April 22, 2021 Fresno City council meeting! Among Agenda items include Annual Action Plan; Mayor Dyer’s Measure P Appointments;Returning formerly “Surplus Land”to create Broadway Park; Concrete firm replaced due to only working 2 weeks since November;Fresno Unified School
School District naming the property at Ventura and 10th Street in Southeast Fresno in honor of Francine and Murray Farber;Closed Session on possible soccer stadium at Selland Arena land; Unscheduled Public Comment portion is rumored to have homeless advocate asking for $50,000
for camp security; Some CONSENT CALENDAR items:
1-B authorize a new
Airline Operations Agreement with Southwest Airlines Co. to
provide Commercial Air Service at Fresno Yosemite
International Airport
1-D *Actions pertaining to Commercial Cannabis Activity (pertaining to Application Process @JePahl_White
1-K *Authorizing submission of funding requests to the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program for bus service operating support, execution of grant award documents if awarded, and execution of related Certifications & Assurances and Authorized Agent Forms.
1-L *Award a service agreement to Genfare, a division of SPX Corporation, of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, to maintain the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express's fare collection system in a state of good repair, for one year with four optional one-year extensions,
1-M Actions pertaining to the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Community Engagement Division: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Approve the reallocation of the balance of funding ($263,100), as of April 26, 2021, in the FY21 budget for the OJJDP-Supporting Victims of Gang Violence Program and
and the general fund from the Fresno Police Department to the Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department to address funding the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Community Engagement Division (Requires 5 affirmative votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
2. Authorization Resolution, moving three (3) full-time positions from the Fresno Police Department to the Parks, After School, Recreation and Community Services Department.
1-N Approve a Consultant Services Agreement between ANX and the City of Fresno for professional architectural project services related to the Cottage Homes Program, in the amount of $156,625
1-Q *Actions pertaining to East Bullard Avenue Pavement Grind and Overlay Project, North First Street to North Cedar Avenue 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $892,272.20 to Cal Valley Construction Inc., of Fresno, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder
1-R* Actions pertaining to Traffic Signal Upgrade Project at Tulare
Street and U Street (Council District 3) 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption per staff’s 2. Award a construction contract in the amount of $464,126
to Bush Engineering, Inc.,
1-S Approve an agreement between Provost & Pritchard Consulting Group Inc. in the amount of $172,450 plus a contingency of $17,254 for the design and preparation of construction documents for the Van Ness and Weldon Pocket Park Project (Council District 1)
1-U Approve a substitution of a replacement contractor Total Concrete Services for Fresno Fire Station No. 18 (Council
District 1) NOTE: Total Concrete is being replaced by Celtic Construction . Total Concrete had only accomplished 2 weeks of work since November , 2020
1-W* RESOLUTION - In support of Fresno Unified School District naming the property at Ventura and 10th Street in Southeast Fresno in honor of Francine and Murray Farber
1 -X *RESOLUTION - In support of Fresno City College’s proposed
ADN-BSN-MSN Pipeline Expansion Project NOTE:Easier to train more minorities in the Nursing Profession
1-Y Approve the appointment of Raquel Busani to the Fresno
Metropolitan Flood Control District Board, and the reappointment of
reappointment of La Lawrence García to the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District Board
1-Z *RESOLUTION - In support of Assembly Bill 559, San Joaquin River Conservancy governing board (Attention:@sarahparkes09 )
1-AA Revoking the declaration of APN
452-114-34T as surpf surplus property NOTE:Developer Reza Assemi agrees to return the land originally intended for Broadway Park due to Measure P passing.
1-BB *RESOLUTION - Modifying various water conservation NOTE: allow for front lawn replacement be covered to get rebate
If you want to register in advance for this City Council webinar here is the link zoom.us/webinar/regist…
Councilmembers meeting in person at City Hall this morning! Father Jim Pappas from St George Greek Orthodox Church with invocation this morning. @District5Chavez asks for patience as this is first time they are all back in person. 1-H recycling item removed; 1-L bus fare col-
collection; 1-D Cannabis item pushed to 5-13-21 @JePahl_White Tabled Consent: 1-U substitute concrete subcontractor:
1-E Solid Waste Convenience, 1-H Karbassi wants to keep it on agenda. Chavez: some councilmembers want more research so moved to May; bredefeld pulls 1-K Bus 1-M
@GarryBredefeld registers a NO vote on 1-Z on San Joaquin River Conservancy Board. @MiguelArias_D3 makes correction he wants 1-V removed and not 1-U
*Proclamation for “Captain Farrah”
Councilmember Karbassi and Councilmember Soria (@Esmeralda_Soria Birthday today! 🎂) Soria thanks Captain for his commitment to the community. He will remain in her district. @kmkarbassi West of 99 has its issues and Farrah is very invested in
the community. He sets the example to all other officers. When Karbassi’s father got some threats Farrah came personally to the home. Farrah: policing is a team sport and a family sport. Thanks @MayorJerryDyer for believing in him. It is a privilege to police your home town.
@MayorJerryDyer Farrah is an incredible officer. I had privilege to promote him several times.
Proclamation for “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week” Councilmember Maxwell Crime Victims Assistant center. Maxwell worked for the center when he moved back to Fresno. (Shows early photo of him at Council back then) Learned compassion working with these victims. We remember
the lives lived by these victims. All their lives mattered and this center helps the families involved. A ripple effect occurs when a tragedy like this happens. The James Rowland Center will receive the plaque tomorrow. Probation Department Head Kirk Haynes:the victim advocates
is invaluable to the victims. He thanks @Maxwell4Fresno for his unique perspective on this. Karen Roach: we have 24 workers whether probation officers, advocates and volunteers. (5 of them are in this zoom call) such as Gwen Plost, Justin Muñoz, and other names I didn’t catch.
(That should have been Gwen Pftost)
announcement of Megan Bohigian as Fresno’s Poet Laureate @MayorJerryDyer Customary to appoint a poet laureate each year. She is active by teaching poetry and organizing poetry events. Her third book is being published soon.
Bohegian:she thanks Mayor, Council and Art Council. Lists some of the past poet laureates and said she has large shoes to fill. I was aided by teachers from a young age to develop her writing skills. Next: Art Council Lilia Chavez says Bohegian as an original work that she would
like to read this morning. The Valley is a Mecca for writers as well as at Fresno State. Bohegian appears to have left the zoom call 😩
Councilmember Reports: @Esmeralda_Soria this Saturday is 10 am Lions Park to clean Emerson island. Encourage citizens to help clean as well as give input to make Emerson Island as a walking trail. Also Shields/West neighborhood. Recycling Center has made that area not as clean.
Please adjourn in memory of General Vang Fong too. @kmkarbassi Thanks the citizens of District 2. I work for you. @MiguelArias_D3 on Cannabis item was pulled but I want all applicants interviewed. City Manager Esqueda agrees. @JePahl_White Tower Housing Project was approved at
Planning Commission but there are some outside we need to discuss offline. Also wants some funding for Food Vendors project. Parks: need architects/consultants to get projects shovel ready as Measure P money comes in. Leases: Ted C Will Big Picture Charter was renewed. We need
to look at those to make sure it won’t slow any parks projects going forward. @Maxwell4Fresno Southwest Airlines begins flying this Sunday from District 4 Crown Jewel the FAT airport. Big cleanup near airport. I am celebrating my 100 days in office by planting our 100th tree.
