I always get suspicious when people use inexact terms: in their defence it was only 30 of 1,400 kids.
But is this narrative control?
But maybe I'm getting carried away.
1:50 symptomatic children hospitalised, but maybe this ends up being such a very, very small number because so many children have ASYMPTOMATIC infection.
😳 (pic)
Fact check🧴: Using @apsmunro's '50%', that's 1:100 likely to be hospitalised.
Oh dear.
This looks like a disaster UK-wide.
Some of the data I used in this letter to my MP is looking way too optimistic.
I'm going to need to double the hospitalisation data for the current situation of unmitigated UK transmission within schools.
‘…ask yourself if the authors are truly trying to inform their readers or if they are instead trying to advance a narrative that would be undermined if they fully enumerated how COVID-19 has harmed children.’
The language (tending towards hyperbole - my interpretation) here is not that of a scientist, but we’re none of us free from this, I guess! @dgurdasani1 like you I’m concerned about this PHE-derived narrative, particularly when conclusions defy physical laws.
‘Antibody seroprevalence rates in students & staff were generally similar to regional community rates, both at the start & end of the Autumn term, albeit with wide confidence intervals.’
Looks like ‘direction’ of infection from students over time, no?
Physical laws:
1. Is there any difference in SARS-CoV-2 viral load comparing children & adults?
Email: 20/12/20
I am writing to request your help towards highlighting the need for urgent revisions to the current PHE UK Covid-19 infection prevention & control (IP&C) personal protective equipment (PPE) policy for all “front line” health & social care staff.
To-date, three UK-based reports demonstrate significantly greater risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or death in non-ICU UK patient-facing healthcare workers (HCWs):
The most recent (28th October) is from the BMJ (doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m3…), with data on 158,445 Scottish HCWs...
...(1st Mar – 6th June 2020) indicating that: "patient facing HCWs compared with non-patient facing HCWs, were at higher risk [of SARS-CoV-2 infection] (HR 3.30, 2.13-5.13)...after sub-division of patient facing HCWs into…front door, ICU, non-ICU aerosol generating settings...
“What we have got to do is work out some balance which actually keeps [Covid] at a low level, minimises deaths as best we can but in a way that the population tolerates..,” @CMO_England 1/4/21
137 HCW deaths since 08/20
HCWs tolerate FFP3 but only ICU teams get them: why?
'Dynamic CO-CIN report to SAGE and NERVTAG
Includes patients admitted after 01 August 2020
There are 104666 patients included in CO-CIN. Of these, 21177 patient(s) have died & 18043 required ICU. 62747 have been discharged home.' @trishgreenhalgh