Hello! the SFUSD Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting is starting! Here is our overview with links to presentations mailchi.mp/ppssf.org/boar… #BoardWatch Image
Some of the topics today are on the agenda in response to questions that have come up at past meetings (e.g. sports, summer programs) say V.P. @AliMCollins #BoardWatch
First up: contract with Color Lab to provide asymptomatic Covid testing to staff and students. There will be a report from Chief Mele Lau-Smith #BoardWatch
Testing is required by CA and SF departments of public health and MOU with labor partners. There was an RFP, received 14 proposals. Sent a letter of intent on March 1 to Color. They will have mobile units that will travel to schools. Also onsight and phone support for sites.
Some sites will be "unmonitored" but will receive support from Color. Now opening for public comment. #BoardWatch
Public Comment: concern about what age group of students are being tested and how parents will be notified #BoardWatch
That was the only public comment. Now moving to board member discussion. President @lopez4schools following up on the public comment question, and also wants to know where and when testing will be offered. #BoardWatch
A: there is different level of testing depending on the "tier" SF is in. There is info about testing in the packets that will be going out to families. Still working out details on where exactly it will be. Staff testing will be week of 3/27 and 4/5. #BoardWatch
A: goal is to have as much testing as possible at school sites. Looking operationally at combining with health screening. For staff testing d/n have to be proctored or monitored. #BoardWatch
Commissioner @KevineBoggess wonders how parents can get information if they have not received it yet? A: goal is that in the orientation session for each school families will get detailed information. #BoardWatch
Looks like will be opening in orange, so testing 20% of school, may be able to tell families what week their students will be testing. Will also need to have families sign a consent. Support through call centers #BoardWatch
Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga curious what happens at end of the contract and also what funding sources are. A: testing protocol is not required by DPH, didn't want to obligate longer in advance. Will be part of next negotiation. Funds are from City and Federal Stimulus #BoardWatch
Contract amount might not all be paid, depends on reimbursements says Lau-Smith. Commissioner @jennyhlam acknowledges huge lift and quick turn-around to find a new vendor. #BoardWatch
Note: testing of students is not a requirement for students to access in-person instruction. This is confirmed by Lau-Smith #BoardWatch
Vote time: this item is approved unanimously #BoardWatch
Next items: summer, budget, athletics! Starting with summer programming and future commitments. #BoardWatch
Procedure note: there is no general public comment at a committee of the whole. The public may comment on the topics being discussed. There will be time given after each item is called. General comment can be emailed or brought to next week's BOE. #BoardWatch
Summer Learning Plans. Chief Yasar is sharing info. #BoardWatch Image
SFUSD has existing programs, this is an opportunity to expand, offer robust summer programs. Also identifying new programs to address learning recovery. Opportunity to align across departments- receive similar experiences. #BoardWatch
SFUSD provides summer programming for Early Ed. This summer looking especially at early literacy as well as social-emotional curriculum. Two five-week "chunks" #BoardWatch Image
Have the capacity to serve up to 1500 students depending on DPH guidelines. #BoardWatch
For TK-5, will align with after school and ExCel partners. No matter what school students will receive similar academics. #BoardWatch Image
For students in Special Education will offer both virtual and in-person Extended School Year program. Also will aim to offer recovery services for students why typically do not qualify for ESY but have learning loss. AM/PM sessions. #BoardWatch Image
Families who are eligible will receive a "prior written notice" from SFUSD #BoardWatch
ExCEL after school programs are funded by federal and state grants. 18 schools get funding for summer programs. This year hope there will be virtual as well as in-person programming. #BoardWatch Image
Of 89 school sites, have 78 where the agency that runs the program said they can run an in-person program if they have access to the school site and additional funds. This is work in progress but very exciting says Lau-Smith. #BoardWatch
High School Credit Recovery: new this year is offering of asynchronous course options (course where students can login at anytime). This is based on request from students to allow flexibility. Created a new position called "student support and outreach" #BoardWatch
This position in in partnership with CCSF. There is a different online system at City College than SFUSD. This role will help support students to navigate. #BoardWatch
