In her book, Dewar notes: in January 2020, Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology submitted a study to @Nature and another study to a different journal that contradicted the Nature paper. Neither have been corrected. (Who peer reviews Nature studies?) #originsofcovid /3
Last year, @janeqiuchina wrote a puff piece on Shi Zhengli for @sciam_cn
Elaine Dewar: "Her article on Shi was true to National Geographic’s preferred story form. It was organized around dramatic moments and utterly free of investigative techniques" /5
Elaine Dewar spot on about DRASTIC: It did not speak well for the independence and objectivity of establishment science publications like Nature, The Lancet, and even Science that most of this important new information had not been published by them.… /7
One thing Dewar uncovers is that China pays researchers huge sums to publish in Nature. She says this financial incentive has likely has led to many errors and problems in publishing today. @MicrobiomDigest
1/4 Researcher Selim Cetiner of @sabanciu in Turkey sure seems flipped out that @GMWatch ran this clip by @corinnelepage defending Seralini's research finding harm from GMO corn.
Cetiner complains it undermines his discussions w/ reporters.
If you ever worried that science was being warped by corporate interests, this backpedal by AAAS in giving an award to pesticide researcher should lay that to rest.
Story at NBC news gives you a taste of the pile on against Seralini w/o any mention that this was a corporate orchestrated hit on a scientist.…