🔮 ZINC: The Most Powerful Protection Against The Rona? (MEGA THREAD) 🔮

You already know that being zinc deficient

Makes you a certified soy, but...

Could a Zinc Deficiency PREDISPOSE YOU to a SEVERE Viral Infection?
At the end I'll share a Zinc Protocol for viral infection, read until it's done.
In this spanish Clinical Trial 🇪🇸...

They studied 249 patients with The Rona and their ZINC levels upon hospitalization.

Those who died had 32% less ZINC in their blood than survivors. The authors concluded that...

EACH UNIT INCREASE of blood ZINC resulted in a 7% REDUCED risk of dying by the RONA

That's how powerful Zinc is.

In this other study, ALL Rona infected patients had 31% lower blood ZINC than control, but most importantly...

The Zinc deficient-infected group had WAY more complications than those infected but with "normal" Zinc levels.

From both Clinical Trials we can conclude that Being Zinc deficient?

Predisposes you to Severe Rona.

But, what makes ZINC so POWERFUL against The Rona?
🔮 In this Thread you'll discover...

- Viral Infection 101
- How Zinc Immunises You From The Rona
- Immune System 101
- Why your Immune System is FUCKED without Zinc
- The X factor in severe COVIX-19
- How Zinc cancels that factor
- Zinc Protocol for COKVIG-19
- Final Notes
This is the PT. II of The Viral Infection Saga. The PT. I is exclusive for Patreons, join us for as low 10$ a month to achieve mastery of your health & body.


At this point most of you are familiar of how a virus looks like. Those "sticks" you see in its surface?

Are called "Glycoproteins". They connect to receptors on a cell's surface.

This allows the virus to enter your cell and infect it.
Think of these Glycoproteins as the "keys" and receptors as the "doors".

The Glycoprotein opens the receptor so the virus can get into the cell.

❗️ - Corona's Spike Glycoprotein S binds to your cell's ACE2 receptor and releases its Viral Genome into it.
❗️ - From the Viral Genome, the Corona's RNA & proteins are replicated respectively by:

- The RNA-Dependant RNA Polymerase (RdRp)
- The Ribosomes.

When all the replicated material is accumulated, it's assembled to form a complete Virus particle, called a Virion.
Then it's released extracellularly, ready to infect more cells. Repeat until it's done.


P.S: Your cells aren’t that naive and let the virus do whatever it wants. Re: "Intracellular immunity" in Patreon.
However, your body will inhibit all steps of viral replication if you provide it with enough Zinc. Here's why:
1. Zinc Inactivates The Rona 🦠

The American Chemical Society published this study where they placed SAR-Co-2 and Influenza particles on a woven fabric with 505ppm of ZINC.

The result?

Rona's Glycoproteins were CLEAVED OFF by ZINC.
Eventually this disrupts & destroys the viral membrane, causing their "death".

Of course, the Viral Load alongside the Virus total quantity drastically fell after the Zinc exposure.

If you remove the Glycoproteins from ANY Virus, not just Corona,
It won't be able to infect you since it doesn’t has the keys to enter your cell.

Zinc removes those keys. Zinc literally kills the virus.
2. Viral Binding Inhibition

Zinc reduces ACE-2's affinity to VIRUSES, after all ACE-2 is a Zinc-dependant enzyme.

Thus lowering the likelihood of Corona entering your cell and infecting you.
Several studies have shown that LOW ZINC favours Corona’s Spike Glycoprotein S binding to ACE-2, thus favoring its cellular entry through [30-32, 48, 57]

P.S: source sir? at the end lets continue
3. Viral Replication Inhibition

If by any means The Rona founds a way to get into your cell at this point,

It's mission to be replicated still will be inhibited… by Zinc.
Zinc inactivates Viral RNA-dependent RNA-Polymerase through inhibiting it's Elongation and decreasing Viral RNA binding to the RdRp.

Elongation = when the RNA gets longer, thanks to the addition of new nucleotides. Essentially the process of replication.
Around 10 years ago, this study showed that ZINC is a potent inhibitor of the replication of SARS-CoV-1.