New offerings this year: Ethnic Studies and Art! In talks to expand a paid internship program. #BoardWatch ImageImage
Actively looking at additional programming, in partnership with CBOs and city programs. A visual below shows programs and dates. #BoardWatch ImageImage
Funding sources for summer: $39 million from state (AB86), $19 million from Fed (American Rescue Plan) #BoardWatch Image
Have significant source of funding and want to scale the summer programs thoughtfully. Proposal: SFUSD spend $11-12 million from SFUSD resources (those listed above) that would complement City and philanthropic support. Could have programs then beyond this summer. #BoardWatch Image
City recieved a 25Million donation from the crankstart foundation to expand opportunities for students this summer. Will allow 2K students to attend private summer camps for free, educator staffed opportunities etc (see slide)#BoardWatch Image
Future Commitments: @SFUSD_Supe knows there is much uncertainty. We are committed to returning PK-12 students to in-person learning by first day of 21-22 school year. Will move forward in coming months, will adhere to DPH guidelines. #BoardWatch Image
Supe: Know that we need to move forward with in-person learning. Will create an equitable and safe plan for reopening all schools by next fall. Notes there will still be options for those who prefer to remain in distance learning in the fall. #BoardWatch
Supe: know that the pandemic has had a disproportionate effect on many communities. Need to prioritize safely returning students back to in-person learning with resources for educational and social-emotional supports. These places (schools) are fully needed. #BoardWatch
Now it is time for 20 minutes (limited time) for public comment. 20 minutes for next item too. Comments must be on "summer programming and future commitments #BoardWatch
Public comment: CAC member- the timeframe of summer program for special ed (1/2 days) is not very accessible. Would be a great opportunity to partner. Also make sure job programs are also available to those who are in credit recovery or summer programs #BoardWatch
Public comment: thank you for summer program and statements from Dr. Matthews, has been by far the biggest advocate for getting students back. Has not received recognition. #BoardWatch
Public Comment: want clarification on what "in-person" means in the fall. Hybrid or 5 full days? Wonders if distance learning will happen if state waiver is not extended. #BoardWatch
Public Comment: why are you being so careful not to say "five full days" for next fall? #BoardWatch
Public comment: also worried about room for vagueness in plans for next fall. Want full return with teachers and students in the classroom. Also want DPH regulations to be communicated to schools and principals (6ft/14 student max not still the standard) #BoardWatch
Public comment: same thing about 5 full days. Many families have applied to private school b/c they don't have hope for reopening. The acceptance deadline for those is soon. #BoardWatch
Public comment: Thanks for calling on me! I've tried many times. Thank you for hard work for getting to where we are. Thank you to Supe. Need 5 full days for fall. #BoardWatch
Public comment: need aftercare for half-day summer programs. Hope there will be priority in summer together program for kids in special education. Need 5 full days in fall! #BoardWatch
Public comment: not a parent, but a coach: haven't heard anything about physical activity for students. This is important for kids too. #BoardWatch
Public comment: families in the Tenderloin want opportunities for students to play, socialize. Families have questions about safety protocols in different programs. What happens when students cross cohorts? #BoardWatch
Stress need for 5 full days in the fall for MS, HS. Is there any way to get these kids together before the end of the year, just for the social aspect? Really need it. Worried for survival of our school-it is enrollment time) #BoardWatch
Public comment: have been home for a year with a 2y old and kinder with no support. There are people who can't afford programs like pods or qualify for learning hubs. Many are in my situation. So happy about the summer program. #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you Dr. Matthews and the team for these summer programs. Summer is so important, especially this year after covid, this should include mental health given SIP for a year. Thank you community hubs, you do so much! #BoardWatch
PC: Parent of Student at Starr King. The work that you are doing w/ bringing students back w/ 5 full days. Did not like hearing not 5 full days from other commenter. It's very disappointing to hear #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you Dr. Matthews for all of your work! Echoing needing a commitment for the fall. According to the CDC, we are in yellow & we should have full return of k-12 now. If we follow the science, we could do it now, so the fall should have a full return #BoardWatch
Going into questions from commissioners #BoardWatch
