Off the top of my head, here are 6 reasons (in somewhat random order) why a heterogeneous agent model allows you do more than "just starting from the MPC>>0 and then going forward from there":
4. (continued): would it perhaps be useful to have a framework that can connect to this micro evidence?
I happen to think so. HA models can do this. I struggle to see how the framework @JWMason1's envisions does this.
5. Related, I'd say there is really no such thing as *the* aggregate MPC. Instead there's a distribution of micro-level MPCs.
HA models feature exactly such a distribution and can connect with empirical evidence on it, see eg @GregWKaplan and @glviolante
6. There are lots of different potential transmission mechanisms of monetary and fiscal policy.
HA models provide an integrated organizing framework to think through these (and their distributional and dynamic effects), see e.g.…
OK let me stop here. What other reasons did I miss?
I should also add: obviously I'm not trying to say "all is amazing in macro."
And there are a number of arguments in @JWMason1's piece I'm quite sympathetic to, eg putting more emphasis on national accounting in PhD teaching
(p.s. I missed yesterday's EconFIP panel because it was a bit late in London so don't know what was discussed there)
Late addition:
7. Distribution may matter for aggregate MPC & dynamics more generally
Note: these distributional state vars can be v different from "inequality" e.g. distribution of savings from mortgage refinancing here
I finally read this & thought the following was interesting: exercises quite similar to this ("saving rates rise with income, hence inequality increases aggregate saving") were a prime motivation for Friedman to develop the permanent income hypothesis in the 1950s.
This 1975 Alan Blinder paper "Distribution Effects and the Aggregate Consumption Function" has a nice exposition of the evolution of economic thought up to the 70s
Do wealthier households save a larger share of their incomes than poorer ones?
I suspect most people's prior is that the answer is "yes." Turns out that's incorrect, or rather: things are considerably more subtle, at least in our Norwegian wealth tax registry data.
A short 🧵:
The 🧵 is based on a major revision of "Saving Behavior Across the Wealth Distribution: The Importance of Capital Gains", which is joint with @AndreasFagereng@BlomhoffHolm & @GNatvik
Why do saving rates matter? Answer: for (i) secular trends in income & wealth inequality and (ii) how such distributional shifts feed back to macro aggregates
#EconTwitter hivemind: what are your favorite papers combining “causal” micro estimates (say from DiD or RCT) with a general-equilibrium macro model to answer an interesting macro question?
This is for my PhD teaching so the easier to read the better. Thanks in advance!
The benefits of new technologies accrue not only to high-skilled labor but also to owners of capital in the form of higher capital incomes. This increases income and wealth inequality.
Coincidentally this @voxdotcom "Billionaires Explained" show has a pretty good intuitive version of our theory (from minute 8:00), there explained by @JeffDSachs.
It's also worth adding that standard theories predict exactly the opposite, namely that (in the long-run) all benefits of automation accrue to labor in the form higher wages.
Interesting proposal to tax capital gains on accrual rather than realization. But isn't it a bit more complicated than "unrealized capital gains are the dominant form of income of the rich and should therefore be taxed"?
Basic econ theory says: 1. source of capital gains matters, 2. whether you buy/sell matters.
Example: if only reason stock price increases is falling interest rates & investors just live off dividends/never sell, unrealized cap gains are just "paper gains" so why tax them?
That the source of capital gains should matter for how they are taxed is an old argument.
Here are two short papers I found, one from 1940 and one from 1979.
This @TheEconomist article does not reflect the views of most economists I know.
Most economists I know did not "get off on the wrong foot" with epidemiologists. Instead they highly value their work and just try to learn from it as much as possible.
They do not "intensely criticize" epidemiologists' models or their use. Instead they have hugely benefited from them and been very much aware of how difficult it is to forecast an epidemic in the face of limited and fast-changing data availability and quality.