"I have watched in amazement as state legislatures have rushed to ban the teaching of critical race theory, or any curriculum that is based on it. To date, bills have been advanced in seven states banning the teaching of critical race theory in schools, and in one of these ...
... states—Idaho—the bill has been signed into law. While such bills have not been advanced in California, attacks on ethnic studies increasingly call out critical race theory. Critics claim that it is a divisive ideology that teaches hate, indoctrinates students
...with hate toward white people, and injects race into what should be a colorblind curriculum.
I come to this controversy as a white scholar of race and curriculum, who has used #criticalracetheory as an analytical tool in some of my academic work, and
...who has spent decades teaching predominantly white audiences about race and racism."
"I view attempts to censor #criticalracetheory as an uninformed reaction to fear, a reaction that over the long run will be more harmful than helpful to the nation’s ability to grapple with its legacy of racism."
"Colonial powers who have been slow in recognizing colonial slavery, refusing to apologize out of fear of compensation claims, are now at the forefront of fighting ‘modern slavery."
"... without sufficient recognition and awareness of what colonial slavery was about and how it has been different from modern forms of enslavement, these correlations can do more damage than good. It takes away recognition of the particular damage and trauma
... inflicted on the victims of colonial slavery, damage that has transcended in future generations (intergenerational trauma)."
"A 2014 study shows among black men who have sex with men, 45 percent of sexual encounters were with other black men. The researchers who identified that unusually high number didn't explore what caused it. ...
.. "But it's significant, considering that African-Americans make up only 13.2 percent of the population, according to a 2014 report from the U.S. Census Bureau."
"As of this week, he’s the official leader of #Belize’s conservative opposition party, having ascended to that prominent post after serving for less than a year" slate.com/news-and-polit…
It's not just Belize!
A Global Black Conservatism is On the Rise
#OTTAWA - "Black Conservatives energized by the rising star of Leslyn Lewis hope to use her unexpectedly robust leadership bid to bolster Black representation in the party’s ranks." thestar.com/politics/2021/…
Why would a minority want to conserve/contribute to a white supremacist civilization - devoid of ethnic contributions?
Without Slavery, Would The U.S. Be The Leading Economic Power? wbur.fm/1F0eMZj
"The idea that the forced labor of African Americans is what made [America] powerful and rich is not an idea that people necessarily are happy to hear. Yet it is the truth."
"During the middle of the 1800s, cotton became the world's largest commodity. The cheapest and best cotton came from the southern United States."
"Edward Baptist argues in his new book,"The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism," that the forced migration and subsequent harsh treatment of slaves in the cotton fields was integral to establishing the United States as a world economic power."
.... They dust off all the ol' talking points (absent fathers, food-stamps) and, still they fail because they minimize the greatest attack on the black man in human history, the most devastating and ruthless attack on Black people -- ever: The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade
“With great fanfare, these conservatives declare the historic battle against racial caste to have been won. They go on to say that, but for the behavioral dysfunction of the black poor and the misguided demands...”
Lift every voice and sing,
Till earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the list'ning skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chast'ning rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered.