AS A FORMER @rcmpgrcpolice#RCMP (Ret'd), Criminal Code of Canada «DOES SUPPORT» a Canadian investigation and prosecution of the downing of Flight #PS752. Period.
This Liberal government does NOT want a Canadian criminal investigation. It wants the easier route.
Trudeau misleads Zarei. He responds to Zarei's forthright question about Canadian criminal investigation giving as a reason why there is no such investigation as: "Because a crime happened in Iran".
"In the past week, I have received what I would call threatening and harassing emails from the lawyer acting for the Government of Canada. Very distressing emails." (18:11)
2/4 WHEN GOVERNMENT lawyers are so audacious as to (brazenly) threaten and harass a lawyer acting on behalf of the families of Flight PS752, during an existing proceeding before the courts -
WHEN strong-arming becomes visible ...
3/4 'obstruct,pervert or defeat the course of justice' CAN'T be far behind.
☞ What is the likelihood that this government did not exert (political) pressure on @CommrRCMPGRC@rcmpgrcpolice to insure NO Canadian criminal investigation?
Speaking about Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752, a government spokesperson states the official position of this Liberal government:
"The Government of Canada does not consider this an intentional act."
"The Government of Canada does not consider this an intentional act."
* Used with permission of @shahin_mogadam
** Video has been cropped so as not to reveal other #PS752 family members participating in session with government legal team.
2/4 Session Co-Host and #GoC spokesperson Michelle CAMERON makes a statement in response to a question from @shahin_mogadam.
Also representing #GoC and visible in sidebar: Rebecca NETLEY and Payham AKHAVAN.
Mr. MOGHADDAM was a Plaintiff in Ontario Superior Court case.
3/4 Notes:
[TOP Frame] Rebecca NETLEY is the Executive Director (United Nations, Human Rights and Economic Law Division, Legal Bureau @GAC_Corporate) and (Criminal, Security and Diplomatic Law).
Dr. Payam AKHAVAN, Senior Advisor Global Affairs Canada
IN MY OPINION - AS A FORMER @rcmpgrcpolice#RCMP (Ret'd), the decision by @CommrRCMPGRC is unjustifiable. (Attached) She has sloughed off (or if one prefers, sluffed off) and shirked her sworn responsibility under the laws of Canada onto the Ukraine. @ps752justice
2/2 Maintiens le Droit [Fr, "Uphold the Right"], the official motto of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE.
MY INTEGRITY, EVEN IN RETIREMENT, will not allow me to sit idly by or remain silent as this travesty
3/3 of 'in∙justice' unfolds before our eyes. Enough said here, for now.
In the (lengthy) 16-Part Thread below, ask yourself after reading it: What is the likelihood that political interference has not cast its (ugly) shadow across this decision?