Get ready! SFUSD Board of Education Regular meeting is starting! Interpretation announcement. #BoardWatch
You can see our preview here (includes links to presentations)… #BoardWatch
Superintendents report: two schools announced as California Distinguished Schools: Roosevelt MS and Lowell HS #BoardWatch
Supe report: school start times are changing! There will be only 3 start times and length of school day will be standardized. All schools will have an early release day.… #BoardWatch
This will allow compliance with new state law, more consistency between schools, more common planning time for teachers, and will save $3M in transportation costs. #BoardWatch
Supe's report: Seniors will have in person graduation! June 1-June 3 4,000 HS seniors will graduate in person. See schedules here:… #BoardWatch
Supe's report: no school on Memorial day! #BoardWatch
Supe's report: another great video highlighting one of the recipients of the Superintendent's 21st Century Award: Irina Tamayo from John O'Connell HS.… #BoardWatch
Student Delegate report: Delegate Correa Almanza: happy to announce new student delegate (I missed the name, will try to find!), also report on Ethnic Studies group. Delegate Hines-Foster: report on elections for SAC officers. #BoardWatch
Also, Happy Birthday to Student Delegate Shavonne Hines-Foster! 🌈🎈
Now is the time when various groups present scholarship awards to students. In pre-pandemic times the boardroom would be packed with students receiving these awards and having photos taken. Congrats to all of the students receiving these awards and honors! #BoardWatch
Now onto RAVE awards: Cynthia Vaughn, Teacher at Rooftop Alternative school. Quotes: "she shines nothing but love," "she loves and cares for every student at Rooftop," "she is the Mary Poppins of teachers" and has "18 character voices when she reads to her class." #BoardWatch
Ms. Vaughn thanks her family, her mom and sisters (who are all teachers). This year has taught us all of us are teachers. Thanks to teachers everywhere who are "sheroes, heroes, and theyroes." #BoardWatch
RAVE Distinguished service awards to Kashina Turner Pierce, Stephen Kesel, Christina Mei-Yue Wong, and Raquel Wells, Student and Family Resource Team #BoardWatch
This team helped make the Family Resource Link a reality this year and have responded to over 50K tickets this year.… #BoardWatch
"The key to our success has been the amazing staff of link staff agents" who have come from almost every department in the district. There has been a satisfaction rate of over 90% #BoardWatch
"Thank you for acknowledging our work, we could not do this without our schools or school communities" About the family link #BoardWatch
We are moving into section C, advisory committee reports and appointments and first we are hearing from the PAC, the Parent Advisory Council #BoardWatch
PAC acknowledges that May is API Month and that there should be curriculum to reflect as many people as possible. Thank you to central office for providing much needed help at school sites #BoardWatch
At the May PAC meeting, PAC was joined by @lopez4schools where they talked about the importance of closing the digital divide, returning to in-person learning, among other things #BoardWatch
PAC priorities for the 2021-2022 year
1. Communication
2. Learning during a pandemic. At May meeting discussed what was going well during return to learning & what was not going well.
