12 June 2021 #MAGAanalysis

20 Million Veterans Must Muster Again For America

If there's one man in America who knows and speaks for our great veterans, it is @RealFenFlynn. You won't find him here at Twitter. But you will at Telegram, here:

2) Yesterday, General Flynn and I had a far reaching conversation. He guided me in three areas:

1) America's Veteran Community
2) The Grassroots Takeover of the Republican Party
3) Matthew Trewhella's great book, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate
3) Before we dive in, let's talk about Telegram vs Twitter for a moment. Many of my friends have shared that they find Telegram a bit difficult at first. I understand this and want to encourage you to work through the initial stage and embrace it. I'll explain.
4) In my research and experimentation, as well as growing use of Telegram, I have found absolutely zero censorship so far. There are attacks out there that you'll find if you research it. I have found these attacks to be completely false. Zero censorship is my assessment.
5) The problem for us Twitter users is that there is no general base at Telegram. It functions as a chat app - and as such it is awesome - where you have to make connections in order to communicate with them. That is its basic face. Here, it competes with What's App and others.
6) To discover its power to compete with Twitter, you need to understand two other functions. The first is a channel. I posted General Flynn's Telegram channel above. My own channel is:

7) Following our channels is like following us here at Twitter, and then getting our notifications in your Twitter feed. As only I can post at my Twitter account, only I can post at my Telegram channel. Same for General Flynn, of course, or for anyone's Telegram channel.
8) The function that empowers you to dive into the conversation over the things we post is called a Discussion Group. In either General Flynn's or my channel, once we post, a comment function is offered. If you click it, you go straight to our Discussion Groups.
9) I'm NOT sure how this design came to be. And to my observation it is NOT - as an interface - a strong competitor to Twitter. That is, Twitter's genius design is unmatched and Telegram doesn't even come close. Yet, I judge it sufficient for all that, anyway.
10) With Telegram's commitment to zero censorship, I deem it an adequate place to relocate away from Twitter. In any case, do give it a try, and if nothing else, follow General Flynn's channel!

