“performative chats” are always hard to do well regardless of the venue (remote/physical). on stage, it’s always a bit awkward. this is where a podcast style format really works
people get comfortable, there’s no time crunch, no visible audience, etc.
summary: global there have been huge advancements in #privacy, US lags because of the fractured approach. really hard to manage, lots of overhead, need a better, more consistent approach
Ken adds that the level of complexity in technology today makes it hard to understand what data is out there, who can access it, what the intention of storing that data is, etc.
it’s hard to wrap your head around as a defender and as someone who’s data is entrusted to an org
“You definitely need to understand your data”, Ken. he points out that this activity also requires you to understand where that data is and what’s done with it
Anne talking about the push for early @Slack prospects wanting an on-premises version. natural push back against the cloud and a desire for an “I have control” feeling
Anne, “It’s a growing challenge for technologists to help consumers get comfortable with the technology we’re building” << there is so much to unpack there
“We don’t do anything with your data until we have clarity of your intent”, Ken << excellent point. simple example: how @awscloud handles data in region
. @awscloud has 1,000 #security employees EMBEDDED IN OTHER TEAMS to help build that culture that ensures the security and #privacy story is in place before going live
I land here. it's not bad though a bit of a pitch, "AWS is the #1 place for you to run containers and 80% of all containers in the cloud run on @awscloud" << but will MINE?!?
…and the challenge of virtual events rears it ugly head. other more pressing matters popped up and I’ve missed what seems like a great talk and discussion on IAM 😔
lots of different legislation out there around data protection and #privacy. combined with a push to the cloud, lots of change in a traditionally slow area of GRC
of course, the execution of this script took a while. about 6 hours. so I ran a couple quick, smaller scale tests and when I had things locked. I ran the script 👆