3. Need for full time counselors, school social workers, and nurses at all schools #BoardWatch
Another PAC priority is doing everything through the lens of equity so that students of color feel safe while going to school, during school, while getting home, and while at home. One year ago on today or yesterday was the death of George Floyd. #BoardWatch
The PAC continues to support the collaboration of various parent advisory groups. The student assessment committee looks at how communication happens between families and schools. The final meeting was canceled, looking forward to sharing recommendations in the next weeks
Great feedback from the Chinese Parent Advisory Council and working with decreasing the distance #BoardWatch
PAC is looking for more parents to serve on the PAC if anyone is interested. Trying to understand barriers to joining PAC and how to break down those barriers. Received a lot of interest but only a handful of applications, think it is due to lack of parent bandwidth #BoardWatch
PAC also thinks parents may be nervous because of what has happened at past BOE meetings. There will be some strong candidates coming up at the June 7th BOE meeting #BoardWatch
Next and final PAC meeting, of the school year, is Thursday June 3rd. If interested go to www.sfusd/PAC to get more information. All meetings are open to the public, translation & interpretation can be provided with advanced notice #BoardWatch
Opening up to public comment about PAC #BoardWatch
There are three hands up, each person gets two minutes #BoardWatch
PC: Glad there is the PAC, very important to have parent input. But wants to know the qualifications for the PAC, would like qualifications for views on the SFUSD website or the Superintendent website #BoardWatch
PC: English Learner Advisory Council Chair. Trying to do outreach, need more parents involved. Tried to do recruitment through CBOs. Requested the district provide family liaison information. Had to connect with 3 different people to get the same answer, which was no #BoardWatch
Cont Previous Comment: How do we want more families to be involved and engaged but the district does not help? Commissioner Collins and Lopez was able to provide that information so thank you. If we want involvement then let's be more open to them #BoardWatch
PC: Follow up on comment broached earlier about recruiting parents to be involved in PAC. Asked a question some time ago about why it is necessary for a candidate to be publicly vetted & why the board has to approve them, seems like a conflict of interest #BoardWatch
PC: Applaud the PAC, especially applaud the APAC and the ethnic groups, seen them work effectively. Thank you! #BoardWatch
Now we will hear from board, student delegates, and superintendent comments #BoardWatch
Commissioner @AliMCollins: Thank you specifically to Naomi and Michelle. It is hard work and you are not paid. You have brought up the idea of every school getting what it needs and we echo that on the board. Connecting with CBOs is similar to Community Schools #BoardWatch
Would love to continue the conversation about Community Schools and if we are all asking for the same things, it will be even easier to get it funded. Commissioner Collins worked with other commissioners to get police out of SFUSD schools....#BoardWatch
Cont: Deeply appreciate you talking about coming back to school safely; physically and emotionally for all of us. Commissioner Collins appreciates this report and would love to partner going forward #BoardWatch
Moving onto Item 2 for the report on the LCAP #BoardWatch
Here are the slides that are being presented… #BoardWatch
SFUSD has faced two pandemics this year: COVID and racism. Many people worked tirelessly outside of their roles to make this year happen, thank you to all partners in this work #BoardWatch
Report is made without being able to view the next LCAP #BoardWatch
Some celebrations & successes from this year. Some particular successes are CBO partnerships, distanced learning allowing for accessibility, access to healthy food, and the student and family resource link #BoardWatch
Some findings raised last year have remained unsolved. There is lack of adequate supports for English Language Learners #BoardWatch
Some findings show that families want a FULL return to in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year for all grades. Social emotional health is incredibly important, & high school students in foster care must be able to access distance learning at their origin school #BoardWatch
Some recommendations #BoardWatch
More recommendations to support parent engagement at the school site level #BoardWatch
More recommendations based on other schools in urban areas in California #BoardWatch
Some concerns and questions; what is the districts plan to retain the roughly 4,900 African American students in SFUSD? There was not a formal response from the BOE for the last report, there is now an ask for a formal response #BoardWatch
Everyone was wearing blue in honor of National Foster Care month. Let's support foster care students and foster care families #BoardWatch
