I enjoy reading/writing the related work section of a paper. It helps organize prior research and put the contributions of the work in proper context.
But HOW? Check the thread below👇
*Divide and conquer*
No one likes to read 1-2 pages full of texts. Identify a couple of important “topics” relevant to your research. Add paragraph titles (\paragraph{}) so that it’s easy to navigate.
For each topic, write about 1) the TRAJECTORY of the research progress as a story and 2) the RELATIONSHIP of prior art and this paper.
Describe what the problem is, why is it challenging, and what people have done in this field to tackle the problem? Connect existing work into a clear research trajectory.
*Avoid laundry list*
Organizing and writing a topic as a clear trajectory is not easy. So instead of learning what to write, it’s often helpful learning what NOT to write.
No “authors A did blah blah. Author B did blah blah. Author C”. Focus on the work, not the people.
*Don’t use citations as nouns*
Your sentences should still be complete and correct even if you remove all the parenthetical citations.
*Don’t just describe, RELATE it*
In each topic, articulate the relationship between prior work and yours. Ex:
Our work is similar as we also …
Our work differs in …
Unlike/in contrast to …, we …
*Identifying the key differences*
Try finding ONE key contrastive concept to separate your work from others. Highlight them with \emph. Ex:
Sharing tips on preparing your presentation slides
Just attend many thesis presentations and qual exams at the end of the semester. I compiled some common pitfalls here and hopefully would be helpful to some.
Check out the thread 🧵below!
I am surprised to see so many talks starting with the OUTLINE.
No one, literally no one, will be excited by the: "I will first introduce the problem, then I discuss related work, next I present our method, I show some results, and conclude the talk".
*Be concise*
Do not treat your slides as a script.
Rule of thumbs for my students preparing a talk:
• Never write full sentences (unless quoting)
• Always write one-liners
• No more three lines of texts per slides
Sharing ideas on how to disseminate your research.
"I am THRILLED to share that our paper is accepted to ..."
Congrats! So what's next? No one is going to browse through the list of thousands of accepted papers. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Check out 🧵below for examples.
Use memorable domain names for your project website so that people can easily find/share the link. No university account? That's okay. Register a new name for GitHub pages.
I recently found an easy setup to get into my slides. Compared to the standard zoom setup, it's fun, engaging, and allows me to interact with the slide contents directly.
Check out the thread below and set it up for your own presentation!
I mainly follow the excellent video tutorial by @cem_yuksel
but with a poor man's variant (i.e., without a white background or green screen).
Make sure to check out the videos for the best quality!
Step 1: Download Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) studio. obsproject.com
Why: We will use OBS to composite the slides and your camera video feed together and create a "virtual camera".
You can then use the virtual camera for your video conferencing presentation.
NeRF has shown incredible view synthesis results, but it requires multi-view captures for STATIC scenes.
How can we achieve view synthesis for DYNAMIC scenes from a single video? Here is what I learned from several recent efforts.
Instead of presenting Video-NeRF, Nerfie, NR-NeRF, D-NeRF, NeRFlow, NSFF (and many others!) as individual algorithms, here I try to view them from a unifying perspective and understand the pros/cons of various design choices.
Okay, here we go.
NeRF represents the scene as a 5D continuous volumetric scene function that maps the spatial position and viewing direction to color and density. It then projects the colors/densities to form an image with volume rendering.