Today, the SC will hear a group of 130 petitions concerning the implementation of the Court's decision in M Nagraj v Union of India (2006).
In M Nagraj, the Court held that SC/STs can be granted reservations in promotion.
The Court partially upheld the Nagraj judgment in Jarnail Singh (2018). It struck down the requirement for States to demonstrate backwardness when granting reservation in promotion.
It also introduced the idea of creamy layer exclusion.
In the present petitions, the Court had previously ordered all parties to appraise the Attorney General about their issues with the policy. The AG was directed to consolidate these issues for the Court's deliberation.
AG stated that High Courts have been interpreting Nagaraj retrospectively. He gave the example of Delhi High Court's 2017 order quashing appointments in pursuance of a 1997 Office Memorandum. He argued that thousands will lose pension because of this.
Yesterday, Sr. Advs Arvind Datar & Shyam Divan argued that the 50% reservation limit must be followed & the #MarathaReservation was not an ‘exceptional circumstance’. Also, Marathas are not backward but a politically organised & dominant class
Sr Adv Shyam Divan argued that the 102 Constitution Amendment no longer allows States to categorise Social and Educationally backward classes: SEBC Act violated this Amendment.
(Background: In Damnoo, an amendment to Art 370 was made much like in the way it was done in the recent abrogation orders and the same was upheld by the SC)
Nevertheless, he tries to differentiate the recent abrogation orders and the exercise which was scrutinised in Damnoo.
He argues that in the Damnoo instance, there was an amendment of the J&K Constitution itself, prior to the amendment of the Indian Constitution.
'Art 370 does not control the power of amendment of the J&K Constitution since it is not a creation of the Indian Constitution but of the original proclamation made by the Raja', adds Dwivedi
Given this, Art 370 cannot be used for repealing the J&K Constitution itself.
The Bench has assembled. Sr.Adv.Dinesh Dwivedi submits that the matter needs to be referred to a larger bench as there are conflicting judgments from two earlier constitution benches on President's powers u/Art.370
The Bench is now trying to assess the time that will be taken by counsels to finish their arguments.
SK Kaul J. observes that there needs to be a cap on the number of intervention applications being filed.
1) Judgment did not deal with the main prayer of one of the petitioners (P Bhushan): filing of an #FIR & a #CBI led investigation
... 2) Judgment relied on a large number of major factual errors 3) Critical material evidence was suppressed from the Court 4) Judgment did not consider critical facts submitted by the petitioners
The 5-judge Bench assembled at 11.30 to announce its judgement on #Section377. #CJIDipakMisra is reading the judgement. There are four concurring opinions
#Section377 has been struck down. #CJI says, 'it is irrational and manifestly arbitrary'