1/5 #Deforestation is leading to increasingly #fragmented landscapes🌲
Aim: How do #bats respond to changes in local habitat quality and fragmentation of the wider landscape via investigation of 3 holistic diversity facets #taxonomic, #functional, #phylogenetic🦇
3/5 #Taxonomic, #functional & #phylogenetic metrics based on #acoustic data were related to local vegetation descriptors & landscape-scale habitat composition & configuration variables using #GLMMs.
4/5 Preliminary results ✅#Figure shows summary of #ModelAveraging. Symbol size is proportional to the variation explained by the respective predictor variable based on #HierarchicalPartitioning. Colour denotes direction of the relationship (Black: +ve, White: -ve)
5/5 Aerial insectivorous bat #diversity is affected by local and landscape scale habitat attributes in a scale-dependant manner.
Next steps: assess ensemble & species-specific responses via bat activity and determine scale dependency.
🎉Thanks & any questions 🦇😀 #WBTC2#Land1