Like COVIX-19 but beta version aha

So If Zinc

- Inhibits Viral Replication
- Lowers ACE-2's affinity to viruses
- And Cleaves off Corona's Glycoproteins 🔑

You get a COMPLETE protection against a Viral Infection with it. "The Anti-Viral Nutrient".

However, Zinc's anti-viral properties are also indirect, as it is the most critical mineral for a strong, developed & controlled immune system.
Within 1 minute after your White Blood Cells (WBCs) recognize a pathogen, intracellular zinc concentrations start to rise [54].

Why do your WBCs need Zinc that aggressively?

Here's why:
First, Your immune system is divided in 2 teams:

- Innate Immunity
- And adaptive immunity.

The Innate team's Cells are the first line of defense. They're the first cells to meet with the pathogen and eliminate it.
They are non-specific, attacking any unknown, foreign substance/particle that goes into your body.

The stars of the Innate team are Macrophages

Macrophages EAT & kill pathogens through “Phagocytosis”. They go all in.

Turns out that without Zinc they can’t execute that process.
MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases) are zinc-dependent proteins. No Zinc = No MMP activity.

MMP12 is used during Phagocytosis.

It adheres to the pathogen's cell wall and DEGRADES it's cell membrane leading to its death.

No Zinc = Disrupted Phagocytosis

Only B & T Cells are found in this team. Make no mistake, these are the Special Forces of your Immune System and are imperative to clear out the infection.

In contrast with the Innate team, they're SPECIFIC.
When B & T cells are activated, they only attack ONE specific target, ignoring EVERYTHING in their path.

Even if they found with the bubonic plague fusioned with ebola and the simian flu.

They're that specific.
B Cells main role is to produce ANTIBODIES, which bind to the Glycoproteins of a SPECIFIC pathogen.

Once they bind, they have 3 main functions:
And there are 3 types of T Cells:

1. Killer T Cell (KT Cells)
2. Helper T Cell (Th Cells)
3. Regulatory T Cell (Treg Cells)

All 3 need Zinc to function properly.
Now... T Cell's Intracellular Zinc concentrations increase within 1 minute after they recognize a pathogen's antigen [54]. Specially in T Cells, which are highly dependant on Zinc.

After all, Zinc is needed to activate "ZAP70".
ZAP70 is what activates your T, B & NK Cells. It induces a signalling cascade that ends in acute activation of the transciption factors NF-kB, AP-1 & NFAT, inside those Immune Cells.
A transcription factor binds to your DNA & regulates it's expression. NF-kB, once bound, induces the expression of genes involved in the immune & pro-inflammatory response.
In NK & T Cells, NF-kB stimulates Granzyme and Perforin production [10, 12, 13, 20-22, 25-28].

Both Cells use these two to execute their main function; KILL infected cells.
While NFAT & AP-1 work together to stimulate genes involved in Adaptive Immunity reactions, for example,

The CD40L gene. It stimulates Antibody production from B Cells, Dendritic Cell ACTIVATION, B Cell division (proliferation), differentiation & T Helper Cells' signalling-
To Killer T Cells [10, 12, 13, 20-22, 25-28].

Overall ZAP-70 stimulation ends in a COMPLETE activation of the Adaptive Immune System.

But without ZINC?
ZAP-70 isn't stimulated. Hence,

- Perforins & Granzymes can't be produced
- NK & T Cells can't be activated.
- So NK & T Cells can't KILL the infected cells.
- Antibody production crashes
- Dendritic Cells don't get activated
Btw Dendritic Cells (DCs) are "messangers" for the Adaptive Team. When the Innate Team is figthing the Pathogen, DCs go & recolect proteins from the pathogen.

Then they show those proteins to the T & B Cells, so now they know what they need to target.

Oh btw you need Zinc to produce T cells lmao

The hormone "Thymulin" NEEDS ZINC to be active. Thymulin triggers the generation of new & fresh T cells ready to fight. Also,

Thymulin binds to KT Cells, Th Cells & Treg Cells, promoting their respective functions
A Zinc Deficiency leads to a shift of the Th1/Th2 ratio towards Th2, which enhances allergic, autoimmune & inflammatory response, which leads us to the next point.

