…and the challenge of virtual events rears it ugly head. other more pressing matters popped up and I’ve missed what seems like a great talk and discussion on IAM 😔
btw, here’s another excellent talk from Brigid on IAM using attributes, “Scale Permissions Management in AWS w/ Attribute-Based Access Control”, << this one is from @awscloud#reinforce 2019
I like this discussion on IAM and the idea of improving over time. too many teams set their permissions and then forget about them until there’s a major problem
I land here. it's not bad though a bit of a pitch, "AWS is the #1 place for you to run containers and 80% of all containers in the cloud run on @awscloud" << but will MINE?!?
lots of different legislation out there around data protection and #privacy. combined with a push to the cloud, lots of change in a traditionally slow area of GRC
of course, the execution of this script took a while. about 6 hours. so I ran a couple quick, smaller scale tests and when I had things locked. I ran the script 👆