@GarryBredefeld Cannabis subcommittee I would like new mayor to do things differently than past administration. Not all of us is not getting all the information on these. I would like Mayor to be sure the rest of us get that info. CARES Committee was corrupt and not all of Fresno
didn’t get fair representation. @LuisCha70215912 I am working with Mayor to make sure that information gets to all the councilmembers. @Esmeralda_Soria subcommittees makes our work more efficient but Mayor needs to be sure we all get that info. Bredefeld: some subcommittees made
decisions I didn’t know about. This can’t be happening. I am confident with this administration. I wasn’t confident with past administration. I am working with @kmkarbassi and City Attorney Office on something that will make this easier. @D7Esparza Says happy birthday to Soria
and hope she can celebrate at a brewery outside and not be stalked (like Ariashad happened). We had a great town hall. Manchester Arms update : all units inspected now by Code Enforcement. Code will follow through with that. Letter sent by several councilmembers to Homeland
Security. We have asked them to consider Fresno as a location for helping with Humanitarian Crises at the border. We will have a more public discussion if this moves forward with Homeland and other agencies. Special Meeting with UCSF Covid contract. Temporarily paused vaccines
Happy Earth Day. Hopefully you can help “Great American Clean Up” this Saturday. @LuisCha70215912 UPDATE: 11 am Special Emergency meeting today on UCSF item. We need one hour to announce it legally. Council approves it. @MayorJerryDyer Exit Strategy meeting regarding homeless in
Emergency Housing. Echos Maxwell’s Southwest Airlines coming to Fresno is big and a game changer for business and private. Armenian Town cleanup this past Saturday. 1000 volunteers have already registered for this Saturday’s Big Cleanup. Yesterday Project Offramp got 15 homeless
from Freeway 180 and to motels. City Manger Esqueda: Budget Committee will meet May 6 to show data. Homeless Housing update will be next week. Covid Committee wants to craft RFP for non profits. Happy Earth Day!
Poet Laureate Megan Bohegian will read her poem now. “We carry this City In us” I think was the title. (Very poem about Fresno)
@kmkarbassi Notes President Biden will declare Armenian Massacre as a genocide. Arias: it was a Democratic Congress to recognize it as a Massacre and now a Democratic President to declare it a genocide. Elections have consequences.
Gordy Bermudez: I have been feeding homeless for past two years. May 8 I will ride from San Francisco to Venice to raise money for porta potties for homeless. I have Go Fund me to raise $7000. I have raised $4000 thus far. Thanks Mayor for making me a better person for the com-
munity. Next: Kayla Gables child says “homeless in the streets. Hard for them to get jobs due to their past. Some have stolen baby formula to feed their child. Next:@LisaYFlores1 she is going out to dinner tonight! I get my first hug in 14 months. Dogs are coming back to Roeding
Park this May.please fund Dez Martínez’s camp and watch her blossom. We need Chair Yoga in Fresno too. Happy Earth Day! Next: Dez Martinez is at Safe Camp. Wants to know if some of the homeless speak too. I am asking for sanctions but just as temporary on-site security for now.
I am receiving homeless being exited out of motels now after initially being removed from freeways. Next: I feel safe now thanks to Dez. Ernie: Glad to have Safe Camp. Larry: lived in construction tubes but Safe Camp is much better. Next: former iron worker This week place has
*place) has helped a lot. Next: this is a family environment. Next on Zoom Gloria Hernandez Safe Camp is good as they are not spread out entire town but needs to have security. Homeless places into motels are now being exited out. Robert McCluskey: this is temporary but better
than being on street. Urge Council to do more outreach for those that may become homeless unless they use rental assistance. Need info out there. Rain Chamberlain: Safe Camp supporter. Dez has jumped thru City’s hoops the past year. This camp is a service to community. Need this
Sanction. Asks @District5Chavez to put this on the Agenda. Carol Kim: a social worker who volunteers and supports Safe Camp. Those residents are there as it is safe. They work to make it clean, hard working. They. Deal with weather everyday. Outside crime including taking copper
wire and those climbing the fence. Discourages these residents and volunteers. Gloria: I was living out there on 180. Always scared. Safe Camp I feel protected, make friends. Dez Martinez is great! Support Safe Camp! @LovesMercy Brandi: thanks Captain Farrah, Poet Laureate
Safe Camp is good for them. It is emotionally draining for those living on streets. Safe Camp allows those to work with social services. Need help for hot weather and a place that is better on City land such as Chafee Zoom. Santa Rosa camp works. Neighbors like it. Next: Jury(?)
says marginalized community needs help from Council. Not ethical that Dez Martinez is not getting the help she needs. Dez should it have to bear this alone. There are those that want to help. Thank you @LovesMercy for your help advertising this also @FresnoAlliance as well.
