Thread: The support of vaccine passports is vile to me. I’m not sure of the exact demographics of those crying the loudest, but in my experience it tilts Boomer. With apologies to the exceptional older crowd, it seems many retired people have mostly sailed through this pandemic/1
quick to leap on the “all in this together” bandwagon while losing nothing but a bit of mobility during these endless, awful, destructive lockdowns and business closures. I’ve also heard from some of these folks that lockdowns “show us what is really essential.” Wow. /2
Now there’s a new bandwagon: #vaccinated and despite the unapproved status of these vaccines and the vanishingly small risk of the virus to kids, all the usual “trustworthy” players (media, government, health bureaucrats), who’ve done such a great, consistent job looking out /3
for everyone’s interests (ha!), have joined together to coerce us to #vaccinate . The result? The same people who’ve lapped up the narrative all along are now in favour of segregating those who don’t want to make the same choice as them. For what, I have to ask? /4
For making the decision to wait for the vaccine trials, which are happening IN REAL TIME, to be completed before choosing to get this shot. For weighing the risk of the #virus (which is fairly well known now) to themselves, or their kids, against the UNKNOWN risks of a vaccine /5
that a.) Uses new technology, and b.) Has not undergone the usual testing, trials, and TIME required to get full approval. It’s glaring to me the switch here. When my kid was younger, we were advised to get flu shots, which we did. I didn’t ask anyone in my extended family, /6
let alone our entire community, to get flu shots to protect my kid, because he was protected by the shot. Yet these same people, in my FAMILY, who saw my kid all the time and never offered to get flu shots themselves, are now shaming and nagging and using all sorts /7
of emotional blackmail with respect to #COVID19 vaccines. The hypocrisy is stunning. One relative, who chose not to take statins despite having all the heart disease markers and a risk profile that would have made this medication a no brainer, suggested that those who don’t /8
get vaccinated should get a lower tier of healthcare if they get sick because their choices make them a greater burden to taxpayers, potentially. This same person also protested when my kids got Gardasil, a fully tested, fully approved vaccine providing 100% protection from /9
HPV because of some whining from the Catholic Church about the vaccine’s potential to normalize sex outside of marriage or some such idiocy. No, I’m not joking. I am sick to my stomach over this. All the virtue signaling and attempts at social shaming are making me dig in /10
my heels at a time when I am trying to watch and wait and see and assess the data, which changes EVERY DAMNED DAY, with some degree of objectivity. /11
All this support for #vaccine passports begs the question: would you feel the same if #DonaldJTrump Trump were in office right now pushing these shots, or would you be diametrically opposed and crying #MyBodyMyChoice ? /end