Two slides were not shown, they can be found here at board docs… #BoardWatch
Public comment about LCAP report #BoardWatch
PC: Hope more families get involved with foster care, there seem to be a lot of great resources #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you to the different parent advisory committees. Special ed teacher, really liked the slide about the usefulness of some of the assessments. Concerned about how useful some assessments are, parents & educators should focus in. Dyslexia is overlooked #BoardWatch
PC: The budget affects Lowell HS and all schools and families. Would like more transparency about LCAP. This group is not sharing how the money is allocated for next school year and it should #BoardWatch
PC: Thank you to all parents groups who contributed to this and supports you all. Wanted to note, a bit confused about LCAP. Where is the draft LCAP for the community to respond to? By law, public input is required, how will there be input by the end of June? #BoardWatch
PC: Teacher at Washington HS. Please listen about better reading intervention & curriculum at lower levels. Do not want students in HS to be reading below their level. When interventions happen early, they are the most effective. We need to do better for Foster Youth #BoardWatch
PC: Reading is a big issue for African American, Latinx, and Pacific Islander students. These issues should be brought forth if they are there. Big list of concerns from the AAPAC that the Board & District should listen to #BoardWatch
PC: Echo what was just said. Hope & dream that balanced *something we missed* is removed. Until that happens, there is general education, RTI, and IEP with different levels. Bring back phoenix & other ways to educate all students #BoardWatch
Cont PC: We need to know what is going to happen with learning recovery for students with IEPs. Thank you to all involved with this report, grateful for your work #BoardWatch
PC: Holistic view of parent direction with the budget, this feedback is really helpful but the LCAP itself is where you run into issues. LCAP is only for LCFF funds so a lot of these things will be addressed by other funding sources. Continued below...#BoardWatch
Cont Comment: LCFF is really messy and where all the messy stuff goes. These parent groups not being able to see the actual LCAP is a missed opportunity #BoardWatch
PC: Parent & Teacher. Excited about everyone speaking about literacy development in younger grades. A change needs to come from parent & educator voices, this is happening in Oakland & other districts. As educators we have to really listen & explain to parents #BoardWatch
PC: Calling about lack of meaningful opportunity for parent input & participation. Listening to BOE meetings since last July. Comes up all the time, troubling that the district fails to obtain proper parent & public input. Parent groups did not even see the draft #BoardWatch
PC: If the draft is not available to parents then there are a lot of unknowns. If the BOE was so excited discussing backpacks for a million dollars, please listen to these parents. They have given a nice laundry list to you #BoardWatch
PC: About school renaming, there were public meetings starting last August. As a parent, could email the school names advisory committee & was able to give comment. Important not to put out false narratives, so many are being put out there, please don't promote them #BoardWatch
Laticia from AAPAC wanted to remind that just because there isn't a draft does not mean that these findings are not important, keep that in mind #BoardWatch
Michelle from PAC said there were a lot of timeline changes. There is still digital divide, volunteers in these parent advisory groups need the right equipment. For interpretation services, you need 2 devices & not everyone has that #BoardWatch
Individual voiced that not having a draft has made things difficult. Proud of the work done in absence of it #BoardWatch
Student Delegate Correra Almanza: Thank you to parents who did this work, this should not go unnoticed #BoardWatch
Commissioner @KevineBoggess as a district can we get a response for last years report. We need to figure out how we as a school district to get more authentic feedback for the LCAP #BoardWatch
The typical process is:
1. There is the presentation here
2. There will be a response at the CAL meeting on the 15th
There is a disconnect with us and the state. Typically the first draft is shared at the first BOE meeting in June. Required by the state to respond to these recommendations and this response will happen at the CAL meetings on June 15th...#BoardWatch
Have heard in the past how this process is frustrating and the district echoes this. Hopefully with zero based budgeting this will get easier. It is a 3 year LCAP but should be able to adjust in the year to year #BoardWatch