11) The most important topic we discussed was our veteran community and its leadership mission for America. In our work together in 2016, we worked to transform voter participation among veterans. In 2012, only 12 million veterans voted. In 2016, 18 million did.
12) In sum, veterans have voted 85% Republican. 85% of 6 million additional votes in 2016 = 5.1 million votes for Donald Trump. That is the one most underreported aspect of 2016's extraordinary MAGA victory. No other single factor accounts for that win so powerfully.
13) General Flynn told me yesterday that he believes a better, more accurate number for our veterans today is 20 million, and that he hopes to win 95% of that vote for Republicans at every level of nation, local, state, and national. That's a clean 19 million-strong voting bloc.
14) The significance goes vastly beyond the numbers. It changes one's soul when you risk your life for your nation. Veterans are the one community the left fears the most. They've done everything they can to silence the veteran voice. This is one of their most critical goals.
15) The left's great mantra is simply that America Is Bad. The fact of 20 million souls who swore an oath to protect and defend this Nation and its Constitution is one of the ultimate obstacles they confront. They have too often been successful in silencing veterans.
16) And if you remember General Flynn's story, the left gave all it had to silencing him. His complete exoneration, his pardon of innocence is perhaps the one thing Trump gave America that the left hates the most. They wanted General Flynn silenced, forever. You know that's true.
17) General Flynn is always a passionate man, and never more so than in the realm of America's sacred mission. Yet here, his passion rises even further when discussing his beloved fellow veterans. His vision is that veterans return from duty abroad to embrace leadership at home.
18) By "leadership," General Flynn does NOT solely refer to political office, while he supports that with all he is. But by leadership, he speaks of the sacred duties to family, community, state and nation that ONLY veterans can fulfill.
19) I don't use the term "sacred" lightly, either. I couldn't count the number of times he has shared with me the meaning of his faith in God. He could not have survived his ordeal without it. He seeks to lead our nation to a return to faith and has dedicated his life for this.
20) If you've served under General Flynn, or know anyone who has, you always share or hear the same report. He treats every warrior under his command as an equal soul. He holds no special regard for himself over anyone, and gives every regard to each, equally.
21) He views every community in America as a grouping of God's children. It is in that vein that he expresses his great vision for Veteran Leadership across our land in every hamlet, village, town, city or state, he calls for veterans to embrace their civilian leadership mission.
22) No war our nation has ever fought, with the exception of the Civil War, has ever threatened the very fiber of our freedoms as does the battle we face here at home, now. All veterans must muster to our war here at home, the war to save America from enemies within.
23) This is no mere electioneering slogan or stump speech. It is an action call to duty yet again. In order to understand this 2nd mission for nation upon reentry into the civilian world, there is no greater objective than the grassroots takeover of the Republican Party.
24) Here, you must allow me to speak in my own voice on topic. I believe General Flynn and I share a perfect accord here. But I feel shy to represent his passion and fury. I promise, you will be able to hear his voice yourself if you follow his Telegram channel.
25) The base corruption, pure greed, evil alliances with America's worst enemies both without and within that typifies the leadership of the Republican Party disgusts me beyond words or expression. If I equated leadership with the Party itself, I could never be a Republican.
26) I offer the two worst names as Paul Ryan and John McCain. I offer Mitt Romney and Jeff Flake as secondarily evil. They're terrible men, but not quite as evil as the first two in my book. I'm sure you could come up with many more, and maybe even worse leaders.
27) As you roll down the ranks from the top the Party itself is still comprised of spineless cowardice and mere weak and often, forgive me, idiotic compliance with its top-down power structure. From stupid talking points to empty races with no candidates, weakness reigns supreme.
28) The true evil is the universal presence of corruption. Power is used for gain. Obligation and duty are as laughable as is "justice" or "fairness" in our legal system. You have heard attorneys scorn the very idea of justice. So also obligation and honor in politics.
29) How was Election 2020 stolen? Yeah, the New World Order's great cabal was completely behind it. But be clear, its media propaganda arm and civil minions in the Democrat Party apparatus could NEVER have pulled it off on their own. It required Republican complicity throughout.
30) From pure evil at the top to gutless, yellow bellied, banal corruption or mere cowardice throughout the leadership ranks, the Republican Party infrastructure has betrayed its duty and lost the sanctity of its mandate. They are false servants. We must replace them.
31) Here's a single example to illustrate. I do NOT know what precinct or district (or even what it's called) that I live in. My patriotic duties have not landed that close to home, yet. That is about to change and change hard. There must be a precinct captain here, right?
32) What I must do is this. There is no need for me to enter that sort of function. Rather, I must find this person and offer my support. Most likely, the individual will be unworthy. In which case it will be on me to find the strongest local veteran to replace the weak leader.
33) The model for my work is right there in 2016, when I served the Trump Campaign by serving its greatest veteran voice. And let me tell you, we did do righteous battle with the Republican Party apparatus. Oh my. Don't let me get started.
34) Let me just say this. If our team, as led by General Flynn in service to Donald Trump, had failed to defeat Republican Party opposition to Trump's victory, we'd be in President Hillary Clinton's second term right now.
35) This is no mere nostalgia. It is the identification of the most clear and present danger America faces, pumped up with its Election theft evil joy right now. Do not blame Democrats for that theft. Blame the Republican shepherds in collusion with the Democrat wolves.
36) It is was the same forces within the Republican Party leadership who failed to stop the MAGA Movement's 2016 victory, that agreed with their Democrat colleagues that 2020 must be stolen. It is that apparatus which must be obliterated.
37) I am happy now to return to reporting the cleareyed vision General Flynn expressed to me. He sees a Republican Party resurgent from the inside out, from the grassroots up, taken over by true, incorruptible patriots. It is these new leaders he seeks to serve and support.
38) In his travels, General Flynn was introduced to one of the most important books for America today. I do wish I'd had the record function running when he spoke about Matthew Trewhella's epic work, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates.

39) Of the many, many books he and I have discussed, I have never heard his focus or passion rise quite so high before. He told me that every patriot American today simply must read and embrace this book and its message.
40) So, you can imagine my surprise that he was previous to yesterday, unaware of my own study of this book, or of my reading list and its powerful position within that list. We both laughed about that, as have previously about other shared influences!
41) On that note, I have a wonderful gift to offer all of you, including General Flynn himself today. Another great patriot who was of course purged from Twitter is my true compatriot, Patrick Gunnels. Here, by the way, is his Telegram channel:

42) Patrick has done me the great honor of reading many of my threads out loud as he and ONLY he can do. He is America's greatest living reader. His live stream work is unparalleled let alone unmatched. Once we met our friendship was instantly cemented by our shared patriotism.
43) Today's story flows from the following fact. As I worked to create and disseminate my reading list, Patrick was pushing it forward by reading my threads on topic out loud. He and I also spent much time working through the ideas and importance live over the phone.
44) Something happened when Patrick found book 5 on the list, bought it, and fell into it with all he is. He decided to read the entire book out loud for his followers. The reading is simply magical. And I can provide it to you in one link, right here:

45) As we discussed his historic reading, yesterday, I told Pat that I believe every American patriot should hear his reading of this book. And that brings me back once again to General Flynn's message. And I quote: "We are all lesser magistrates, now."
46) What General Flynn emphasized was this. Wherever tyranny arises, as it has now in America, we must each stand and intervene. We must obstruct tyrants from the execution of their evil will. And that is why, he told me, veterans are the most important of us all, today.
47) Veterans stood upon the wall, facing the enemies of freedom. They stepped forward toward the danger. They placed their lives, their very bodies between evil and its intended victim. As no others, veterans are trained, tried, and true to this mandate. They intervene.
48) What Trewhella documents is the irrefutable spiritual mandate of intervention between evil perpetrators and their victims. Here, the term "magistrates" is critical. An external enemy NEVER holds the evil power that our legally empowered leaders enjoy. Never.
49) American military training MUST be retained and reinforced, reinvigorated and replenished. Our veterans must rise to transfer their spiritual and social capabilities for good into their civilian lives. We need them as the tip of the spear again, here, now.
50) We didn't discuss this, but I am confident General Flynn will 100% agree. Trewhella's book must find its way into the halls of military training throughout our land. No veteran should suffer return to society NOT understanding his or her sacred duty's continuance.
51) On the literal field of fight, our warriors fight with bullets facing down angry enemies with blood lust against them and against America. Upon return, politically, our warriors must fight with the ballot. Socially and spiritually they must be righteous warriors still, too.
52) Another point we did not discuss, but of which there can be no question, General Flynn wants each of us to become, as he has charged us, digital warriors and citizen journalists. We must regain the high ground here in social media. Let me emphasize that further.
53) Imagine a single test by which you could choose to support any given candidate, or not. There is no such single test, but it's an excellent thought exercise. Where does this or that candidate stand on the 1A freedom of speech in the realm of social media? Full 1A.
54) Consider that you cannot hear General Flynn's voice here at Twitter. You cannot hear President Trump's voice here at Twitter. They are purged. How can this be America? Here's a point we discuss at the end of our conversation.
55) If we allow Election 2020's theft to stand unchallenged, if we fail to take back charge of the Republican Party from the ground up with true patriots, if we fail to welcome our veterans home to their positions of leadership, we will lose America Herself.
56) As fighting warriors within General Flynn's digital citizen's brigade, each of us, veteran or not, must absorb and consume Trewhella's challenge to become lesser magistrates standing to intervene, each in our own way.
57) The idea of justice is not laughable as cynical attorneys, judges, and politicians would have you believe. The idea of freedom did not die 100 years after our Constitution enshrined it for all time, as did our Declaration of Independence.
58) There can be no justice, and therefore no freedom, without the courageous intervention of lesser magistrates standing between the tyrants above and the citizens below. Without lesser magistrates to stand and intervene, government itself becomes mere tyranny.
59) It is our sacred duty and patriotic opportunity to follow General Flynn's challenge. He tells us we must all read Trewhella. Let us make it America's greatest bestseller now. Don't buy one copy, buy two or more and share.
60) Oh, I almost forgot! This is really important, friends. First, in my own voice I'll say, buy a copy of The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate for your pastor, rabbi, priest, or spiritual leader or elder of any creed or color. I'll return General Flynn's message on point now.
61) General Flynn emphasized this. Every pastor MUST prepare his own Lesser Magistrates sermon. There are sermons on point available, but the message must truly come from the mind, heart, and soul of each and every American preacher.
62) Such a sermon may of course be a series of sermons. A preacher might create a unique sermon for each chapter or theme of Trewhella's book. Such a major sermon or series should be returned at least once per year. America requires this more than can be stated.
63) And finally, once a preacher's stance on this core doctrine has been delivered, the mandate of intervention by lesser magistrates, in whatever place or position they hold, must be a regular sermon topic over timely matters of the day.
64) It is a great power of the left to scorn our nation's religious foundations. To be clear, I am not a religious believer, myself, and General Flynn is very aware of this. He accepts me in spite and amazingly, we find our complete agreement on point no matter.
65) I am a believer in both history and truth. I place my hand over my heart and boldly speak our pledge including the words "one nation under God." I embrace more than just the spiritual foundation of America, but its religious foundation as well.
66) And as a religious non-believer myself, I accept and adhere to General Flynn's counsel with no hesitation and zero doubt. America is a religious nation. It must take its Godly mandate, and the divine basis of our freedoms back again. That is General Flynn's highest purpose.
67) Let's close out today with one last focus on the importance of social media, and the power of Telegram to help us now in meeting our citizen duties. Consider again the long years when we could not hear General Flynn's voice. He was silenced. He is silent no more.
68) I just checked, and as of this moment, General Flynn's channel has merely 234,047 subscribers. If we each encourage every patriot we know to come to Telegram and listen and hear his voice now that we can, we should 1 million immediately!
69) Then, to join the conversation and meet with likeminded followers on the same journey, simply click on the comments link and express yourself. It's essentially the same as a "Reply" here at Twitter. Come along with us on this mission to save America.
70) I can tell you this from my heart. I will never forget the first moment I literally heard General Flynn's voice over my telephone. And I will always rise to meet those challenges he commands of me. America needs his, as it needs all veteran's voices. I say, let us listen.
Thread ends at #70.

