"European Parliament resolution on the climate, energy & environmental State aid guidelines" europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document… "currently impossible for civil society to challenge State aid decisions taken by the Commission under Article 108(2) TFEU, which may contravene EU #law" #Loaded
* "having regard to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the Aarhus Convention),"
* "having regard to Rule 132(2) and (4) of its Rules of Procedure"
* "whereas the list of energy-intensive sectors eligible for State aid has been reduced in the Commission’s draft CEEAG;"
* Calls on the Commission to align the different aid categories with the European Climate Law, thereby supporting a cost-effective and just transition to..."
"... climate neutrality and facilitating the phasing out of fossil fuels; stresses that this gradual phasing out should be accompanied by support possibilities for new less carbon-intensive technologies in accordance with the ‘do no significant harm’ principle" #nonukes
* "Welcomes the general objectives of extending the scope of the EEAG to cover new areas such as clean mobility, increasing flexibility & streamlining current rules; notes however, that more ambition is needed as regards State aid for climate, environmental protection, renewable"
"Sumiko Hatakeyama begins the roundtable with a useful summary of some of the main themes in Political Fallout, situating the book in relation to other key works as well as to recent events like the 2011 debacle" at Fukushima networks.h-net.org/system/files/c…#genpatsu@BeyondNuclear@napf
"Once these investigations revealed the dispersal of radioactive fallout around the planet, scientists and government officials were forced to confront how dangerous these exposures might be." #nuclear#atomic#bombs#weapons#radiation#radioactive
"evidence of genetic damage at even minute levels of radiation exposure compounded the difficulty in assessing the health & environmental risks of nuclear tests. Eventually known as the “linear non-threshold” hypothesis, this research suggested that there could never be a truly"
bad stuff happens to our marine environment causing more cancers in fish, more loss of plankton & krill, more irredeemable toxic impacts affecting humans & wildlife, etc. etc. etc. - There Is No Turning Back, there is No Fix - We will all be up sh*t creek without paddles. 2/
We have already caused great harm to our oceans with nuclear weapons testing, dumping of nuclear assets by governments into oceans, allowing the nuclear industry to dump nuclear waste into our waters, and ongoing radioactive waste leaking from & intentionally dumped by TEPCO 3/
"The core of the rocket, which China launched April 29, has been predicted to come back to Earth "around May 8,"" ~ US Space Command businessinsider.com/us-tracking-un… Possible locations of landing of China's space junk throughout 8 May (thread).