@lopez4schools we will be remaining committee based on public health guidance. There's really exciting work being built on that will allow for more opening, but there is misinformation about MS & HS returning. Only certain populations in April #BoardWatch
Excited to see this movement happening. Want to make sure we are all committed and on the same page #BoardWatch
@SFUSD_Supe thank you parents for comments. Want to say at the beginning of the summer, made a plea that we are all in this together. Touched & disturbed by some of the comments. Not all me, but everyone, this is how it's been from the beginning #BoardWatch
It won't benefit us to come apart now, to come apart in the spring, or to come apart in the summer. Continue to bring back as many students in-person as we can. The battle is against Covid, not each other #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins Many staff have worked nights and weekends away from their own families. Thank you to labor partners, staff members, and people behind the scenes #BoardWatch
Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga thank you to everyone who made this happen! We are better together. So excited this came together for summer, summer is where it's at. CBO partners will be key for reaching marginalized families #BoardWatch
Some questions: 1. Have we started to evaluate learning loss? This summer alone will not be enough, interested in a 3 year plan. W/ the funding we are getting, want to maximize & utilize these one time $ for infrastructure like CTE. Push to support CTE...#BoardWatch
CTE is Career Technical Education #BoardWatch
Used formative assessment given last fall to look at learning loss. Report on districts website in terms of learning loss. Interesting gains in some areas and some losses. Prefer term learning change, because it's unfinished learning #BoardWatch
These reports are submitted to the state and created by the district. Saw positive learning change for secondary students, negative learning change at 4th and 5th grade. 2 Key Points: 1. Participation was an issue, but taken into account. 2. The admin was variable #BoardWatch
CTE: Would like to expand to more HS internships. Encourage dual enrollment in career classes in the fall #BoardWatch
Commissioner @mattalexandersf Emphasize the all in this together point. We all have the same goal to return to school 5 days a week, as normal as possible but have to take into account public health. These guidelines do not allow this yet #BoardWatch
We are all aiming for the same goals. Thank you staff for this presentation. So many were involved in this, shout out to all of this collaboration! Lots of transparency, which the public loves to hear #BoardWatch
Three questions: 1. Opportunities for all program, is that operating this summer? It will be happening this summer and anticipating supporting 3,000 students. Opportunities for all is city funded internships #BoardWatch
MUNI service has been curtailed a lot. This will be an issue coming up in April & in the fall. Have we heard anything from the city around MUNI service? #BoardWatch
Yes, it is on their radar. They need 4-5 months planning time. Told them hopeful for a full return and MUNI will be needed. @SFUSD_Supe has been telling them we need it ramped up #BoardWatch
Last question: A lot of commenters talked about ESY after care issue. Ask families to apply for those programs. Please don't turn away families w/ IEPs, because it has happened before #BoardWatch
Commissioner @KevineBoggess want to know what percentage of students will be able to access summer learning? How does that break-down by elementary, MS, HS? What % will be served by us and those served by CBO partners? #BoardWatch
Worried about gap between need & availability. Are there any thoughts about that? Typically don't have enough spots for this programing & want to know how we're accommodating in this moment #BoardWatch
Trying to do a combo of programs. Example: Excel after school programs. Trying to provide teachers in the morning & recreation staff in the afternoon to make a long day. Balancing how many staff are going to work, for the school district or for the city #BoardWatch
Delicate balance while figuring out some of those answers #BoardWatch
There have been rumors floating about building access from DCYF and issues getting access, is there truth to this? #BoardWatch
Don't know where the rumors are coming from. 15 sites will be available for community hubs, those are the only sites they asked for access to. Have been relying & continue to rely on DCYF #BoardWatch
Is 15 less than the original 18 or is has it always been 15? #BoardWatch
15 is a rounded number, it is somewhere between 15 & 20. They requested a number and we gave them access to that number #BoardWatch
There seems to be a breakdown w/ communication at times between the city & district and it's hard for families to understand especially when something doesn't happen but it's unclear who should be held accountable #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam thank you @SFUSD_Supe for your remarks & all our dedication to our goals. Really appreciate all the staff & educators. It's a privilege to work w/ you all #BoardWatch
