Norway is leading the world in BEV market development and we will now start using the quarterly sales in the Norway market as a proxy window to view the vehicles that are being offered for sale in Europe
Here is Norway market share by vehicle for 2021 Q1
As many of you know, we have also started analysing the characteristics of BEVs offered in Europe using vehicles available in Germany as our reference point and the ADAC database as our data source
This is one of the charts from our current analysis
Our summary charts already include some "Tesla Model 3 ICEV Competitors" selected by ADAC plus most of the top-selling BEVs in Norway
- and we will add more over time to build out a more complete picture of the higher volume vehicles
Here are the Starting Prices for each model
And here are the Range numbers for the BEVs
Response or Acceleration Performance is another key measure of these vehicles
And Power Consumption plays an important role in vehicle Range
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The idea of the self-contained EV skateboard chassis has become so alluring that startups, suppliers and even automakers are marketing them as plug-and-play solutions on which customers can simply add a body, also called "top hat"
But like many catchy ideas on the path to electromobility, this one is also stumbling as it meets the hard reality of going from vision to vehicle development and manufacturing
An AutoForecast Solutions report covered by Car and Driver reveals the extent to which North American automakers have been impacted by the microchip shortage
Ford has taken 346,616 vehicles out of production while General Motors has reduced its total by 277,966
Vital for everything from a vehicle's onboard computer and infotainment system to important safety features like anti-lock breaks and stability control, the chips have been in short supply around the world for months
Germany's car industry association VDA is at loggerheads with its most important member, the Volkswagen Group
On the surface, it's about membership fees, but in fact it's about everything for the VDA…
The dispute is remarkable
VDA versus Volkswagen
Germany's car industry association against Germany's largest car company
The VDA wants to increase the contributions from its members, Volkswagen does not want to go along
VW, however, is not concerned with money but with principle :
VW boss Herbert Diess does not see why he should throw money at an association which, from VW's point of view, is useless and sometimes even damaging to its business
The Blue line on this chart gives us a very simple way to think of the economics of the Tesla Model 3 :
Market Price = €20,000 + €100 x Power in kW
- and note that this number INCLUDES Tariffs and Delivery Charges
Clearly this is just an observed empirical outcome
- but we can impute various things from it
1. The launch of production at Giga Grünheide should allow Tesla to reduce prices by more than 10% just from the elimination of Tariffs and reduction of Delivery Charges
2. This could imply a revised formula for an equivalent European-made vehicle, before counting any other savings :