Almost time for our next game of #StumpARepublican - the finest Twitter trivia game to ever stump a Republican!
Tonight’s topic: Slavery
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Time for our next game of #StumpARepublican - the finest Twitter trivia game to ever stump a Republican!
>>> According to the 1860 Census, what percent of Southerners owned slaves?
Be sure to check back for hints, vote and retweet!
There is a strong, persistent myth pushed by historical revisionists and slavery apologists about slave holding in the Southern states and confederacy.
Thanks for playing #StumpARepublican - the finest Twitter trivia game to ever stump a Republican!
Hint #2
Here’s a map showing the distribution of the slave population of the southern states of the United States. Compiled from the census of 1860.
Source: Library of Congress
Thanks for playing #StumpARepublican - the finest Twitter trivia game to ever stump a Republican!
Final hint!
Apologists on slavery and the confederacy push a pervasive false narrative that only the wealthiest 1% in the South owned slaves. The actual number is much higher.
Answer! Looks like we’ve stumped more than a Republican!
Over 30% of Southerners owned slaves. The slave population was over 57% in South Carolina where the first traitorous shots were fired on American troops.
I will not criticize President Biden for the collapse of Afghanistan. I will not criticize our military & families who endured 20 years of sacrifice propping up that government and training and supplying its troops.
Criticism should lay squarely with the Afghan Army & Government
I disagree with those saying this is a “sad day for America.” Quite the opposite. It’s a betrayal of America. Our troops endured multi-generational deployments. We built a 300K-strong army. It’s amazing what the US did. But if 20 years of support and billions of American dollars
didn’t give the Afghanis the motivation to defend their country, it shows there is no loyalty to the “nation.” It’s a country of warlords vying for power. Another 20 years would not change this outcome.
3) Background checks have stopped nearly TWO MILLION prohibited persons from buying guns, but BGCs are only required by licensed dealers. NICS data sharing is voluntary & exemptions for private sales across 38 states make BGC's easy to circumvent.
1/3: ArmaLite first developed AR-15 in late 40s as a military rifle & sold patent to Colt who developed it into the M16 & ramped up production of semiautomatic version for law enforcement marketed as the AR-15 designed to kill PEOPLE! #GunOwnerForGunReform…
2/3: The AR-15 was developed as a military weapon. The AR-15 came first, in 1947 & tested in Vietnam; the M16 a decade later. There are only subtle differences such as semi vs full auto. Bump stock helps with that. Learn more:
Ted Cruz flew to Cancún while the people he supposedly represents suffer and die from cold due to continued, systemic Republican incompetence. No signs of Heidi, though. She must be busy managing the fallout in her Texas energy portfolio for Goldman Sachs.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
@tedcruz@SenTedCruz is just another Republican proving Orwell right. Orwell was meant as a warning, not as a GOP play book.
Sure #CancunCruz@tedcruz left for vacay while Texans die and millions suffer in unbearable cold due to Republican incompetence, but let us remember that before he asked President Biden for disaster relief, he and fellow Senator @JohnCornyn voted against Hurricane Sandy relief.
@GOP strategist @rickwtyler told @AliVelshi Trump turned the GOP into a party of “cowards” & “eunuchs.”
DISAGREE! Republicans built Trump over 6 decades of courting radicals. He delivered dreams of unqualified judges; billions to the top; and dismantling of a century of progress
2/5 @GOP strategist @rickwtyler told @AliVelshi Trump turned GOP into a party of “cowards” & “eunuchs.”
DISAGREE! Republicans built Trump over 6 decades of courting radicals. He delivered dreams of unqualified judges; billions to the top; & dismantling of a century of progress.
3/5 @GOP strategist @rickwtyler told @AliVelshi Trump turned GOP into a party of “cowards” & “eunuchs.”
DISAGREE! Republicans built Trump over 6 decades of courting radicals. He delivered dreams of unqualified judges; billions to the top; and dismantling of a century of progress