Questions: What is the breakdown of how many more students we can serve w/ increased funding? Important w/ how students will be integrated w/ one another & build relationships again #BoardWatch
Bringing back transitional grades, when there has been funding, there is a program called Step-Up for 6th to 7th. Each school community is determining what makes the most sense for them w/ this Step-Up program #BoardWatch
This is a key area that we will be addressing #BoardWatch
CBO's will be huge, what will those potential onboarding needs be so we can support them? #BoardWatch
Early College Interns is a chance to have HS students actively engaged in work based learning while taking college class. Chance to build up number of San Franciscans working in youth development #BoardWatch
The public can sponsor a student at their place of business if they would like #BoardWatch
What can you share about the public library and rec & park? Would love to hear from curriculum & dev about what opportunities there will be at these places #BoardWatch
Rec & Park will continue on w/ usual programming but will have more people given their increased $15 million in funding. With Summer Together program, then 2,000 additional students get access to private summer camps for free #BoardWatch
Libraries: Summer Together will put 2 bags together with books to go out to students. Still working w/ DCYF to see if there are other curriculum based things that can happen. Library will reopen, still figuring out exact plans #BoardWatch
Curriculum & Instruction have long partnership w/ SFPL. This year focused on making book available through book mobile, want to transition that to the summer. Working w/ city to have books that are on summer reading list available more freely to students #BoardWatch
Exploring how to get more books in peoples hands. Maximizing every opportunity to get quality literature from the library. Continuing the conversation #BoardWatch
Shout out to librarians! SFUSD librarians and SFPL librarians! #BoardWatch
Would be great to have the book mobiles come to after school programs and have librarians help children learn how to choose books #BoardWatch
Moving onto the budget update including info from the American Recovery Plan! #BoardWatch
Here are the slides that are being presented go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board… #BoardWatch
Also my bad, it's the American Rescue Plan #BoardWatch
American Rescue Plan breakdown #BoardWatch Image
Leaning on on creating stability for students. No formal reduction targets or layoffs but looking for ways to control costs #BoardWatch Image
There are a lot of different scenarios! #BoardWatch Image
Want to try and have a balancing plan ready for December of 2021. The next two months, staff will be working hard to start to figure things out #BoardWatch
Next steps. Enrollment has gone down. October 2021 will be important, it will give us a look at our average daily attendance, LCFF is driven by this number. #BoardWatch Image
Opening up public comment to this item. 20 minutes total with a minute per person #BoardWatch
PC: Respectfully request for staff to stop using the verbiage learning change. Learning loss is named in federal law & students are experiencing. Students w/ IEPs it's exciting to see this funding, CAC wants to see what $ will go towards IEPs #BoardWatch
PC: Page 6 has unused Prop J $. What is this being used for? Concerned if it's use for something other than community schools? #BoardWatch
PC: UESF, similar to prior comment. Prop J is a replacement for Prop G and it falls into the MOU. Want to know what this shifting in $ means and it should be negotiated w/ UESF #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you commissioners. Appreciate of presentation. Thank you Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga thoughts on using this for the future. Maybe a 5 year out look? Want these fixed to be durable. Tough cuts will have to be made so please bring creativity #BoardWatch
PC: Important to recruitment is getting students back for 5 full days a week #BoardWatch
PC: W/ more funding, this provides golden opportunity to take advantage of outdoor spaces to help make school system more adaptable to any crises. Use the funding to create outdoor classrooms & programs. So many students stuck inside #BoardWatch
PC: Father of 7 year old. Thank you for presentation. Emphasize note about funding depending on LCF and enrollment. Fear private enrollment will be higher than ever. Further funding deficit for following year. Families need to know about 5 full days in the fall #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you staff. Suggest longer term view, w/ these short term funds. Longer term view will be important for sustainable future. One time funds should be used for investments but don't bank on continuing #BoardWatch
That is everyone for todays public comment #BoardWatch
