It’s follows a ruling from Jerusalem’s District Court and is set to the Supreme Court, which is why the protests started… 1/x
@BobtheGoon5@davenewworld_2 The title to the land never belonged to the Palestinian Arabs currently residing on the property.
The properties at issue were sequestered under the Jordanian Custodian of Enemy Property in ‘49, following Israel independence and the subsequent war. 2/x
@BobtheGoon5@davenewworld_2 After the Six-Day War in 1967 (ending Jordanian occupation) the Knesset (Israeli parliament) passed a law that allowed any person of any ethnicity to have his or her property rights vindicated. 3/x
@BobtheGoon5@davenewworld_2 Property was returned to the owners via the Israeli Administrator General and Official Receiver.
The land in question here was sequestered land that eventually was returned to its lawful Jewish owners following an end to Jordanian occupation. 4/x
@BobtheGoon5@davenewworld_2 The irony here is, had the Jordanians granted title of the land to Palestinian Arabs (rather than sequestering it), the Israelis would have respected the title. 5/x
@BobtheGoon5@davenewworld_2 The reason the holdover tenants in Sheikh Jarrah lack ownership today is not because the state of Israel has denied the Palestinian Arabs any rights they acquired, but… 6/x
@BobtheGoon5@davenewworld_2 …because the government of Jordan declined to give the Palestinian Arabs title to the land Jordan had seized. 7/x
@BobtheGoon5@davenewworld_2 Their leases have long expired and (as I understand it) they’ve stopped paying rent.
They’re being evicted on those grounds. 8/x
@BobtheGoon5@davenewworld_2 I have a lot of commentary beyond this, but these are the “facts” as I understand them. 9/9
Back in the 1870s when Jerusalem was under Ottoman rule, the Jewish community purchased the land of what is now Sheikh Jarrah, in order to live close to the supposed tomb of a Jewish High Priest dating back to antiquity. 3/x
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