One good lecturer was brave to voice out need to have sufficient facilities in rural schools.. and not "canang" or "small gong" the PdPR, acronym for Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di Rumah.. the current Online Learning in schools..…
Strange now the same lecturer.. sings the praises of PdPR and applauds the "extra time" MOE & teachers to plan for lessons till projected reopening of "social gatherings" i.e. schools by Sep..…
Which brings to my questions.. 1) Are students equipped to follow the impending 3 mth Online Classes ? 2) Can they buy stationery, make notes, answer worksheets ? 3) Can teachers print material for their students ?
We know of some heroic teachers who made home deliveries !!
Questions (cont) 4) What about parents who want to upgrade devices for their kids ? 5) Can parents buy smartphones or laptops or desktops ? 6) Will parents be able to buy revision books from bookshops ?
These are all teaching aids in some form or another..
The answer to ALL above, currently is a RESOUNDING NO !!!
WHY ??
Coz of current FMCO SOP.. even department stores had to close off stationery sections !! Bookshops, IT shops, Hp shops.. all closed !! None allowed to operate.. 😔😔
Original story about the YES 1GB RAM smartphone that caught fire.. while a student was using for PdPR.. Hp was part of Jaringan Prihatin package..…
Now this is something for thought..
1 smartphone given free by YTL under Jaringan Prihatin package caught fire while the 9y boy was having his online classes.. 1/n
Which brought the reaction as reported here.. of similar YTL smartphones given out..
Note the specs of these phones.. 2/n
FANTASTIC story !!
Heroes to the fore !!
Dass Family who had served under the British RAF @RoyalAirForce in WW1 .. Flying Officer (Rtd) David Samuel Dass with the 63rd Squadron !! .. 1/n…
This is 2 of the various #COVID19 Community Clusters.. which sadly has led to not only deaths (34 to be exact 😔) .. but with 2,693 cases !! All from 1 who travelled from Johor to Sarawak for a funeral.. #KlusterPasai .. 3/n…
You learn something new everyday !! Meet #ghrelin .. the hormone secreted by our stomachs that control our Appetite & Hunger !! .. 1/n…
Conclusion was, there was no correlating, from a student t test ..
between #ghrelin hormone levels & patients having #COVID19 or not having..
[Caveat: sample size is small, n=50 for this positive & n=30 for control group who are negative] .. 3/n…
Now just to put things in context.. remember #COVID19 raging in #India just a month back.. with thousands of daily deaths, open cremation & bodies thrown into the Ganges.. article below is on 24th May 2021..…