@MiguelArias_D3 Some have been asked to leave for attacking security guards , domestic violence. I am not going to support camp. We have plenty of money to help by renovating motels. If we had a resource problem I would agree we need Safe Camp. solution needs to enforce the laws.
We have Homeless Police Officers and they need to be there enforcing the law. The handful that have been asked to leave our motels they deserved it by domestic violence. I recognize Dez is making a safe place for a dozen people. We can’t rely only on her. She is human and is
getting to breaking point. She has done more than her fair share. We can’t sanction a camp until we have exhausted our motels. Being homeless is a crime. Stabbing people is. @MayorJerryDyer agrees with Arias. Camp is clean. Area surrounding it has some issues. PD will patrol.
We have had to remove some from motels for good reason but there are second chances. @kmkarbassi If homeless is arrested for Domestic violence etc do they remain in jail? Dyer: prisons don’t always accept our inmates from jail and that impacts jail. Moving in to Contested Consent
Karbassi: refuses himself on 1-W but will support yes on 1-Z (River conversancy) 1-k on bus Low Carbon Transit : Soria: County Supervisors moved Social Services move so far out east that it is costing us money to move the route we could’ve used for zero bus fare.Staff: we tried
to get support from County but no in a position to assist. @gregorybarfield We reached out to County several times and answer were both times NO. @FresnoCountyCA Soria: bothered they wouldn’t meet us half way. Mayor needs to have coming to Jesus moment with County.These are the
County’s constituents too who now have to go out farther east. Can we meet with County on this? Barfield: this grant is due in next few days. @Maxwell4Fresno I understand this item would be used for current lines to build ridership so when state dollars are removed we can have
the numbers needed. Can we make a motion to take this to Transportation Committtee to talk about zero fare and this. Arias: I think County intentionionally moved this to Clovis knowing we will have to pick up the cost. I won’t support this today if County won’t support this.
Soria: We could’ve used this money to provide a line to west of 99. County needs to work with us to create a model that works for their constituents. Barfield: this item serves five routes and two are new. Grant is due tomorrow. City Manager: we can ask County a third time. If
answer is still NO we can pull route 28 next year. Arias: can we make amendment to pull route 28 for this grant? A: yes. @kmkarbassi I am glad my routes are still there otherwise I couldn’t get Handi Rides for my constituents without them. I don’t want to pull the 28 today.
Soria: we have known about this for awhile.I am just expressing my frustration with County. Otherwise we are just paying for their bill and not a partnership.Maxwell: we have had 5 days to read through this grant but no time to negotiate with County. Social Services provide most
of bulk tickets but unsure what happens when State dollars are removed. Chavez: County is not going to help or they would have already. It is like pulling teeth with County. Barfield: if 28 is pulled from grant it still helps the other four routes. Bredefeld: is this concern due
to zero fare? City Manager: no. Without Zero fare this grant goes away. Staff: money can come from fare box and other sources like Measure C. Grant doesn’t go away if Zero Fare is not part of it. Approve without 28 route from grant (28 can be paid this year from other routes)?
Approved 7-0.1-V Arias wants to note PLA urban myth That they are always late. Airport is ahead of schedule but this item isn’t. 71 days in delays. Happens a lot and not PLAs
1-M Soria: new Neighborhood Safety/Community Engagement Office will be involved in Advanced Peace etc Want to be sure they will be compensated and resources needed for all the hard work they will be doing. Arias: mayor will give up his salary for this jokes.