Lung injury, fatigue, joint pain, neurological disorders + other symptoms in Rona Long Haulers arise due...

A hyper-inflammatory state coming from an overactive and uncontrolled immune system.

That's called “THE CYTOKINE STORM"
Cytokines are the messangers of your immune system and they control it's response, all through intracellular signaling.

Inflammatory cytokines stimulate immune response. Anti-inflammatory cytokines control & slow it down. Sinple.

A Cytokine Storm is where a FUCK TON of
Inflammatory Cytokines are released, without enough anti-inflammatory factors to balance them out. Causing a excessive inflammatory immune response.

There are mountains of evidence that a Cytokine Storm is present in ALL Severely ill Rona patients.
They have higher IL-1b, TNF-a, IL-6, IL-10 and D-dimer (infl. cytokines) in comparison than the "Normal" Rona patients.

The fatalities in Rona patients are preceded by this cytokine storm. Luckily, Zinc prevents it.

And stops it (if you didn't Zinc-MAXXed before the infection)
A Balance between Th Cells + KT Cells and Treg Cells will allow your body to handle the infection with ease.

It turns out that a Zinc Deficiency screws this balance, shifting it towards Th Cells + KT Cells [48], promoting EXCESS inflammation, an uncontrolled immune system.
Zinc about it.

If there's no Treg Cell activity, your body can't regulate the immune response.

If there's no brakes eventually the car will crash.

Zinc acts as THE Brakes for your immune system.
In the same clinical trial shown at the beginning, those who had blood zinc levels below 50 μg/dl, had 59% higher levels of IL-6, a inflammatory cytokine.

I'll say it again.

Those who had blood zinc levels BELOW 50 μg/dl, had 59% HIGHER levels of IL-6, a INFLAMMATORY cytokine.
Why Zinc is SO anti-inflammatory?

There's this protein called "A20", which is a Zinc Finger Protein - without zinc, there's no A20.

A20 PREVENTS excessive INFLAMMATION through NF-kB regulation, remember it?

NF-kB is the Master Inflammatory Transcription Factor.
A zinc deficiency predisposes you to a cytokine storm.


Without ZINC, the whole activation & FUNCTION of Macrophages, DC, NK, B & T Cells crashes.

BOTH Adaptive & Innate Immunity get IMPAIRED without Zinc. Your immune system becomes a Immune soystem.

Nothing will fuck it more than a Zinc deficiency.

To maximize your Zinc Status, eat these foods on a daily basis to get those precious 20mg. If you already do this, there's absolutely no need of a Zinc supplement.

If you aren't doing this, do it.
However, i do recommend a Zinc BisGlycinate supplement during a viral infection. SPECIALLY at the start of the infection (as soon as you know/suspect you're infected)

40mg-60mg of Thorne's Zinc Bisglycinate every other day for a week.
Make sure you're eating copper rich foods during this period, if you don't you can develop a Copper deficiency.
10mins before Zinc Supp, take a Zinc Ionophore as well. Ionophores transport ions INSIDE the cell. Some Zn ionophores are:

- Hinokitiol (0.081 x KG bw)
- Quercetin (500mg-1500mg)
- EGCg (400-1200mg)

I'd go with Quercetin as it also has several benefits against The Rona.
Now, those move ZINC INTO the cells. Basically puts Zinc to fight directly against corona.

I would do this at the start and immediately if it gets severe.

Btw this is literally how Ionophores work 👇🚌
To un-soy your Zinc status you must remove:

- Refined Sugar
- Coffee
- Antinutrient Rich Foods (Legumes, Nuts, Grains, Spinach, etc.)

These 3 deplete Zinc & inhibit its absorption like no other foods. They make you a certified soy.

I must remember you that this is ONLY the effects of Zinc on the rona & your immune system. If Zinc is already steroids for your Immune System,

(btw zinc has WAY MORE anti-viral / immune "boosting" properties, this was just a quick review)
Imagine if you fix your

- Nutrient deficiencies (Mg, Zn, B1, C, D3 & Cu specially)
- Light & EMF exposure (+🌞, -📱)
- Sleep
- Nutrition (more organs eggs seafood kefir meat remove sugar seed oils coffee grains etc)
- Gut Biome (kefir + fasting)
- & your Omega3/6 ratio.
You will create Immune System that terrifies any pathogen known to mankind brah.

