It was also disappointing to see Mr. O'Toole's statement include "rapid testing for those who are not vaccinated". Not only does this further perpetuate a segregated, two-tier society - BUT we know that mass testing (or ANY testing at this point) of asymptomatic people...
...was NEVER based on science AND that such testing results in an extremely low PPV in the context of low prevalence. (As most of ON's testing has been conducted on asymptomatic people - the majority of their CV-19-associated debt was a result of those unscientific actions.
BUT...while these are clearly actions that CPC should not be taking - the funding for rapid testing, the lack of science supporting it, AND the public's eventual souring to it will likely mean that this policy will quickly fade away.
We also need "sunset clauses" !!!
Failure of the CPC to also oppose the unscientific mask mandates that affect the social, emotional, & language development of children - as well as their acquisition of non-verbal commination skills will also weigh heavy on the minds of conservative voters.
All of this pales in comparison of the role that continued mask mandates play in perpetuating the #CultureOfFear . It is also quite clear, that as long as mask mandates are in place for all of us - that they will continue for our children. #NoMaskMandates
But there is hope.
Hope in some of the strong small "c" conservatives that will be re-elected - and a few new ones.
Hope that vote-splitting will not be a problem and the CPC will win seats where their candidates are the strongest conservatives - and the PPC where they aren't.
AND...from what I understand - both parties would like to defund the debacle that is the that is a plus.
BC has now created a two-tiered society of "haves" & "have-nots" - where your inability to participate in normal activities in our society (weddings, business meetings, dining, church, etc.) is NOW a reality.
BC just removed medical exemptions - so if you have the definitive contradictions for the vaccine, developed myocarditis or GBS after the 1st shot, etc. - you MUST now be excluded from full participation in society - indefinitely!
If you think that they are actually going to lift this requirement in January - I have some resort property on the moon to sell you.
However, IF you are applying for leave under ESA 50.1(1.1)or(1.2):
"An employer may require an employee who takes provide evidence reasonable in the circumstances..." 50.1(4)&(4.1)