1-W* RESOLUTION - In support of Fresno Unified School District naming the property at Ventura and 10th Street in Southeast Fresno in honor of Francine and Murray Farber. @GarryBredefeld registering a abstention as there is talk of naming it after Tartarian. Both Are good people
@D7Esparza UCSF announced they will stop testing and vaccinations this Friday but looks like that has been resolved. I want clarity on funding this with this Special Meeting. Dr Vong (?) From UCSF says: we had accepted 6 month grant and did 24,000 tests. This ran out Tuesday.
County has agreed to pay for vaccinations only and No testing. We don’t have ability to pay for that ourselves. Esparza: $310,000 from General Fund proposed with this. Fund 8-10 weeks with this says Dr Vong. Barfield: will sit down with UCSF for larger testing. There are other
Free providers in town too. (That is those with insurance) arias: how about those without insurance ? Barfield: need a global strategy and sit down with UCSF. Arias: we have several zip codes that are only 20 % vaccinated. Need to sit down with County. They have underserved many
of the zip codes. Barfield: mobile pop ups in lowest zip codes beginning May 3. City Manager: we need to talk with County as to what is the best use of our $310,000. Esparza: this was last minute for you. Everyday we are not testing or vaccinating we are losing lives. We have had
to create a de facto health system at the City. If we can be reimbursed with American Rescue Plan dollars but that is not definite. Arias:if scope changes we can take that up next Council meeting. Chavez: we led in testing initially but we are getting lax now. Fresno County had
to reroute 30,000 vaccination shots to other counties as we are not doing the outreach needed. Arias: we asked county what role City can do and was told they would do entire outreach. Chavez: we have seen County lift their emergency despite their County Medical Doctor’s advice.
Barfield: lots of mobile sources now going out to large employers and farms. Getting employees vaccinated at their workplace on work time will be very helpful. Dr Vong: we can start tomorrow with my boss’s approval. Esparza: this will be up to $310,000 but $100,000 immediately.
@LovesMercy Brandi: proper education and outreach is important. Especially to those unsheltered. Approved 7-0 next Annual Action Plan Public Dr Bonnie Her and works with Marjoree Mason Board. Six children left motherless from a domestic violence. It is a learned behavior.
Trauma cycle has to be broken. Marjoree Mason Center is a specialist in that. Next: Dr Rene Ramirez also on Marjoree Mason Board. Fresno County has highest domestic violence in state and 3% higher than next highest Oakland. 81% of every dollar that comes into Marjoree Mason is
spent on services. We need a housing plan to house those. Karbassi mentions it was former councilmember @PaulCaprioglio birthday yesterday. Council will be back at 1:30.
Her are some (lots of) documents on the Annual Action Plan as we wait for Council to come back from Lunch Break.
Council is back from lunch break. Nicole Linder of Marjoree Mason Center says Covid Cares Act funds were provided by Council and thus far no Covid transferred. We are short annually $1.5 million and need emergency housing for domestic violence. Please remember the current sup-
port entities and not just new like for homeless emergency shelter. Next: EOC ‘s David Ware who appreciates all the help Mayor and Council provides. Brandi @LovesMercy Successful business needs to get feedback from its customers. This is what this Annual Report does.Homeless dont
always have a way to provide feedback. Police Reform Commission was able to reach 6000 including homeless. Outreach is important. Next: Leticia Campos from MarjoreeMason: she lists demographics of their 24/7 domestic violence center in Fresno. Next: money going in currently per-
Petuating chronic homelessness. They use costly ER care and arrested on petty crimes. Housing First needs to be implemented. More can be accomplished with this model. Carla Martinez @LCJandA Continue to invest in Senior Paint programs and others. Always happy to help. @D7Esparza
is officiating this afternoon. @MiguelArias_D3 several organizations received less than last year or none at all. Please continue to reach out for other resources. City and County have resources. @Esmeralda_Soria We have worked tirelessly with Planning Director Clark and staff.
