Tom Kindlon Profile picture
Sep 29, 2021 59 tweets 57 min read Read on X
"#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis/#ChronicFatigueSyndrome: Essentials of Diagnosis & Management" (from US ME/#CFS Clinician Coalition)…

"21 clinicians specializing in ME/CFS convened to discuss best clinical practices for adults affected by #MECFS"

"the United States and other governments as well as major health care organizations have recently withdrawn graded exercise and cognitive-behavioral therapy as the treatment of choice for patients with ME/#CFS

#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps
"There are many steps that clinicians can take to improve the health, function, & quality of life of those with ME/#CFS, including those in whom #MECFS develops after COVID-19"

#PostViralFatigueSyndrome #PostViralSyndrome #PVFS #LongCovid #Covidlonghaulers #PostCovidSyndrome
"Even after diagnosis, [#MEcfs] patients struggle to obtain appropriate care & have often been prescribed treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) & graded exercise therapy (GET), that could worsen their condition"

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
"There are many steps a clinician can take to improve the health, function, and quality of life of these patients. Even if they do not go on to develop ME/#CFS, some patients with #postCOVID conditions may also benefit from approaches such as pacing"

#PostViralSyndrome #PVFS
"Historically, premorbid mood disorders, personality issues & childhood adversity have been linked to the development of ME/#CFS. However,study limitations, such as use of overly broad criteria that included people with depression but not #MECFS, could confound those findings"
"Mental health after the onset of ME/#CFS is similar to that in other medical conditions & better than that seen in depression. The prevalence of depression & anxiety in #MECFS is similar to that in other disabling, chronic illnesses"

#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicE #PwME
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis/#chronicfatiguesyndrome substantially impairs occupational, educational, social, & personal activities. The degree of impairment can exceed that of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, depression, heart disease, cancer, & lung disease"
"The hallmark symptom of PEM [post-exertional malaise] is an exacerbation of some or all of a patient’s symptoms and a further reduction in functioning after physical, cognitive, orthostatic, emotional, or sensory challenges that were previously tolerated"

#MEcfs #CFS #PwME
"Notably, although postexercise fatigue and musculoskeletal pain are common in healthy people and other medical conditions (eg, osteoarthritis), (contd.)"
(Part 1 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
"(Contd.) the postexertional worsening of function & the constellation of symptoms (such as sleep, memory, concentration, influenza-like feelings [eg, sore throat], & mood) seen in ME/#CFS are distinctive"

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs
"In the past, some physicians&scientists speculated that these exertional limitations were due to physical deconditioning or an irrational fear of activity.While chronically inactive people are likely to be deconditioned,deconditioning does not explain the symptoms of #MECFS"
"Instead [of deconditioning], evidence suggests that problems generating and using the main energy molecule, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), may be a fundamental driver of ME/CFS."

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps
"For example, when sedentary but healthy people or people affected by a number of other chronic illnesses are asked to exercise to their maximal ability on 2 consecutive days, energy test results do not change significantly from one day to the next (contd.)"
(part 1 of 3)
"(Contd.) [Sedentary people] may not use oxygen as efficiently as healthy, physically fit people,but their energy efficiency remains the same on repeated testing. In contrast,in #MECFS, the ability to generate energy deteriorates on a repeated test the 2nd day."
(part 2 of 3)
"(Contd.) "For instance, [in people with ME/CFS] the work rate at ventilatory threshold can drop significantly, with 1 study reporting a drop of up to 55%"
(part 3 of 3)

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps
"Compared with patients moderately affected with #MECFS, severely affected patients exhibited impairment in the glycolytic system as well...Damage to more than 1 energy generation system may account for why severely affected patients are often so limited"
#SevereME #SevereCFS
"Patients [with #MECFS] experience various sleep disturbances, such as problems in falling or staying asleep. However, even when these problems are treated, most patients remain tired or sick on awakening. (contd.)"
(part 1 of 3)
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
"(contd.) Reduced heart rate variability, controlled by the autonomic nervous system, is linked to unrefreshing sleep in ME/CFS and other conditions."