Commissioner @marksanchezsf nomenclature is important. Prefers calling it teaching in crises instead of distance-learning #BoardWatch
@SFUSD_Supe working w/ finance team to figure out how to put these funds or increase funds that have been reduced. Will have info going out to sites soon, we know sites were hit hard #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam thank you team! Want to do a 5 year plan, and have it mirror the city 5 year plans. Budget & Business services will be diving into Zero Based Budgeting #BoardWatch
Where are we at with the state incentive funding? #BoardWatch
The staff is still continuing to actively look at the possibilities. Know there is a programmatic & funding benefit. Making progress, not quite there, hope to be there in a few days. There are complexities w/ space, utilities, staffing, programmatic...#BoardWatch
Hope to reach a conclusion soon #BoardWatch
Commissioner @mattalexandersf appreciate @SFUSD_Supe for your work on this funding. Hopeful for some good news for those schools #BoardWatch
Hearing confusion about if there are cuts to schools. Discussion of a document that showed comparison to school budgets each year. People will be able to access this on board docs once it is available #BoardWatch
Clarification on Prop J Funds: Complicated issue, Prop G when it was passed in June 2018, there were a series of conversations that had to do w/ $50 million spending plan. Most of those for compensation enhancement for labor partners. Not entirety of spending plan...#BoardWatch
Prop J is a slightly smaller spending plan. Do have MOUs that were previously reached w/ labor partners, guided & look to those. There is a segment of Prop J spending that has to be sorted out, frankly, which didn't happen when the litigation for Prop G happened...#BoardWatch
That is it as a broad level. Might be easier to show some facts & figures at future Budget & Business Services meeting #BoardWatch
VP @AliMCollins It's helpful to see where cuts happen for site based budgeting. Some of this w/ decreased enrollment, but many reasons people aren't enrolling. Immigration is a factor & more impactful at some schools...#BoardWatch
Where can we have this conversation about how enrollment affects site budget cuts? Want us to be intentional w/ enrolling schools, maybe having space for when people come back? Where does this conversation make sense? #BoardWatch
Maybe start at budget committee meeting and then at a traditional board meeting? #BoardWatch
EPC and budget team work together very closely. There is cross departmental collaboration #BoardWatch
Did reflect, in allocations that went out in Feb, intentional steps to keep stability that would usually happen due to site enrollment. For the cases when they could provide stability, those steps were taken #BoardWatch
Moving onto athletics update! #BoardWatch
Here are the slides that are being presented go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board… #BoardWatch
Following guidance from the SF Dept of Health which is built off of the California Dept of Health #BoardWatch
No indoor sports will be offered and no middle school sports will be offered due to unavailability of playing fields #BoardWatch Image
There will be no play off or championships to try and get everyone as much play time as possible #BoardWatch
One participant can only participate in one sports program, so be on one team, in any three week period. Teams are limited to no more than 25 team members and locker rooms are only for using as a restroom #BoardWatch Image
Proposed sports & schools. If you choose to be on a practice, then you are on team and applies to the one team rule. Not all sports are offered at all schools. If students attends a HS not listed, you can figure out where you are eligible to play #BoardWatch Image
PC: Regards about number of player per team, would this affect spring football. Understand specific days are for certain practices, is there a schedule made? #BoardWatch
PC: Practices start in less than a month, it can take some families some time to get physical forms in place, will there be leniency for this? #BoardWatch
PC: Parent of Senior & Sophomore. Thank you for making the effort to get this moving. If you wanted to have championships you could have non-winner brackets. Heard earlier conversations & would love to see efforts for the arts too #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you for this. Street soccer has started outside & it's been a huge joy. One struggles is finding space & competing w/ civic centers. Private schools have first dibs at rec & park space, can we shift some of those back to public schools?...#BoardWatch
Cont Comment: People of Color have been told there is not space for them when private schools are using it and that's not okay. Thank you for the fairly equitable distribution across schools #BoardWatch