Limited pool of funds. Marjoree Mason as well as new culturally appropriate programs like Sikh women. I have supported Marjoree Mason the past few years too. Pandemic increased domestic violence occurred. Additional federal CDBG dollars have come in as well. @kmkarbassi limited
funds for sure. There is only one 24/7 domestic violence center and that is Marjoree Mason. There are culturally different tendencies and that needs to be looked at too and is important.233-HELP to get domestic violence hotline. @MayorJerryDyer significant need for domestic vio-
lent center and that is Marjoree Mason. We will be bringing proposals with American Rescue Plan dollars to combat homelessness and domestic violence reduction is one way. @MiguelArias_D3 City is fully funding. Can we look at other sources for when our funding runs out ? Soria:
We have been working on Housing Trust fund for several years. Karbassi: domestic violence is unique. The violator often controls the lease and just like that you are homeless. Arias: we have fully funded some items such as replacing streets that have not been done in 50 years,
sidewalks to schools; new roofs. Karbassi: my bill was Safe Routes to School but keeping children from being beat is more important than sidewalks. Esparza: we need to work with County. Arias: we have fully used our CDBG given to us. Approved by Consensus with Chavez absent due
to recusal. 1-CC approved. Million dollars will return to City from Developer once loan approved.
3-A Approve Mayor’s Appointment to Parks Commission. @MayorJerryDyer Measure P states where commissioners come from etc. 14 names submitted and vetted by subcommittee. Survey completed by Measure P group. We tried to get balance from each Council districts. I take responsibility
for not getting all Councilmembers included. Members: John Dowling of Chaffee Zoo. Been in Fresno two months. Maier Vang Laotian Art interests. Parks need to be nurtured. Dr Francine Shupuda (sp) close gaps of Two Cities and youth development. Upgrade older parks. Kimberly McCoy:
SW Fresno and worked on Measure P and worked on many parks. Scott Miller owner of Gazebo Gardens and chair of Playland. Moana M. Cummings of Tree Fresno. Fresno Farm Grown. Harmon Singh: arts park and youth. UCLa graduate. Rental Assistance Program and involved with Measure P.
SEFCEDA Jose Barraza worked for county in Public Works. Worked on City’s Master Plan. Sarah Parkes @sarahparkes09 Worked on Measure P parameters and is with San Joaquin Parkway. That is the 9 recommendations for the commission. @kmkarbassi Great names. Process? No one asked me
for names. Poisons the well a bit. I would have recommended other names. I would like to delay this vote so I can reach out to these recommendations first. Soria: three of us passed names forward. Due to Brown Act we could not speak to all councilpersons. We all had the chance to
pass names to Mayor though. This is a good mix of names. I wouldn’t have recommended all 9. We are always voting on dollars for Measure P so not a secret. Two of the Councilpersons consistently voted against measure p. Karbassi: the committee made it seems like their list was
coming from this Council. My district voted against Measure P and I vote that way too as I am not a dictator. @Maxwell4Fresno we had good representation on this and debating the merits of the nominee. We on the parks subcommittee made these and only representing that committee.
Arias: we on council all had chance to be on committees and then voted to put councilmembers on those committees. Measure P required nominations to come in and public provided names too. I personally 12 names just from District 3. A third of commission comes from District 2 and
District 6 even though Karbassi and Bredefeld consistently voted against Measure P items. There are plenty of work to share on subcommittees. Join one if you want. Karbassi:I don’t like postponing a Planning Commission member as another Councilmember wanted to meet them. I agreed
But these recommendations are only from Park Subcommittee. Convenient that Bredefeld and myself were the only ones kept out. Dyer: I knew I was meeting with subcommittee. I thought all Councilpersons were involved. My staff interviewed all the recommendations made though. I don’t
know if Karbassi and Bredefeld were intentionally left out. Esparza: I knew I could reach out to Mayor if need be but I didn’t need to do so. Chavez: this Measure P commission will pass their recommendations to the Council. Karbassi: these people have already been notified so
hard to do anything now. Bredefeld: subcommittees work and sometimes they don’t. Rest of Council is not always given info from subcommittees intentional or not. City Manager: timing works if Bredefeld and Karbassi wants time to meet with these recommendations. Bredefeld: delay
it for two weeks. Chavez: it will be next Wednesday not two weeks. NOTE: Council is on Wednesday next week). Dyer: I don’t see it being changed and just vote it by consent. Karbassi: is this just a dog and pony show? I just can’t rubber stamp this. Is this all predetermined let’s
not waste our time. Arias: you can vote how you want next week after you interview the candidates. Approved to delay it one week.