(part 2 of 3)

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps
"(contd.) Furthermore, studies have reported that nocturnal parasympathetic activity is decreased relative to sympathetic activity in ME/CFS, the inverse of what should be occurring during rest."

(part 3 of 3)

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS
"Decreased information processing speed is the most commonly found cognitive deficit in #MECFS. Other abnormalities include decreased reaction time, working memory, & attention. These deficits are not due to poor effort, insomnia, or mood disorders"
(part 1 of 3)

"(contd.) Defects become particularly prominent when patients face deadlines, unrelenting demands, and multiple simultaneous tasks. Motor speed, verbal abilities, & global reasoning remain intact."

(part 2 of 3)

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS
"(contd.) Brain studies have found brain inflammation and reductions in white matter and possibly in gray matter. Neuroinflammation is correlated with cognitive impairment and impaired connectivity across various regions of the brain."

(part 3 of 3)

#MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE
"In up to 95% of those with #MECFS, an immobile, upright position (eg prolonged standing or sitting) will cause or worsen symptoms such as lightheadedness, nausea, fatigue, palpitations & cognitive impairment. Assumption of a sitting or supine position can alleviate symptoms"
"This phenomenon is called orthostatic intolerance and includes orthostatic hypotension, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, and neurally mediated hypotension."

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps
"Objective physiologic abnormalities [of #OrthostaticIntolerance in #MEcfs] include the following:

- Abnormal heart rate and blood pressure changes after passive standing & tilt table tests

- A 25% drop in cerebral blood flow on standing or sitting up"

#CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
"[Objective physiologic abnormalities of #OrthostaticIntolerance in #MEcfs include] decreases in stroke volume index and cardiac index that are not correlated with activity levels, contradicting theories that deconditioning explains ME/#CFS"

#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicE
"[Objective physiologic abnormalities of #OrthostaticIntolerance in #MEcfs include] Orthostatic hypocapnia & a decrease in blood volume which can further aggravate symptoms caused by abnormalities in the autonomic nervous system"

#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
Patients "may experience other symptoms but not link them to their illness or have difficulty describing them.Consequently,it is important for clinicians to ask explicitly about the symptoms composing the criteria for #MECFS.Examples of questions to ask are listed in Table 1"
"The key symptom of PEM is often not mentioned spontaneously as [#MEcfs] patients may not be familiar with the concept.The nature & severity of PEM symptoms, the degree of reduction in function, & PEM’s time course can vary from episode to episode & with the type of activity"
"#orthostaticintolerance commonly is manifested as lightheadedness, palpitations, or syncope. However, patients with ME/#CFS often experience subtler symptoms, such as feeling sick, nauseous, tired, or confused during periods of sitting or standing still"

#MEcfs #PwME #OI
"Inquiring about symptoms during aggravating (eg, long lines, hot weather) and alleviating situations (eg, lying, sitting down) is helpful."

#orthostaticintolerance #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps
"Pts may [be] diagnosed w/ anxiety as some symptoms (eg lightheadedness, a “racing heart”) are shared...Accurate identification of orthostatic intolerance avoids misdiagnosis w/ a psychiatric disorder&ensures its appropriate management,which is different from that of anxiety"
"Some patients are so affected by cognitive dysfunction that they cannot converse, read a book, follow directions, or remember what was just said"

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps
"Other [#MEcfs] patients function reasonably well for brief periods but suffer from cognitive fatigue or reduced or slowed abilities under time or other pressures. Many patients stop or restrict driving because of these issues."

#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
"The most severely ill [#MEcfs] patients are bedbound and unlikely to be seen in the clinician’s office but may be seen in emergency departments and hospitals during a crisis."