Last spring the state shifted gears and there was not a submitted LCAP because of COVID. There was a different plan established. Last time there was a formal LCAP process was a couple years ago, they will look for it #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam for the next budget & business services meeting they will get into how do we tackle long standing things that we want to be improved #BoardWatch
Thank you so much to all of the parent committees, we want to ensure this does not get pushed aside #BoardWatch
Commissioner @AliMCollins thank you to parents and volunteers for all of their work. We can still do better to represent more families especially if English is not their first language. Thank you Commissioner @KevineBoggess for your comments #BoardWatch
Heading into item 3 which is heading into appointment of members to the Child Care Planning and Advisory Council (CPAC) #BoardWatch
To hear about the background of CPAC, head to board docs here for the exact thing being read right now… #BoardWatch
Three people are up to appointment, first we are going into public comment about these appointments #BoardWatch
PC: Excited to see all of these applications, they seem very qualified. Encourage to see that the board is considering these people and hope they follow the policy where they nominate individuals. Do not want this policy to be skipped #BoardWatch
This ends public comment #BoardWatch
Latoya Pitcher was wearing their parent hat and says thank you for taking this seriously #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam thank you candidates for wanting to serve. Really looking at the opportunities to address long standing inequities that 0-5 students are facing #BoardWatch
Commissioner @KevineBoggess are any of these candidates SF residents and is that something we look for? Answer: Yes they are all SF residents #BoardWatch
Role Call Vote: All commissioners and student delegates vote yes #BoardWatch
We are now getting into Section C Item 4, the last item for this section: appointment of members to the Independent Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) #BoardWatch
If you want the full CBOC back story, go here… #BoardWatch
PC: Voicing concern about the person recommending people is the one funding this committee. Huge conflict of interest, that is all #BoardWatch
PC: Echo the prior speaker. Having the fox choose the guards is not good. Don't know how Rothman can fit into this. There are good people here but also looks like a square peg in a round hole #BoardWatch
PC: Echo what the last two people said. Big conflict of interest, especially not into Richard Rothman. And that is three out of three comments concerned by this person #BoardWatch
Hearing from commissioners and student delegates #BoardWatch
Commissioner @AliMCollins: Appreciate the word done by the Superintendent and staff, especially with making this process clear. Some great questions are being raised and we should make these processes public and transparent for the public to understand #BoardWatch
Vote on the CBOC:
Six for Yes.
Two for No.
Moving onto section D with the Return to In-Person Update. Here is the link to the presentation… #BoardWatch
We will be looking at the spring status and then plans for Fall 2021 #BoardWatch
We are at the lowest cases in the entire time of the pandemic! We are in the yellow tier and we have been there for almost three weeks #BoardWatch
With the decline in cases, the department of health continues to update their guidance #BoardWatch
The SFUSD Covid19 dashboard is updated daily. There have been only 27 in-person cases and none have been linked to in-person learning #BoardWatch
Lots of great vaccine information on the SFUSD website about where and when to get vaccinated #BoardWatch
The guidance from state and local agencies have given key information. As more things open up in June, need state officials to expedite information to make decisions for the fall #BoardWatch
Currently preparing for a full return in the fall for five days a week, basically what was happening in January of 2020 #BoardWatch
Board and staff are committed to full return: that means pre-pandemic conditions says @SFUSD_Supe #BoardWatch
This is what you can expect to see in the fall #BoardWatch
There will also be new start times for Fall 2021 #BoardWatch
Beginning next year all schools will start at one of 3 times. Older students will start school later. There will be early release once a week at each school. See the details here including specific school start times… #BoardWatch
Some work still in progress: facilities work, considering limited remote access, making sure everyone has access to vaccines, and providing multi-lingual accessible information to families. #BoardWatch
What can you do? Get vaccinated! Contact state legislators and call on them to develop and release guidelines now! Let's work together and support each other #BoardWatch
Superintendent: If we are going to do what we need to do, will need to work together. One way to help each other is to get vaccinated. Please support efforts to increase vaccination rates in SF. Had vax site at Willie Brown on Saturday for students, and many families got too!
