Person doesn't know #History & current affairs is insulting a Dharmik Kshatriya king Jaichand.
• It was Jaichand who built the temple at Ayodhya
• His inscription helped Hindus to win over sullas in Ram Mandir case
• He died fighting against Ghori unlike cowards
(2) Earliest Museums of Gujarat were established (pre 1947) by kings/wealthy people.
• Bhuj Museum (1877)
• Barton Museum, Bhavnagar (1882)
• Rajkot Museum (1888)
• Winchester Museum (Now Sardar Patel), Surat (1890)
• Vadodara Museum (1894)
• Junagadh Museum (1901)
In entire thread, not a single word is derogatory for woman but the चूल to comment without reading the content is so high in some ladies that they demonstrate their मन्दबुद्धि to all.
(2) Where is कृषि here ? It is in वार्त्ता (Economical activities).
कृषिपाशुपाल्ये वणिज्या च वार्त्ता । #अर्थशास्त्रम् (1.4.1)
कृषि (Farming), पशुपालन (Cattles), वाणिज्य (Trade).
So, farming is also work of शूद्र.
(3) Another FALSE propaganda to demean शूद्र (image 1).
Reality (image 2) - Explanation of 1st & 2nd tweets. शूद्र can do all activities related to economics as well as कारुकुशीलवकर्म (Performing/ non performing arts).
This person doesn't know any शास्त्र. Don't belive him.
"Among sons of the same wife, the (special) share of the eldest (is to be) goats in the case of ब्राह्मण, horses in case of क्षत्रिय, cattle in case of वैश्य, sheep in case of शूद्र.
2/2 Depicts how to do division of various animals by people of all four वर्ण to their eldest son respectively. This सूत्र has nothing to do with वर्ण by जन्म/कर्म.
This सूत्र of #अर्थशास्त्रम् is a guideline. Understanding सूत्र literature needs proper knowledge of #Sanskrit.
As usual वर्ण by कर्म gang leader has RTd it. It shows this "Vedic Wisdom" doesn't know Sanskrit.
Also, as indicated earlier, their agenda is clear - Divide the society by misinterpreting Sanskrit texts.
Person asking for proof/citation of definition of Hinduism etc. is unable to cross check multiple errors in the Sanskrit verse taken from भगवद्गीता being used in the video.
Looks like entire team is full of idiots and running an agenda.
Can he provide proof/citation of his own statement (image) from any Dharmik book or from any Acharya ?
Paddling such a nonsense and asking proof of Hinduism to others shows he is just an ignorant Hindu. A Rayta who uses catchy words/statements to impress others.