#SevereME #SevereMECFS #SevereCFS #VerySevereME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome
"Whether in the hospital or at home, the very severely ill require individualized care that accounts for their severe energy limitations and sensory sensitivities. The recent expansion of telemedicine may facilitate the provision of care for all ME/#CFS patients"
#MEcfs #PwME
"Repeated cardiopulmonary exercise testing [can demonstrate]an inability to repeat or to sustain physical activities...these tests involve a challenge that may induce severe or longlasting PEM.This risk may
be warranted for disability evaluations but[not recommended for all]"
"fatigue and a reduction in activities can be seen in both
ME/CFS and depression or anxiety; but PEM [post-exertional malaise] and orthostatic intolerance are not characteristic of mood disorders, whereas feelings of worthlessness are typically absent in #MECFS"

"In general,PEM [postexertional malaise]is a distinctive feature that can help differentiate ME/#CFS from other diseases.Therapeutic trials may also help;if treatment for the alternative diagnosis completely eliminates a patient’s symptoms,#MECFS is not the correct diagnosis"
"Treating these [comorbid] conditions will not cure #MECFS but can reduce symptom burden & improve quality of life. Documenting these conditions may also promote appropriate reimbursement by insurance groups & may support a disability claim & access to other needed resources"
"However, GET & CBT [#MEcfs] studies have been widely criticized for their methodology, inadequate tracking of harms, and a disease theory that conflicts with the evidence of multisystem biologic impairment"

#GradedExerciseTherapy #GET #cognitivebehaviouraltherapy #CFS #PwME
"When the [#PACEtrial] data were reanalyzed with the original protocol, improvement decreased by a factor of 3 and recovery rates decreased to 7% for CBT and 4% for GET, not significantly different from controls"

#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE
"54% to 74% of [#MEcfs] patients have reported experiencing harms after GET [#GradedExerciseTherapy]. Because of these concerns, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & health agencies in some countries have
since removed recommendations for CBT & GET"

"Despite the lack of ME/CFS-specific US Food and Drug Administration approved treatments, health care professionals can greatly reduce a patient’s burden of disease & improve their quality of life. Basic principles of care are outlined below"

#MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
"Validate the [#MEcfs] patient’s illness experience and educate patients, family members, and others (eg, employers, schools). Frequently, patients’ concerns have been dismissed, downplayed, misdiagnosed as depression or anxiety, or labeled as hypochondriasis."

"Almost all patients consider obtaining an ME/CFS diagnosis to be a turning point in their illness, allowing them to better understand, explain, cope with, and find support for their situation."

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
#MEcfs "Patients often need help acquiring handicap placards, work or school accommodations, housing, adequate nutrition, disability benefits, & other necessary resources...provide information, documentation, referrals, equipment, & accommodations to address these needs"
"Documenting how symptoms affect function during every appointment can save time in documenting disability later. [#MEcfs] Patients should assist by documenting such information before the visit."

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE
"Resources for work accommodations,118 educational accommodations,119 & disability programs106 are available. [#MEcfs] Patient websites & community support groups may have information about local programs"
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
Table 4
Summary of Treatment & Management Approaches [in #MEcfs]:

-Postexertional malaise
-Orthostatic intolerance
-Sleep issues
-Cognitive dysfunction & fatigue
-Immune dysfunction
-Gastrointestinal issues…

#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CFS #PwME
"Because PEM [post-exertional malaise] is associated with poor energy production & can be instigated by a variety of stimuli (eg, physical/cognitive exertion; emotional, orthostatic, & sensory stressors), patients must carefully plan where & how to spend their limited energy"
"Typically, [pacing means] patients must decrease the total amount of their activities & restrict their exposures to PEM*-inducing stimuli as much as possible"

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MEeps

*post-exertional malaise
"Reducing PEM [post-exertional malaise] can help alleviate fatigue, cognitive defects, sleep disturbances, pain, and other symptoms while helping to avoid repeated post-exertional relapses that can have a long-term impact."

#ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
"education about pacing, and use of energy-saving/monitoring devices (eg, shower chairs, motorized scooters, pedometers, heart rate monitors) are often beneficial, as are diaries to help patients identify when they are exceeding their limits"

#MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE
"Even with such [energy-saving/monitoring devices] aids, pacing is challenging and some setbacks are inevitable, especially because tolerance for activity can vary from day to day."

#MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #MyE #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome
"Treatment of comorbidities can positively affect a patient’s quality of life & severity of symptoms. Ensure treatments for comorbidities are also appropriate for #MECFS.For example, whereas exercise may help patients with fibromyalgia,it can make patients with ME/#CFS worse"
"Hopefully, this article has answered some questions surrounding this enigmatic condition...As with many chronic medical conditions, although there is not yet a cure for #MECFS, health care providers are in a unique position to have a positive impact on patients’ lives"


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More from @TomKindlon

Mar 21
"Almost no ME/CFS patients return to work: "The help we have provided to patients through the welfare and healthcare systems has had little rehabilitative effect," says a researcher."

#MEcfs #CFS #PwME

1/… Almost no ME/CFS patients return to work "The help we have provided to patients through the welfare and healthcare systems has had little rehabilitative effect," says a researcher. The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration requires ME/CFS patients to go through work-oriented measures in order to be granted disability benefits, which is a challenge for many patients. (Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB) Emilie Wee Journalist Published 21 March 2025 - 00:01

“They see [in the research data] that very few of the patients were well enough to work again, even nine years after diagnosis. These are disappointing results, but unfortunately not particularly surprising.”

#MEcfs #PwME

“Many patient stories show that those who try to adapt to the labor market often experience relapse. Working life is largely not adapted for people with low and varying work capacity, says Trude Schei, assistant secretary general of the ME Association.”

#PwME #MEcfs
Read 5 tweets
Mar 5
"Chronic diseases misdiagnosed as psychosomatic can lead to long term damage to physical & mental wellbeing, study finds"

Research on people with autoimmune diseases but people with other conditions will sadly be able to relate


1/…News Release 2-Mar-2025 Chronic diseases misdiagnosed as psychosomatic can lead to long term damage to physical and mental wellbeing, study finds Peer-Reviewed Publication University of Cambridge
“A study involving over 3,000 participants – both patients & clinicians – found that these misdiagnoses (sometimes termed “in your head” by patients) were often associated with long term impacts on patients’ physical health & wellbeing and damaged trust in healthcare services”

“Patients who reported that their autoimmune disease was misdiagnosed as psychosomatic or a mental health condition were more likely to experience higher levels of depression and anxiety, and lower mental wellbeing. (contd)”

Read 12 tweets
Feb 14
Unusual but sympathetic paper:

Language Matters: What Not to Say to Patients with Long COVID, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Other Complex Chronic Disorders

#LongCovid #MEcfs

1/…Abstract People with Long COVID, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and other complex chronic disorders consistently report having difficulty obtaining effective and compassionate medical care and being disbelieved, judged, gaslighted, and even dismissed by healthcare professionals. We believe that these adversarial interactions and language are more likely to arise when healthcare professionals are confronting complex chronic illnesses without proper training, diagnostic biomarkers, or FDA-approved therapies. These problematic conversations between practitioners a...

Table 1. Never-words, their impact, and suggested alternatives


Language Matters: What Not to Say to Patients with Long COVID, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Other Complex Chronic Disorders

#LongCovid #MEcfs…Table 1. Never-words, their impact, and suggested alternatives. Never-Words Explanation and Impact Alternative “You don’t look sick”. Many patients may appear healthy, but feel very sick with various symptoms, including fatigue and pain. Please refrain from commenting on their appearance. “You need to stay positive”. Saying this to patients with debilitating symptoms with limited treatment implies that the patient did not stay positive or that the patient’s attitude is to blame for feeling or staying sick. “I know it can feel discouraging to feel so sick, and especially for so long. We will...
@dysclinic @njsmyth 3/

