#China official messaging on unification with #Taiwan has been on a tear lately. #PeoplesDaily runs front page article today, expanding ("thoroughly studying") #XinJinping's speech on 110th anniv. of Xinhai Revolution, titled 共同创造祖国完全统一、民族伟大复兴的光荣伟业 1/10
"Creating together the unification of the motherland and the glorious enterprise of national rejuvenation." Article repeats that Xi Jinping's sentence that "The complete reunification of our country will be and can be realized." 2/10 paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2021…
What is interesting is the length the piece spends on connecting the #CPC with founding father Sun Yatsen, and how the party is the true heir of the Xinhai revolutionaries 作为孙中山先生革命事业最坚定的支持者、最忠诚的合作者、最忠实的继承者 3/10
and how much Dr. Sun talked up the importance of unity for China. "The Chinese Dream is the dream of all compatriots on both sides of the strait" (中国梦是两岸同胞共同的梦,民族复兴、国家强盛,两岸同胞才能过上富足美好的生活。4/10
The conditions for unification? "One country, two systems and One China and the 1992 Consensus 我们坚持“和平统一、一国两制”的基本方针,坚持一个中国原则和“九二共识”. 5/10
Here's another piece in the People's Daily, written by the head of Taiwan Chinese Cross-Strait Association of Trade, Investment, Culture, and Education 台湾中华两岸经贸投资文化教育协会, repeating China's talking points: 6/10 tw.people.com.cn/n1/2021/1011/c…
Only problem is - the "strange" recalcitrance of Taiwan to accept the 1992 Consensus, spoilin the rosy picture of "compatriots on both sides of the strait. So when Chiu Tai-san, head of @MAC_Taiwan, rejects China's formula of 1992 Consensus as denigrating Taiwan, 7/10
The spox of China's Taiwan Affairs Office is forced to defend it, saying it's a precondition of improving cross-strait ties: 8/10 tw.people.com.cn/n1/2021/1009/c…
Problem is - #China's definition of 1992 Consensus is one-sided: 马晓光表示,“九二共识”是两岸有关方面受权商谈达成的,体现了两岸双方在一个中国原则基础上求同存异、平等协商的精神,是两岸协商谈判的共同政治基础. 9/10
Spox says two sides agreed on One China principle, but forgets to mention the right of interpretation reserved for each side. End. 10/10
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Time for that Democracy lesson, or "#China vs #West – the Battle of Systems" – Xi Jinping expounds on “whole-process democracy.” Highlights: China’s National People’s Congress/#NPC system ensures ultimate power resides with the people and ensures the people are sovereign 1/
and a big institutional advantage of the Chinese political system, says Xi Jinping at an important conference on work related to people's congresses. @NPC_Observer
The people's congress system “organically combines the party’s leadership, the people’s sovereignty, and 2/
the rule of law, and effectively guards against the historical cycle of rise and fall of the states.” 人民代表大会制度,坚持国家一切权力属于人民,最大限度保障人民当家作主,把党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机结合起来,有效保证国家治理跳出治乱兴衰的历史周期率。3/ @NeysunM
#China#propaganda In May 31 #Politburo meeting, #XiJinping calls for strengthening China's external media outreach, build "international discourse clout commensurate with China's overall power and int'l standing 形成同我国综合国力和国际地位相匹配的国际话语权". Highlights 1/6
Some of the principles enunciated by Xi are familiar - need to show "a more holistic, more comprehensive image of China," need to "build a strategic media system more obviously Chinese 构建具有鲜明中国特色的战略传播体系" 2/6
Xi call for better outreach "to help foreign audiences understand that the Communist Party truly struggles for the happiness of the Chinese people 帮助国外民众认识到中国共产党真正为中国人民谋幸福而奋斗" 3/6