4 June – 300,000 (short expiry)
21 June – 1,253,600 (short expiry)
26 July – 1,454,400
9 August – 619,200
6 September – 1,413,600
13 September – 1,360,800
TOTAL – 6,401,600
2. How many doses does #JnJ still owe us?
We procured 31.2 million doses, so:
31,200,000 - 6,401,600 = 24,798,400
9. How will #JnJ help us the most? With people it’s hard to follow up with for 2nd shots.
Who are they?
* People in rural areas (they often have to travel further to sites than city people + on bad roads)
* People getting vaccinated @ pop-up sites, e.g. at Sassa payout points
10. To which areas will our batches of #JnJ doses be distributed?
* Rural areas
* Pop-up sites, such as Sassa payout points
11. Why have some urban sites had #JnJ up until now? They’ve been given short expiry doses that were originally meant for essential workers. Those vaccinations progressed too slowly, so @healthza stopped it and gave those doses to sites to use before the expiry date of Sep 27.
1. The aim of vaccination certificates = not to punish people, but to protect each other 2. Vaccination certificates will allow SA to introduce policies to open up more activities, e.g. larger sports events, for vaccinated people
2. #Phaahla: Vaccination certificates will allow vaccinated people more access to activities than unvaccinated people. But it won't deprive unvaccinated people from accessing essential services, e.g. health clinics. You won't need certificates to access such services.
3. How will vaccination certificates be accessed? #Phaahla: 1. A link from which you can download your certificate will be sent to your phone (you can only download it if you have a smart phone) 2. Your vaccination site will be able to print you a certificate
[Thread] 1. #Phaahla: Vaccinations of people below 18: 1. #Pfizer has been approved for use on people of 12+ 2. SA, for the next month or two, will remain focused on vaccinating people of 18+ (higher risk people) 3. Main priority = 50+ (most vulnerable) before our 4th wave
2. #Phaahla: 1. We're not ignoring the fact that #Pfizer has been approved for use by people below 18 yrs + schools want learners vaccinated 2. We're hoping by the end of Oct we will have covered enough adults to then review our policy + consider vaccinating people of below 18
3. #Phaahla: 1. @HealthZA believes it will be irresponsible to "start running around" vaccinating teenagers before we haven't reached enough adults (high risk group) 2. Goal = to have 50% of people of 50+ vaccinated first (currently = at 30%).
[Thread] 1. #Phaahla: SA's 3rd #COVID19 wave has been considerably longer than other waves: 1. First wave = 87 days 2. Second wave = 95 days 3. Third wave (so far) = 120 days
2. #Phaahla: When compared to the previous 7 days, overall new #COVID19 cases are down by 35%. The positivity rate (the % of tests that come out +) is down by 9.5% to an average + rate of 9.3%. That brings us closer to the WHO's recommend, "safer" +rate of 5%.
3. #Phaahla: Active #COVID19 cases are going down. The WC and KZN still have the highest numbers of active cases, but they're slowly coming down.
* It's real life data from between
- April 4 and June 19
- June 20 - July 17
* They looked at data from 13 US states
* Jabs that fully vaccinated people received = Pfizer/Moderna (92%), JnJ (8%)
3. What did the #DeltaVariant do to the protection #COVID vaccines offer @ infection?
It reduced vaccines' protection @ infection from 91% to 78%.
[Thread].1. How is Northwest province doing with #VaccineRollOutSA?
* To reach 70% of adults by Dec, NW needs to do 20 000 jabs six days/week
* Where are they now? NW is doing 13 000 jabs/week
* Biggest challenge = vaccine hesitancy
2. How many #VaccineRollOutSA sites does NW have?
* 55 fixes sites (42 public, 13 private)
* 200 outreach sites
* NW has all the required equipment and also enough staff and funds to vaccinate all adults who needs a vaccine
3. Vaccine hesitancy in NW province = biggest problem. NW hlth dpt says the graph below shows that it's particularly difficult to get people to visit sites that are open over weekends, so there are huge dips in weekend vaccination numbers.
#Phaahla: [Thread] 1. BREAKING 1. In about 1 week, vaccinated SAs are likely to be issued with digital vaccination certificates 2. The certificates can be uploaded onto smart phones + will be printable 3. You can only get a certificate if your vax details = recorded on the #EVDS
2. #Phaahla: SA doesn't currently require vaccine passports for travelers coming into the country. We only require #COVID (PCR) test results not older than 72 hours.
3. #Phaahla: Digital vaccination certificates for vaccinated people in SA will:
* Protected from fraud, as far as possible
* Be in line with WHO requirements (WHO is standardising vaccine certificates for all countries to decrease the possibility of fraud)