25. “Character is made by many acts: it may be lost by a single one“
This is a misattribution made only rather recently online from a Methodist Minister’s writings in the 1800s. It is a very Christian and rather un-Aristotelian notion.
1. The monomyth presents simplified descriptive narrative pattern as a prescriptive tool, overlooking that most myths that have monomythic patterns can be analyzed in different ways for many different functions. Campbell reduces myth to what is useful for Campbell
2. The monomyth oversimplifies a 'hero', ignoring different distinctions: ancient heroes were not about virtue and sacrifice. They were about a. cosmic eras (an age of man, or generation of hemitheoi; b. a heros is a person in their full strength, full "bloom" riffing on "hera"
take a minute and imagine a tree in a park or garden. Make it a really nice tree that has been well situated in its environment. Think about the trees’ imperfect symmetry, they way it occupies its space
Now think about this: someone planted the tree; others tended to it and trimmed it; more people spent generations selecting this domesticated tree from its ancestral stock. It is a inextricable product of nature and nurture. #HomerTrees
Then there’s the aesthetics of the tree. Your appreciation is based on other trees you might not remember as well as an entire ‘grammar’ of human beings and the environment
.@kataplexis and @lpoldybloom train our gaze to a small liberal arts school where they teach, to move the discourse from elite institutions and PhD programs
This is a different call from early weeks' claims that classics is qualitatively different outside the US and that recent years' problems are primarily (*anglo)-American
When you were young you bought your dream house. It was an old, sprawling victorian. It needed work, but you loved the neighborhood and really thought you could restore it
Every summer, every break, on weeknights and weekends: you sanded, painted, watched videos about tiling, tried to find original molding for the trim. You made your life into fixing that house
You replaced the roof, updated the windows, tried to keep the original wood siding. The house was an endless pit of resources but you always loved it. You raised your children there. The house became part of who you were
This report's reductive, revisionist, and racist idolatry is exactly why I come down so hard on approaches to the humanities that use similar strategies even if they adjust the content and make it "centrist" or "apolitical"
Hoo, boy! This cacata carta makes all sorts of squishy claims about founding fathers feeling bad about slavery, equates progressivism with relativism (on a walk towards fascism and communism) and claims that the only
"authentic education" includes "moral education" (41)