Since #ROCE measures how much profit a company generates with its total capital employed, it overcomes a major weakness of ROE.
It can be said that higher the ROCE, the better it is. It means that business is profitable & company is utilizing its capital more economically.
ROCE is a long term profitability ratio because it shows how effectively company’s assets are performing while taking into consideration long term financing.
This is why ROCE is a more useful ratio than ROE to evaluate the longevity of a company.
1⃣United Spirits Limited, abbreviated to #USL (Diageo India) is an Indian alcoholic beverages company, and the world's second-largest spirits company by volume.
#GMBreweries 🍻is engaged in manufacture of alcoholic liquor. It blends & bottles alcoholic liquor & concentrates.
Company markets its products brandy, rum & whiskey under brand names Pioneer Doctor Brandy, Pioneer Special Doctor Brandy, Hot Shot Rum and Reporter Choice Whiskey.