Ibeji (known as Ibejí, Ibeyí, or #Jimaguas in Latin America) is the name of an Orisha representing a pair of twins in the Yoruba religion of the Yoruba people ( present-day Nigeria).
"Mawu (alternately:#Mahu) is a creator goddess, associated with the sun and moon in Dahomey mythology. In some myths, she is the wife of the male god Lisa."
The above story is about a snake, a God, and the creation of humans.
Jacob Olupona, professor of indigenous African religions at Harvard Divinity School recently sat down for an interview about his lifelong research on indigenous African religions.
“Some African cosmologies have a clear idea of a supreme being, other do not. The Yoruba have a concept of a supreme being, called #Olorun or #Olodumare, and this creator god is empowered by the various orisa [deities] to create the earth and carry out all its functions.”
“African spirituality simply acknowledges that beliefs and practices touch on and inform every facet of human life, and therefore African religion cannot be separated from the everyday or mundane.”
— Dr. Jacob Olupona
The African God of the White Cloth
#Obatala (known as #Obatalá in Latin America and Yoruba mythology) is an Orisha. He is the Sky Father and creator of human bodies, which were brought to life by the smooth breath of Olodumare.
After the creation of heaven , Earth , and all the great divinities, #Olodumare ordered the orisha of rainbow called osumare to strike a signal across the earth , indicating that creation has been completed
Yemaya stood there and listened to her daughter and could not believe that Oya would be so angry and ignited to start war over a man . None the less her own son, the man who she had claimed to love.
#Yemaya responded "Do not count on me to end this marriage, Because child you forget it is my OMO AlAFI (favorite son) who is caught in the middle of your tempest , and I will never fight against my own son".
"#Yemaya felt sorrow for her daughter Oya and her sadness and tried in vain to reason her child for her to accept the situation as it was."
Oya had always listened to her mother's advise but not on this occasion, and from that time on #Oya grew distant from #Yemaya.
"#Oya had become so furious that she wanted to destroy the kingdom with her winds, but controlled herself because she respected her father Obatala.
Sad and lonely, she turned to Yemaya "Iya mi" with your waters & my winds we could end this marriage".
The following information is directed at, intended for White people who say that Black people have no history. You're a liar,.and The Truth is not in you.
Celia in Africa
Dancing with Oya & Shango
.. back home in Momma Africa performing in Zaire.
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"Errol returned to South Africa with a half-share in a Zambian emerald mine, which would help to fund his family's lavish lifestyle of yachts, skiing holidays, and expensive computers."
@CultExpert This relationship between former cult members and the Evangelicals who deprogram them + their ties to the Republican party is a fascinating recurring theme.
@CultExpert When one considers these conservative "purity test" it all make more sense. The pledging of loyalty to a set of bizarre, evolving, principles. And, if you don't adhere to them; well, you're thrown out of the group — you’re just a RINO.
The Black Conservative: A black conservative journalist responds to David Horowitz's article, "Ten Reasons Why #Reparations for #Slavery is a Bad Idea and Racist Too".
"Why y'all Blacks complaining 'bout slavery, now? The cotton has been picked and sold, we got iPhones now, and economies running on full speed; y'all should've asked for reparations - during slavey -- or at least during Jim Crow?"
A Black Libertarian view on reparations for centuries of slavery -- free labor
The Case Against Reparations
"America owes black people more than it has given—but reparations aren’t the answer."
“If race disappears as a category of official division, as it has in most of the world, this will facilitate the emergence of a plural racial order where the groups exist in practice but are not official recognized - and anyone ....
... and anyone trying to address racial division is likely to be chided for racializing the population.”
— Professor Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Racism without Racists: #ColorBlindRacism
The ironic and inevitable consequence: Racial and Ethnic Violence. Those dissimilar identities that predate Nationalism will not bend a knee. They will refuse to be nationalized, de-negrofied, Putinized.
"Communism, socialism and Marxism are all ALIEN ideologies and can NEVER be defended by African tradition."
-- George Ayittey, Ghanaian economist
The Trotskys aggressively courted African leaders and stole resources to force and encourage their non- African, European, worldview on Africa — Marxism.