Lead author Professor @bcdelaney1 from Imperial's Institute of Global Health Innovation @Imperial_IGHI, said:
'Long COVID is a brewing public health crisis, yet there is no consistent system for how to manage people affected in the UK.
There has therefore been an urgent need for clear guidance to help patients access the support they require, and we believe our evidence-led recommendations are a major step towards meeting this need.'
🚨For the 1st time the cerebral reality of the long form of the disease has been demonstrated in children.
7 young patients suffering from persistent symptoms were explored by functional imaging (PETscan) in the nuclear medicine department of Timone hospital, #LongCovid 1/3
directed by Prof. Eric Guedj
"The complaints of these children cannot simply be explained by psychological & psychiatric disorders," says the specialist, who has already demonstrated this brain damage in adult patients, and who now favours the hypothesis of brain inflammation 2/3
at the time of infection by SARS-CoV-2 to explain the very long-lasting symptoms in a subgroup of patients:
"There is a real brain damage. You can't reduce it to something purely functional"
Article in french to read: parismatch.com/Actu/Sante/Le-…