
Last meeting is June 2, will share budget, LCAP, and hope to give update on enrollment #Boardwatch
Next is standing item on school reopening. Looking at standing costs and looking ahead to next year cost to be keeping an eye on. $4.3M remaining COVID reserves. Anticipated expenses for this year from $4.5-8.8M. One big example of uncertainty is substitute teachers #Boardwatch
Some schools have been providing aftercare on Wednesday early release days, these estimates have come down a bit. May be additional costs coming in for ventilation improvements, particularly in HS. #BoardWatch
Estimates are higher than reserves but have received first tranch of ESSER II funds (Fed recovery funds), can draw down if needed, but the less used the more there is for next year. #BoardWatch
Looking to next year. The federal stimulus funds are more than addressing the projected shortfall, but looking to be smart about budgeting and how we can put current expenses from unrestricted sources to more restricted sources. #Boardwatch
Looking at Prop J to maybe cover some operating expenses. Learning recovery dollars, have many ideas of new ways to spend funds, but also already provide services to students that align with these uses so could use to cover current operations. #Boardwatch
Know there will be ongoing costs related to opening schools under COVID 19-- improvements to sites, ventilation, custodial, testing, adaptations to classrooms. There is also some demand for additional distance learning for students who have done really well under DL. #Boardwatch
In talks to see if other funding sources, like FEMA for testing. Potentially could actually have a reserve that could help address the FY 22-23 deficit. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Alexander wants clarification for the public as to why the structural deficit is going up. Chief Wallace, one driver is cost of doing business goes up every year. Salary step and column increases, benefits, pension costs, inflation on utilities etc. #Boardwatch
Wallace: also budget includes assumptions about one time funds going away. Expenditure growth and changes in revenue create the significant jump. #Boardwatch
Commissioner Lam wonders about possible timing of FEMA reimbursement. Wallace: the window is narrowing. Eligible as long as there is a determined "state of emergency" - likely approaching the end of window of eligibility. Partnership with city is biggest factor. #Boardwatch
Lam wonders if there will be changes because of shifting guidance around cleaning, disinfecting, etc. Wallace says they are working with facilities team to determine what real need is. Facilities team has learned a lot. #Boardwatch
Wallace: Would dare to say some of that budget is ongoing. Some of what we have said is COVID 19 is actually needed to meet a higher level of cleaning that should be sustained longterm. #BoardWatch
Lam: wonders about state and federal recovery funding, in what areas will need to demonstrate impact (additional services) and what areas can be used for existing programs #Boardwatch
Lam mentions that Governor's May Revise is coming out on Friday, he has put out some statements today indicating interest in "reimagining public education." #BoardWatch
Hi there, joining the SFUSD Board of Education meeting. Superintendent report now. Highlighting one recipient of the Superintendent's award each week. A really nice video was shared, look forward to seeing each of this year's winners in upcoming videos! #BoardWatch
We won't be live-tweeting the whole meeting tonight, but will bring you some updates as they happen. #BoardWatch
Reminder from Student Advisory Council! Students can vote for student delegates until 12PM tomorrow. bit.ly/SFUSDStudentVo… (only students can access this) #BoardWatch@SFUSD_SAC
Joining back in to bring you a bit of the presentation on return to school. Reiteration that there will be in-person graduation for HS, MS will not have in person promotion for 8th graders #BoardWatch
SFUSD is still looking into adding a secondary grade for in person this spring, but waiting until late April after current waves go back. #BoardWatch
Here is some data about assignment for return to in-person learning. Some groups had lower response rates and lower interest in returning (Asian and Homeless population especially). Less than 1/3 of those who have had limited engagement returning. #BoardWatch
We are joining the Board of Education meeting for a very small portion of the regular meeting today. The Board is currently considering the nomination of a new Vice President #BoardWatch
There is a back and forth as to whether to vote on a new VP now or wait to allow more time for the public to weigh in. A motion to postpone the vote fails. @FaauugaMoliga is the VP nominee. #BoardWatch
Hi all, Jessi from the PPS-SF team starting off our live-tweeting. The meeting has not started but once it does, we will get the tweets going #BoardWatch
Reminder "The Q&A feature is to assist our Deaf and Hard of Hearing participants. Other questions and comments will not be answered. Thank you." #BoardWatch
Spanish and Chinese information. Shout-out to translators who keep these meetings accessible! #BoardWatch
Hello! the SFUSD Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting is starting! Here is our overview with links to presentations mailchi.mp/ppssf.org/boar…#BoardWatch
Some of the topics today are on the agenda in response to questions that have come up at past meetings (e.g. sports, summer programs) say V.P. @AliMCollins#BoardWatch
First up: contract with Color Lab to provide asymptomatic Covid testing to staff and students. There will be a report from Chief Mele Lau-Smith #BoardWatch