PC: Robotics has not been able to meet since the pandemic, can do it safely and outside. Please consider to let other teams and activities access as we move forward #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you for pushing for a season. Why can't we start sooner? I'm ready to go. SF DPH allows to play w/ local counties, why can't we play with others? Other commenter had great suggestion about how to keep play offs #BoardWatch
PC: Hurt by the news of football being cancelled. Put a lot of time & effort in since summer up until this month. It hurts to see other public schools in CA, and private schools, and that they cannot take part. Sees kids at Sacred Heart & they can play...#BoardWatch
Cont Comment: Wants to play their sport and show they have improved #BoardWatch
PC: Such great news, thank you for figuring this out. Please also include clubs. One sport saw missing was boys volley ball, tough because indoor. 2nd year they won't have a season, very few sports missing two seasons on your list. Appreciative and thank you #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you so much for this update & for bringing sports to our students. It looks like in SF, targeted to go into the orange tier, if we get into yellow in early April, can football, volley ball or basketball open up? #BoardWatch
PC: Middle School Teacher. Excited to see this. MS kids are in this in between space & we have to do something. There is some outdoor space, thinking of short things that could be made happen. Really want to get some kids playing some games #BoardWatch
PC: Basketball Coach & PE Teacher. Great to have this plan in place. Would love to see indoor sports as tiers get better. Have data that support having indoor sports take place. Happy to see the outdoor but would love to see indoor too #BoardWatch
We are logging off but here is the link to the current meeting via Zoom. Thank you all for joining! sfusd.zoom.us/j/85355164780?… #BoardWatch

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More from @PPSSFBoardWatch

23 Mar
Hi all, Jessi from the PPS-SF team starting off our live-tweeting. The meeting has not started but once it does, we will get the tweets going #BoardWatch
Reminder "The Q&A feature is to assist our Deaf and Hard of Hearing participants. Other questions and comments will not be answered. Thank you." #BoardWatch Image
Spanish and Chinese information. Shout-out to translators who keep these meetings accessible! #BoardWatch Image
Read 201 tweets
9 Mar
Joining the SFUSD Board of Education regular meeting. Here is login information and a link to the agenda: go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board…
The meeting has just been called to order by @lopez4schools. This is Miranda from PPS-SF starting off the live-tweet tonight. No snacks or photo, I'm drenched from my pre-boardwatch walk. The rain has arrived! #BoardWatch
Superintendent's report: This week marks the beginning of the trial of George Floyd. Anti-blackness is deeply rooted in our country. Conspiracy theories scapegoat Asian Americans. Must stand together against violence against our Asian brothers and sisters. #BoardWatch
Read 199 tweets
8 Mar
Superintendent and President Lopez are logged on, but the press conference has yet to begin... #BoardWatch
VP Collins is also in attendance, starting now! Almost 200 people are in attendance via FB live. #BoardWatch
Friday evening an agreement was reached - same language being used so far as in the announcement on Friday #BoardWatch
Read 28 tweets
3 Mar
Chief Mele Lau-Smith: current california DPH says "under no circumstances should distance between desks be less than 4 feet" SFDPH says 6ft from teachers desk and 6ft b/w student desks as possible. #BoardWatch
This 6ft is also in the agreement with labor partners, would have to go back to the table to change that says @marksanchezsf Counsel Houck says current health and safety guidelines will control (with some exceptions set out in agreement). Have to comply with most restrictive.
Commissioner @KevineBoggess wants to know how this information is being communicated with families. Shouldn't rely on-site leaders. Dept Supe @gbschooly says there are orientation materials for families, include video content. Orientation will be mandatory. #BoardWatch
Read 112 tweets
23 Feb
Hi all! It's Jessi again who will start off tweeting at today's special meeting. You can find the agenda here go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board… No snacks today since I ate a large lunch, what are your go-to board meeting snacks? #BoardWatch
Waiting on a few more board members but getting the translation and ASL information out now #BoardWatch
Here is the information for ASL translations and how to make comments at public comment #BoardWatch
Read 338 tweets
9 Feb
Welcome to #BoardWatch everyone! Here's todays agenda go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board…. Also a reminder that PPS-SF has a facebook & instagram that I also run. Give us a follow if you feel so inclined #BoardWatch
Also pictured are todays snack of choice, Berkeley Bowl's cherry gummies #BoardWatch
Translation information for the meeting #BoardWatch
Read 190 tweets

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