The thousands & thousands of #chidlren sex trafficked AFTER the Clinton Earthquake, Grew Up? What if many of these Haitian Victims made their way to our border(s) recently & tell us their stories? #RedHaiti#AIDS#ClintonCrimeSyndicate
4) Would More People Wake up to "The Durham Report", or Hundreds of Haitians screaming their tortured truth from US border(s)? Using their scars & diseases (HIV(red)), as a roadmap of truth documenting 11yrs of Hell Constructed by way of "The Clinton Initiative?" #RedOctober
5) A Soulless, Sinisterly Corrupt Establishment's Use of HAITI as an HIV/AIDs Petri Dish: #DeepStateEvil
This "Happening" is #Soon/er than you think. DS BandAIDs ripped away. Nothing can stop what is coming. It's already here. "AZ Audits", "Vaxforce," "Diseases Disguised as Deltas," & "Gabby/Walsh/Dog/Hunter" are MSM's Distraction.
7) Haitians Have Been a the Precipice for Far Too Long! Fear Does not Exist in their Dojo. Even the Shame Stream Media Won't Be Able to Censor the Hurricanronious Cries for Freedom bravely told by the great people of Haiti.
8) #DJT: "THE CLINTON CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE: Haiti Hates the Clintons!!!"
9) "FoB: Friends of Bill - Pay For Play."
Luciferians use this terms as well. The Highest Level of The Mason's top Monster's call it... FoL/FwL: "Friends w/ or of Lucifer."
Hillary Should Know. Where In Places Like Haiti; She's Taken a Number of Them."
There are Patriots & Worldwide Whitehats on the Good Side & Clinton Cover Uppers Grifting, Laundering, Aiding/Abedding Child/Drug Trafficking. Imo, OUR RESCUERS & Some FORMER CELEBS will be used as DS Defense shields. Collatoral Damage? Collossal!
And To Think, Many H-Wood Elites Never Cared About Promoting a Good. Many Are Just Professional Pickpocketers w/ little talent, and ZERO empathy.
Reve Walsh is proud of all Meghan Walsh has accomplished, & what Meghan will accomplish in the future? Interesting 180 right?
This statement pretty much proves Reve to be a strong character witness in support of her daughter Meghan.
2) Also... Look at the other board members for NCMEC & where they hold or held high positions...
Microsoft? Disney? Pokemon? Amazon? McCain Institute? AirBNB? All Donate tons to NCMEC as well?
1) @MeghanWalsh_ , @did_Gi_no#DreamTeam...
CPS Corruption in Indian River County is BIGger than we ever knew. No Idea How, or Why. The Exposure Starts w/ my friend Gino's original theory on Covid being a #Keystone for US. Stay Focused America....
1) While @chrisrock is enjoying his new "Anti-Woke Make-Over" with the help of scandal ridden "Netflix"... it wasn't long ago when he was pushing the "Woke AF" Biden agenda with his creepy naked friends. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
3) Was Smith's "Sissy Slap" staged? Loud but didn't sound like a slap. Didn't even leave a mark on @chrisrock.
And w/ Oscar ratings in the toilet, the "Sissy Slap Heard Across the World" executed at the beginning of the show was "Good For Show-Biz" as no one was watching.
1) I’ve never been a fan of @elonmusk to be honest. Large Scale Ponzi Scheme Artist? TBD. However, I love being wrong. Hoping he proves US “Elon Cynics” incorrect.
2) My old friend from Playa Del Rey, CA Matt Farah explains @elonmusk well.