@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon TY @Buckleygkml . You really got me thinking/studying - role/job of PHO vs MOH. Just a couple of things b4 I get to main thoughts.
a. True I don't hold current PHO in high esteem; Perhaps my cynicism was showing and translated as spite. 1/
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 2/ b.I had assumed (perhaps wrongly... we'll get to that).. that a PHO, by definition, would know the numbers/extent of health care workers in #BC. Esp. since PHO had just announced (vax) mandate affecting every one of them.
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 3/ It just seemed logical to me - that in considerations leading up to + resulting in mandating new regulations; a significant aspect of such decisions, would be knowing who would be affected- ie: to whom the mandate applies
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 5/I found a summary (not an actual detailed contract) of PHO job description - and you're right - at no point does it reference knowledge of number of HCWs in province as requisite. Here's the link I'm referencing: www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/he…
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 6/In short, as I read it: #PHO job duties include:
monitoring health of #BC population
providing independent advice to ministers/health officials
recommending actions to improve health/wellness of BCers
delivering reports in public interest
establish standards for/ assist MHO's
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 7/So, given this new found info/which I ought to have referenced prior to my comment... I concur - it is not in job description of #PHO to know or understand how many health care workers we have in #BC
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 8/ However, let me try to explain, why I have even more questions now.
Let's look at the BC Public Health Act as it lays out duties of PHO and those of the MOH. Herein, I think is where my confusion lies- by the way we are being given info by each of them.
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 9/ The lines are blurred, the responsibilities of each confused in my mind; when PHO declares mandates when their job is to (independently) *advise* the MOH, not to actually decide course of action.
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 10/It seems some agreement has been reached between them (and not conveyed to us) that another job of PHO (outside PHAct) is as spokesperson/comms person for MOH? So, it's no surprise if I inadvertently assume a duty to PHO of knowing the numbers
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 10/ It gets even more interesting/confusing if we look at duties of MOH,who must:
inquire into health of population and into health hazards
plan/make recommendations re health protection
advise govt on actions by gov that impact public health
and who may establish directives
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 11/
So it seems like neither PHO nor MoH have any obligation in their job description, to know how many health care workers are affected by recent mandate for them all to be vaxxed?
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 12/ And, after a few hours trying to find their job descriptions (so I know who to hold responsible for their decisions) - I have yet to find which act/which job description - ie: *under what authority* do mandates which PHO and/or MOH announce to us fall under?
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 13/Claimer: I wish vax mandates for *all* (except medically unable). I'm not arguing against - I'm wishing for more. I'm merely trying to ascertain power of #BC PHO/MOH and Premier - to actually make these decisions.
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 14/ @Buckleygkml (TY) called me spiteful for questioning why PHO didn't know how many health care workers we have in #BC. So I've been trying to find out, whose job it is, to know that. And I have yet to find out. But in trying to find answer, I have so many more questions...
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 16/ Circling back, (and wrapping down this thread) my prev comment "-7/ ... I concur- it's not in job description of #PHO to know or understand how many health care workers we have in #bcpoli "....>>>
@Buckleygkml@ctv_shannon 17/ So who the hell's job *is it* to know who will be affected by their decisions?
And who exactly makes these decisions? #BCPoli
@Carol13@dockevinmcleod Hi Jazzy. You hit the nail on the head. #BCGov#PHO#MOH are *not* giving us info. I believe nurses who tell us they are *over* whelmed. Protests should be aimed at those making the regs. Why target those who are working so hard to care for everyone/vaxxed or not. 1/
@Carol13@dockevinmcleod 2/Think about it - someone who refuses vax for no reason except "my body/my right" are protesting the very people who are trying to help everyone. If one of us has heart attack/or needs emer. surgery or care for any reason - there is no beds/no staff.
Read this excellent reporting by Kaya Martin @TheMartlet re the #GVSB, #CRD housing (#CRHC) and @CityOfVictoria 's land use decision re @vichighsd61 . It pulled the rug out of Alumni Assoc 's 13 yr project to revitalize stadium by leasing out the "unneeded" land #YYJPoli
2/ Does anyone know what stage this project is at now?
Has CRD housing begun construction of housing on this land @CityOfVictoria leased to them? "Renovations are scheduled to be finished in September 2023." seems to refer to revised (downgraded) plans for stadium/track...->cont
@CityOfVictoria 3/ but what's happening on #CRHC end- on land they now lease for the intended purpose of creating housing - the land which put the kibosh on the original VicHigh Alumni Assoc plans for stadium/track upgrades?
Dear @CapitalBikeCa As a driver, I heed importance to allow 1metre when I pass a cyclist. If there isn't space, I gladly slow down behind them. What do you say to the cyclist on s.#VancouverSt just before 5:30pm who sped by on the right.... 1/2...
2 ...squeezing himself with very little space between me and parked cars on his right; as I had to slow for speed bump? It's clearly marked single file shared use lane. Also 30k/zone which he was in excess of?
This is why some drivers are angry at some a*hole cyclists, imo.
3/ (sorry... need to extend this thread.) If perchance, one of the parked cars, didn't see him coming as he was not only riding in wrong place (he should have been behind me) but speeding - opened their door and he ran into it - guess who would be blamed?
1/To me, it's nb to differentiate between various subgroups of cyclists. Commuters are different than recreational are different from semi or wannabe pro athletes. (of course some are cross over of any/all segments...) #YYJ#YYJBikes#yyjpoli
2/ @CityOfVictoria is inviting one and all to come for the recreational experience they have created on #VancouverSt - as a destination; not a commuting route.
3/ many orgs are encouraging cyclists to make use of the expanding AAA bike lanes - for recreation and family fun -posting #NeighbourhoodRides experiences, awarding prizes for logging kms..
2/ I refuse to believe it's irreconcilable. Many drivers are also cyclists-many cyclists are also drivers. So why is the discourse almost always about "us vs them"? #YYJ#YYJTraffic
3/#FullDisclosure: I'm coming from the viewpoint of someone who can no longer cycle: one who is both envious of and rejoices in, those who can .
@JamesRobertsCBC@RethinkRichard2@lrbincanada@CityOfVictoria Hi @JamesRobertsCBC .How lovely for you. Don't understand ur point bout it better4 drivers if cyclists stay in designated path. If U ride it 5times/wk you've surely noticed there is no cycle path on VS. It's 100% cycles. Drivers (residents)on VS R detoured onto side streets. 1/
@JamesRobertsCBC@RethinkRichard2@lrbincanada@CityOfVictoria 2/ You're right. If the goal is to make every street in the city - a bicycle only route - there is no need for a survey.
So why dilly dally ... Let's just ban all cars on every street.
Vancouver St is a shining example of how to do so.
@JamesRobertsCBC@RethinkRichard2@lrbincanada@CityOfVictoria 3/ "oh that's silly Maggie" is the usual reply I get to this comment... but I'm serious. If we're not intending to ban all cars on every street - who gets to decide which streets are expendable to vehicle traffic? And what criteria to make those decisions?