SFUSD will be working with as many orgs, groups, and people as they can to get people vaccinated. Need to work together #BoardWatch
Superintendent: Doesn't benefit anybody if we work against each other. Some have heard that message and some haven't. Also encourage state legislators to release guidelines now. They will help us plan. Moving forward to full return on Aug 16. #BoardWatch
Public comment: wonder why there is not a facilities plan for Ruth Asawa SOTA and the Academy. Need to know the school is OK, cannot lose another year. Please tell me there are concrete plans to have the facility open. #BoardWatch
Public comment: Also concerned about Ruth Asawa, need more information about filters. Also concerned about the art block being impacted by new school schedule #BoardWatch
PC: parent at Jefferson says they received an innovation award to put in a pop-up classroom. Also partnering another school to also have a pop-up classroom and use the outdoors. Provides benefits to students and teachers alike. Mental health benefits #BoardWatch
PC: teacher at Vis Valley MS asks for district to rescind the changes to start times. Communities have worked together to make start times work for us. No outreach to our families. Concerned about loss of learning for athletes and impact on after-school programs. #BoardWatch
PC: thank you for making this commitment now, it is very important. Still will be a lot of picking up the pieces, please keep it going. There has been much harm to students this past year, want to work together to do the best we can for them. #BoardWatch
PC: concerned about shift in start time right after the pandemic. Will it be safe for students that have to go home after dark? What about teachers who will now need to leave right after school. #BoardWatch
PC: work at Wash HS, would like school sites to be given autonomy to set own bell schedules. June 3rd date seems very rushed. Hope board considering the effect on students in Special Education department #BoardWatch
PC: see benefit of start times but there is a need for input about decisions like this. Will affect our family, also I teach transition-age kids, not on this list at all. Once again our group is forgotten about, represent at least 200 students. #BoardWatch
PC: staff member at MLK MS agrees with rationale around change in start times, but lack of planning and collaboration with the people on the ground (students, families, teachers etc) is a problem. Can't problem solve all the potential impacts. #BoardWatch
PC: wondering how MS and HS students will get to school when Muni is running at such reduced service.
Announcement today that some lines might not even return. Hope discussions have been happening in private b/c haven't heard in public. #BoardWatch
PC: Start times are rushed, hope you give more thought to it. Also thanking Dr. Matthews for staying for another year. He is a do-er, not just a talker. Hope you stay longer than one year. #BoardWatch
PC: parent at Sunnyside surprised to learn start time is being changed from 8:40 to 9:30. Many people chose school based on the start time. Why change? #BoardWatch
PC: should consult with community if changing start time from 8:40 to 7:50. Why were families completely and entirely left out of this process? Where was the outreach, input, voices? Not at the table. #BoardWatch
PC: Staff member at Moscone concerned b/c many parents need to be at work by 8AM. Feel very disappointed that we were not engaged in the conversation. #BoardWatch
PC: Parent at sunnyside concerned that not given an opportunity to make the choice about attending school based on start time. Before care even more important. Son needs to go to therapies after school - new schedule d/n work. #BoardWatch
PC: wonder if will be matching NY and LA with absolutely no remote learning in the fall. In presentation says a little bit of remote learning, but that should already be written into IEPs if medically fragile, not for the general public. Also no "Zoom in a room" #BoardWatch
PC: teachers in the district have a child in the district starting Kinder. Choose schools based on start times. We all just heard about it today. We are going to lose staff. There was no info about this possibility when we applied for schools. #BoardWatch
PC: Susan Soloman from UESF wants to assure that they are committed to bargaining for full fall reopening and that process starts next week. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Sanchez asking Superintendent Matthews to address concerns about changes to start time. He asks Orla O'Keefe to share info. O'Keefe: intentionally used a process that was about "informing" as opposed to "collaborating." Worked with lead and researchers. #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: relied on guiding principles. Tried to minimize change to elementary, and align all MS and HSs with each other. Allows for common planning time between different schools at the same level. #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: the reason for 3 start times was thinking that 9:30 was the latest that school should start, then backwards mapped 50 minutes to allow for 1 bus to serve each of 3 start times. Also wanted to make sure co-located PK programs started at the same time. #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: there are 15 schools that are experiencing a 1 hour or more change. Most are MS and PreK SDC, and K-8 schools. #BoardWatch