Table 1. Never-words, their impact, and suggested alternatives


Language Matters: What Not to Say to Patients with Long COVID, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Other Complex Chronic Disorders

#PwME #PwLC…Screenshot of part of Table 1. Never-words, their impact, and suggested alternatives.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 23, 2024
"Ignored, blamed, & sometimes left to die – a leading expert in ME explains the origins of a modern medical scandal"

There's an audio version of this long but highly recommended article at link

This is a thread with some extracts
#MEcfs #CFS #pwME
1/…The Conversation Search analysis, research, academics… Academic rigour, journalistic flair Arts + CultureBusiness + EconomyEducationEnvironmentHealthPolitics + SocietyScience + TechWorldPodcastsInsights  Photo of somebody lying in bed looking ill  Ignored, blamed, and sometimes left to die – a leading expert in ME explains the origins of a modern medical scandal Published: October 21, 2024 10.35am BST  There is a city nearby that we hide from view. Its people are of all ages, ethnicities and classes. What unites them is a disease: all are diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis, or ME.  Ph...

“Worse, when we don’t ignore them, we blame them, telling them they are all free to rise from their beds & wheelchairs, to walk away from the city. Doctors tell them they can free themselves of the disease by changing their belief systems. (contd)”


“(Contd) Make the effort, they say, and you will regain your health and previous lives.”

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME
Read 7 tweets
Oct 1, 2024
I was impressed by knowledge of the Belgian author of this

Automated English translation:
"When exercise puts your health at risk"

Turns out she is a researcher whose research has been supported by @MEResearchUK

#MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MEcvs #CVS

Photo of a woman with a towel around her neck who looks like she had just stopped exercising  Eos Blogs Psyche & Brain  When exercise puts your health at risk  For people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), exercise can leave them bedridden for days afterward.

“What makes PEM [post-exertional malaise] particularly insidious is that symptoms often do not worsen until 24 to 72 hours after exercise. As a result, patients who feel fine immediately after exercise can unknowingly push themselves beyond their limits”

#MEcfs #PwME #CFS
“The well-meaning advice to 'move a bit more', which patients regularly receive, can be counterproductive in their case. Of course, this does not mean people with ME/CFS should remain completely still. Movement remains important, but within the limits indicated by their body”
Read 7 tweets
Sep 11, 2024
New 24-minute video from @MEActNet & @patientled

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it.

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PostExertionalMalaise
Screenshot from a video showing Dr. Yellman (white man with short hair wearing a tie and sweater) sitting in an office speaking to the camera. Text above: Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise with Dr. Brayden Yellman. Text below: #MedEdMonday Four-part video series created by Patient-led Research Collaborative and #MEAction
@MEActNet @patientled @BatemanHorne 2/
From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE
Image of a person sick in bed  Augmented Symptoms in PEM • - "Flu-like symptoms" (subjective fevers, sore throats, arthralgia, myalgia - Cognitive symptoms (brain fog, word-finding difficulties, reduced concentration) - Insomnia - Headaches - Sensory sensitivity - Orthostatic intolerance  Transcript: So people will feel fevers, sore throats, arthralgia and myagia  Bateman Horne Center
From 24-minute video from MEAction & Patient-Led Research Collaborative

"Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr Brayden Yellman"

I thought this was very good. Great to have a doctor who gets it

#LongCovid #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #PEM #PESE
The PEM Experience....  - Not uncommon for people experiencing PEM to remain confined to bed for much of the duration of their episode  - May struggle to complete basic ADL's including toileting or preparing food  "If there was a fire in the house, I am not sure I would be able to make it out in time"  It's hard to get up and get dressed.  Bateman Horne Center RESEARCH CLINICAL CARE | EDUCATION ▶ ▶2:32/23:35 Understanding Post-Exertional Malaise - Dr. Brayden Yellman #ME ACTION
Read 17 tweets

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