It makes me smile when anyone tells me they've joined my Telegram discussion in order to hear about General Flynn. We take his leadership seriously, and hope you'll share your mission with us there.


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14 Jun
14 June 2021 #MAGAanalysis

The Meaning of General Flynn’s Story So Far

Since Friday, I've posted 3 threads resulting from a profound conversation with General Flynn on Thursday. Today's will be the 4th. Here's the link to the first. It's important.

2) In case, like so many, you'd enjoy hearing Patrick Gunnels read that thread out loud, here's his recording:

3) As a result of the post above, a couple of friends of mine expressed an honorable challenge. The question of Flynn's relationship to Turkey arose. It's a concern many have, no matter how strongly they support General Flynn. Here was my response:

Read 31 tweets
13 Jun
I was able to view the entire conference will offer just a few thoughts below.

General Flynn Press Conference Patriot Round Up Dallas Texas via @YouTube
2) I had intended to take careful notes and write up a thorough report. I rapidly jettisoned that intention and just watched. And the one thing that kept reverberating for me was that there is no other such voice in America. Contemplate that.
3) Adversity has hardened our General, the refiner's fire has cleansed the weaknesses, the resulting iron is both stiff and supple. Supple to take a fine edge, sharp as can be. Stiff to be strong and to cut through clean and quick.
Read 16 tweets
13 Jun
Flynn and Turkey...by Memory

Two of my friends asked me about the Turkey article published in The Hill 8 November 2016 by General Flynn, and the subsequent charges of corruption on behalf of Turkey that arose and still circle. I'll do my best to address this vicious rumor.
2) By the way, if I'm missing others on topic, I apologize. The two friends I have in mind are: @DorasPaintDrips and @GGWorld. To dive in, my recollection is that General Flynn, in honor and respect of his position, accepted full responsibility for all decisions.
3) The story in The Hill, praising Erdogan and urging tight ties with Turkey was published with his byline and under his authority. The story itself deserves a small amount of attention. First, it was a 100% legal act, and every American has the 1A right to speak his mind.
Read 36 tweets
11 Jun
11 June 2021 #MAGAanalysis

Introducing #MAGAanalysisVA & #MAGAanalysisRL

If you head over to my very cool looking but very poorly managed (so far) website, you'll see its far behind indeed.

2) It now being June of 2021, I've been active here at Twitter for just over 4 years. During these years I've made several serious technology learning commitments in real part driven by the art of being a thread writer. I still have a long way to go!
3) I have missed one of the most fundamental requirements yet, which I'm changing, and will soon master. Let me use two terms to express it. The most basic is Organization. Alongside it though is something I call Documentation Power. I'll explain the second term first.
Read 32 tweets
9 Jun
8 June 2021 #DefeatMcAuliffeNow & #FairfaxForVA

Pasquale’s Failure Analysis & Final Instalment

With the results in and McAuliffe the big winner at 62%, I don't mind sharing that I am upset about the outcome. There is, however, much to learn.

2) Before tackling the lessons of the failure, I feel the need to review past work as context. I'll skip over Election 2020, and the mid-terms of 2018 as each their own special cases. But two races in 2016 are directly pertinent. Yesterday's primary makes the 3rd in that line.
3) The first campaign I volunteered to serve was Wisconsin District 1's 2016 Republican primary. I worked on behalf of Paul Nehlen, who lost to Paul Ryan. Truth is, I supported Nehlen in order to stop Ryan and we failed terribly. Interestingly, Ryan took 60% of the vote.
Read 31 tweets
8 Jun
8 June 2021 #DefeatMcAuliffeNow & #FairfaxForVA

Dupers And Their Dupes, The Democrat Party’s Evil Smirk

Can a single facial expression express a person's entire life? If they're a sociopath, the answer is yes. It is a smirk. An evil, tiny grin. It is the joy of control.
2) The smirk is easy to find. You can see it on Biden's face in his Ukraine video with the 6 hours. You can see it on Hillary's face with her basket of deplorables. You can see it on Obama's face in his second debate with Romney, when Candy Crowley joins him against Mitt.
3) You can see it on McCain's face when he gives his thumbs down against the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. You can see it on John Kerry's face, on John Edward's face and perhaps most of all on Al Gore's and Bill Clinton's faces. In all cases, the smirk of control.
Read 26 tweets

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