Recognized doing this in the middle of a pandemic, seemed unwise to try to survey families about start times in the fall, wanted to make sure we could open up with start times that were coherent and offered equity in terms of educational time. Want to reopen better. #BoardWatch
Sanchez: where are we at in discussions with Muni? O'Keefe: they have been very collaborative and cooperative and working to support the fall reopening. Willing to put "trippers" back on - these are extra busses at the end of school day. #BoardWatch
Student Delegate Hines-Foster: Noticed today when I went back to school (yay!) that the 23 was shut down. Concerned this might be an issue in the fall. 23 is a major bus route for Lowell. #BoardWatch
Hines-Foster: are there ideal end-times as well as start times? O'Keefe: there are standard end times. All posted on the web (…) #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: High Schools will have flexibility with the length of the school day and early release schedules. They are building master schedules now. Start times will be aligned. #BoardWatch
Hines-Foster: can decisions be delayed? O'Keefe: need to change MS start times and that impacts the system. . Why now? 1) it will always be hard, but easier when returning after pandemic b/c lives are less organized. #BoardWatch
Hines-Foster: question around graduation- have a friend who has parents that are deaf and hard of hearing. There was no ability to guarantee sign language or close captioning. Want to make sure there is a plan for students who have parents who are deaf. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Boggess: what was the benefit of not including sites in the planning process with respect to the start times? O'Keefe: very complex mathematically, worked with researchers to come up with recommendations then shared with sites for feedback. #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: have been working with LEAD team since last January to understand most important guiding principles. E.g.: wanted HS to start as close to the 8:30 requirement as possible because know that students work etc. #BoardWatch
Superintendent: currently have 19 start times. This is a big part of why decision to work directly with LEAD. We know that though some people would like the change, that some people would not be pleased. Trying to do what is in the best interest of the district. #BoardWatch
Boggess: how are we helping families adapt? O'Keefe: only one Elementary school is experiencing a swing of more than 15 (50?) minutes. Families can apply to change to a different site if needed. #BoardWatch
Boggess: has questions about where we are with labor agreements. Will it be new agreements, or do we go back to previous agreements? Counsel Houck: update on labor agreements in closed session tonight. Will meet and confer about any changes in working conditions. #BoardWatch
Boggess asks about prep of facilities, hopes information can be shared. Chief Kamalanathan says she is willing to share video updates, ventilation is less exciting on video. #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: have employed several electrical contractors to assess and identify ventilation needs. At next board meeting will see a number of contracts, one will be a logistics coordinator to help get all the furniture back in place, monitor replacement of filters. #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: will see a contract next meeting for Ruth Asawa school of the arts. Have already plugged in many portable air cleaners last Thursday at this site to conduct a test. Good news is also have completed window inventory. #BoardWatch
170 classrooms without operable windows. 65 at McAteer campus and the rest spread across multiple sites. VVMS also needed a fair number of air cleaners. Hope that once we have a few more days of data can report back to the broader community at McAteer campus #BoardWatch
Kamalanathan: predict that in the Fall there will be many fewer requirements which will make the lift easier. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Lam: the more we can articulate and demonstrate about facilities the better for families. Acknowledge the work that has gone into bell schedules. Given that there will be shifts, have CBO partners been engaged or aware of what this will look like so they can support?