If you're still eating like crap, not getting any sunlight, bathing yourself in blue light & not exercising,

You're creating the perfect environment for Corona to infect you.
You're creating the perfect environment for any disease to arise.

A weak Immune System, susceptibility to infections & poor outcomes from them, is purely caused by a unhealthy diet & lifestyle.
You have the power to avoid that, you have control over your nutrition & life, choose to fix it right now. Choose to eat real food, to eat for nutrition, for a strong body and for longevity.

Go ALL in, reject mediocrity & choose to reach your human potential.
A better mood, body, immune system, athletic & cognitive performance awaits you on the other side. Start today FUCK

Join my Patreon to get a Special Offer on my very first course, will be launched in 30 days from now.

You'll also get exclusive contact with me, exclusive posts, early access to all my content & access to "The Elixirs".

This was Alli. See ya on the next one.
Yeah I add sources for you to check them if you have any doubt or want to go deeper U Mad?

The immune system, rona's pathophysiology & zinc's effect on it are way more and way more complex, I just sinplified everything and added the key points thx for reading lesgoooo

• • •

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Note: If you aren't taking care of ur sleep, nutrition, light exposure (getting sunlight+protecting from blue light), gut health & fizeek...

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13 Sep
Yes. Through eating:

- Refined Sugar
- Anti nutrient rich foods
- Toxic Seed Oils
- And exposing to Artificial Light

You induce:

- Mitochondrial Dysfunction
- Gut Dysbiosis
- Screwed NAD+/NADH Ratio
- B5, B1, Mg, Potassium, Zinc depletion


Specially Poor Gut Health (Dysbiosis) induces Neuroinflammation.

The Gut is constantly producing Serotonin, Dopamine & BDNF (neurogenesis) - all IMPERATIVE for proper cognitive function.

Without a Healthy Gut?

Your brain is FUCKED ImageImage
A poor gut also disturbs Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability, allowing toxins & pathogens enter your brain easily - Not Good!

While a healthy gut, strengthens that barrier.

Do you realize how you’re avoiding neurodegeneration just by eating for a healthy & diverse gut biome?
Read 8 tweets
20 Aug
If your motivation is always on the fucking floor fix your GUT BIOME

+46% of your DOPAMINE and +95% of your SEROTONIN is produced there.

Of course you feel like shit with a fucked gut
And this one in overall digestion

Both imperative tho
Read 6 tweets
18 Aug
EACH UNIT INCREASE of plasma ZINC resulted in a 7% REDUCED risk of in-hospital dead by the WUHAN 🦠

That's how potent is Zinc.

Also 👇
Zinc has the next effects:

1. Inhibition of viral replication by zinc
2. Viral uncoating inhibition
3. Inhibition of viral genome transcription
4. Inhibition of viral protein translation and polyprotein processing
5. Free virus inactivation
Read 7 tweets
17 Aug

If you have +3 of these symptoms you're a certified soy
Of all the nutrients I've studied, Zinc is the one that has fascinated me the most.

From depression to shit digestion, cancer to diabetes, neurodegeneration to hypothyroidism, gut disbyosis to low testosterone, male+female infertiliy to poor skin/hair/nail/joint health...
A Zinc Deficiency is involved.

A low zinc intake CAN'T be MASKED.

Eventually you'll be Zinc Deficient and have the below mentioned symptoms, since...

Your body doesn’t has a mechanism to store zinc. You need a DAILY surplus.
Read 55 tweets
12 Aug
Two people can do the same workouts, eat the same meals and get the same supplements.

But if Homie A sleeps 9hrs…

And Homie B sleeps just 6…

Homie A will get way better results and Homie B?

Only decent results.
Just ONE night of sleep deprivation reduced Muscle Protein Synthesis BY 18%!

MPS is how you grow muscle.

Picture your muscle as a wall and amino acids as bricks. MPS is how you add those bricks to the wall.
Read 9 tweets

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