Government Code Section 54956.8
Property: APN 468-400-54T
Negotiating Parties: City Manager Esqueda, Prosperous Terras, Ruelas
Terra, LLC (Ruelas, Inc)
City Council’s next meeting is WEDNESDAY April 28th ( next week). Then May 13th and the 27th both at 9 am.
April 13th, 2021 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! IMPORTANT item #6 on how to Redistrict Supervisorial districts with 3 possible types of commissions to draw those line:more independent, more directed by Supervisor or a Hybrid version;Liquor license; letter requesting
Fresno City Council April 8, 2021! Potential fireworks over Tenants’ Right to Counsel efforts with President Chavez counter proposal; Workshops on Street Infrastructure and Mid-Year Budget Review,Form a Local Mobile Food Vendors Association after tragic murders of vendors;
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting March 23, 2021! On the slate today include ask Governor to accept federal work hours for nomadic sheep herders(!);General Plan progress;County’s State lobbyists recommendations;mid-year budget;CDBG /HOME Investment Partnerships Program
Among the CLOSED SESSION the LOOOOONG continuing
Conference with Real Property Negotiators - UMC Campus
located at the corner of South Cedar Avenue and East Kings Canyon Road; County
Negotiator: Jean M. Rousseau Negotiating Parties: CMG
Some selected CONSENT CALENDAR 19. *Adopt Conflict of Interest Codes for Two Agencies
Currently, the Fresno County Office of Education’s (FCOE) Conflict of Interest (COI) Code includes the
Fresno County Board of Education (FCBE) and the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
now. Lets make it 5 for now. Soria: This has been an issue since I have been on Council. My staff do a lot with nothing.We get 15 constituent calls a day not to mention emails and social media comments with only 2 paid staff.It would serve our constituents better
if we expanded staff. Mayor Staff White:The way it is written please don't go hire staff until it passes Veto portion. Esparza:Will you veto this ? Dyer:No money added to this?Then I won't. Arias:Mayor has grown his team with positions that were not there before. Allow us to grow
as well. Chavez:Originally we were going to expand to 9 Council members but got changed by Voters. Census numbers coming out will show the increase. We may need satellite offices to better serve constituents. Approved 7-0
Fresno City Council meeting March 18,2021! Among the items is a proclamation for outgoing Fresno Housing Authority’s CEO Preston Prince; Storyland/Playland 31-year lease at $1 per year; homeless Youth shelters;adding one full-time position to Council District 7 Office Division;
Selected items on CONSENT CALENDAR 1-B BILL No. B-4 (Intro. 3/4/2021) Amending Article 15 of Chapter 7 of the Fresno Municipal Code relating to certain technical amendments required by the California Department of Tax /Fee Administration and as required due to the passage time
Fresno County Board of Supervisors March 9, 2021! Among the items on the agenda include Official appointment of James Kus as Registrar of Voters;Nominate Ms. Ginny Hovsepian to the Governor for appointment of a public member representing
the landowners in the San Joaquin River
bottom to the San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing
Board; @sarahparkes09 Budget Resolutions to Purchase Drug Analyzer, Undercover Vehicles and
Rebuild Sheriff’s Helicopter Engine #Fresno
On Consent Calendar: 18.1 Adjourn in memory of Bob Smittcamp, a Fresno County business leader and philanthropist