Chief Lau-Smith: have started communicating with CBOs, know it is important. Lam: wants to stress how key our community partners will be in ensuring success of educators and families as we adjust #BoardWatch
Commissioner Alexander: hadn't heard about the bell schedule shift before looking at the agenda, cant find flaw in rationale, but concern about process, trust. Heard from principal today that they were out of the loop. When were principals involved in the process? #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: process started in sept 2020 when board passed a resolution to align start times. Presented an update in March at Buildings and Grounds. #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: Re principals have been working with LEAD since January, school-specific times have been shared for past 2-3 weeks, before was more conceptual. Alexander: Are you sure? Hear this a lot, that maybe Lead has the information but doesn't get to principals. #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: trying to be respectful of people's time, being transparent and consistent with the process, and not doing it in a way that empowered voices move the process away from keeping equity at the center. #BoardWatch
Alexander feels this type of decison-making is a problem. Might feel like you are taking burden off of principals, but they are the ones who have to figure out how it works and explain it to parents. #BoardWatch
Alexander also wants to make it clear that this is a staff decision. The board is not voting. Don't have a critique with the policy/process but do have a concern about not bringing more people into the process #BoardWatch
Now is time for general public comment. Heads up: we will not be tweeting every comment! #BoardWatch
A teacher at Wash HS is concerned that locks have not been updated to protect in case of a school shooting. Can only lock from the outside now #BoardWatch
PC: Question: has the board thought about evaluating existing ed-tech contracts as we return to in-person learning #BoardWatch
PC: if allow for some distance learning, can it be a different division within the district? #BoardWatch
PC: secretary at Alamo, districts across the state have paid bonuses to staff for incredible stress we have been through. Appreciate your support. #BoardWatch
PC: RSP at Sutro Elementary. F&P used by district, costs like 50K. It is not part of common core recommendations. Texts chosen are a mystery. #BoardWatch
PC: SEIU has gone for months with no agreement reached on safety measures. Pandemic is not yet over. These are the front-line workers keeping the lights on. Want to make sure they get compensation for the risks and the stress they have endured #BoardWatch
PC: think it is important that all special educators get trained in CPR each year. Also, safety care training is available and important, but hard now to know when they are available and schedule staff to all get trained. #BoardWatch
Public comment over, consent calendar now #BoardWatch
Consent calendar approved- now on to expanded learning opportunity grant plan. Hope to get proposal approved for submission to state next week. #BoardWatch
Here is the timeline #BoardWatch
Here is a summary of funding sources and approved uses of funds. The plan being proposed focuses on state funds #BoardWatch
Determined priorities based on prior stakeholder feedback #BoardWatch
Listened to feedback from last board presentation- this represents how feedback was incorporated (blue section) #BoardWatch
The plan has a strong focus on literacy. Foe secondary students focus is on college and career access #BoardWatch
Robust and expanded summer school offerings in addition to more one in one tutoring in fall and continuing the Family Language Line and Partnership Academy trainings #BoardWatch
Expand coordinated care teams, use home visits, leverage out of school time for enrichment and targeted tutoring #BoardWatch
Some measures have been proposed (red section). Not required by plan. Supports continuous improvement #BoardWatch
Here is detail of proposed expenditures #BoardWatch
Next steps #BoardWatch
Public comment: tier 2 literacy interventions are not up to par. This is an opportunity to ask for more rigorous standards. #BoardWatch
PC: know there are plans in place to shift timelines but feels odd that advisories did not have ability to collaborate on this. #BoardWatch
PC: this is one of many plans being developed, feels like everything is siloed, but funding is interrelated. Would be beneficial to break down silos and see where funding streams are complimentary #BoardWatch
VP Moliga: some of the issue with mental health will be around hiring staff and getting supports in place. One issue is credential if. Is there room for this in funding? For teachers and social workers. #BoardWatch
Moliga: also wonder about a school loan relief fund for educators #BoardWatch
Deputy Supe Ford Morthel and deputy supe Leigh note this is not in the plan but good food for thought #BoardWatch
Commissioner Lam wonders if there are supports for math in this? A: primarily literacy, but trying to be data informed. As we assess if we see need will shift focus. #BoardWatch
Lam: what will measures of success be for college and career readiness? A: have a system to track “off track” early, need to also track how many are accessing programs, grade increases and college access and graduation #BoardWatch
Lam: what do you propose as cadence for reporting back to public on progress? A: hadn’t thought about that, but propose every other month says Ford Morthel (but not on every measure) #BoardWatch
Budget Director Gordon likes idea of updates, but should not readopt plan every two months. #BoardWatch
Gordon: recognize not ideal timing of bringing this plan with stakeholder feedback timeline. One thing we did in preparation of this plan was reflect many recommendations that advisories have brought forth over past several years. (Editorial note: thank you!!) #BoardWatch
Vote = unanimous approval #BoardWatch
Now introducing items for first reading-no votes in these tonight-will go to committee first: includes PEEF expenditure plan and policies on items including (but not limited to) vaccinations, sexual harassment, student adult boundaries, wellness policy #BoardWatch
Rules committee Mon June 7= all board policies. PEEF expenditure plan to next Budget committee meeting June 2, and Committee of the Whole “COW” June 15 #BoardWatch
Signing off for tonight, thanks for following along! Off to stare at the super flower blood moon #BoardWatch
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More from @PPSSFBoardWatch

12 May
We are popping into the SFUSD Board of Education Budget and Business Services meeting. We missed the presentation and public comment on the PEEF presentation.… Joining as commissioner remarks begin. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Sanchez is concerned about funds being shifted around from one line-item to another. Edwin Diaz who is PEEF director shares info about the process. #Boardwatch
Working to incorporate regular updates on where the district is in terms of funding, but have not regularly shared info on use of fund balance. Isn't because we don't want to, just have not built that into the update process. Plan is to incorporate this moving forward #BoardWatch
Read 33 tweets
11 May
Hi there, joining the SFUSD Board of Education meeting. Superintendent report now. Highlighting one recipient of the Superintendent's award each week. A really nice video was shared, look forward to seeing each of this year's winners in upcoming videos! #BoardWatch Image
We won't be live-tweeting the whole meeting tonight, but will bring you some updates as they happen. #BoardWatch
Reminder from Student Advisory Council! Students can vote for student delegates until 12PM tomorrow.… (only students can access this) #BoardWatch @SFUSD_SAC
Read 69 tweets
21 Apr
Joining back in to bring you a bit of the presentation on return to school. Reiteration that there will be in-person graduation for HS, MS will not have in person promotion for 8th graders #BoardWatch
SFUSD is still looking into adding a secondary grade for in person this spring, but waiting until late April after current waves go back. #BoardWatch
Here is some data about assignment for return to in-person learning. Some groups had lower response rates and lower interest in returning (Asian and Homeless population especially). Less than 1/3 of those who have had limited engagement returning. #BoardWatch
Read 70 tweets
20 Apr
We are joining the Board of Education meeting for a very small portion of the regular meeting today. The Board is currently considering the nomination of a new Vice President #BoardWatch
There is a back and forth as to whether to vote on a new VP now or wait to allow more time for the public to weigh in. A motion to postpone the vote fails. @FaauugaMoliga is the VP nominee. #BoardWatch
Vote is 6-1 for Moliga as new VP—@AliMCollins is no vote. #BoardWatch
Read 19 tweets
23 Mar
Hi all, Jessi from the PPS-SF team starting off our live-tweeting. The meeting has not started but once it does, we will get the tweets going #BoardWatch
Reminder "The Q&A feature is to assist our Deaf and Hard of Hearing participants. Other questions and comments will not be answered. Thank you." #BoardWatch
Spanish and Chinese information. Shout-out to translators who keep these meetings accessible! #BoardWatch
Read 205 tweets
16 Mar
Hello! the SFUSD Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting is starting! Here is our overview with links to presentations… #BoardWatch Image
Some of the topics today are on the agenda in response to questions that have come up at past meetings (e.g. sports, summer programs) say V.P. @AliMCollins #BoardWatch
First up: contract with Color Lab to provide asymptomatic Covid testing to staff and students. There will be a report from Chief Mele Lau-Smith #BoardWatch
Read 150 tweets

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