A copy of another excellent FB post from Ed Bosveld. Read & Share/RT!!!
(***link at the end)
"The Premier has announced a plan to cautiously and carefully re-open Ontario, guided by an on-going assessment of key metrics and indicators. The Minister of Health promised...
...brighter days ahead, while the Chief Medical Officer of Health commended Ontarians....
Oh. Wait.
That was May of 2021. Five months ago. Since then we have exceeded all the metrics. Reached extremely high vaccination rates, by any standard. Seen cases and...
...hospitalizations at much, much lower rates than expected.
And? Well, another five months, folks.
The Premier announced today that Ontario has yet another plan to exit the pandemic. Starting Monday, most places where vaccine passports are required (restaurants,...
...gyms, casinos, meeting spaces) may operate at full capacity.
Settings which were exempt from the passport will not be allowed to increase capacity unless they impose the passports on themselves. This includes places of worship, which will get NO relief...
...from capacity restrictions unless they bow to the passport.
On January 17, if the government likes the numbers - and once again, no clear metrics have been established, so that could mean anything - vaccine passport requirements "may" be lifted...
...in restaurants, gyms, casinos, and meeting spaces.
On March 28, all remaining Covid measures will be lifted, including masking and vaccine passports, if the government likes the numbers at that time.
The government will ask the legislature...
...to extend its emergency powers, currently set to expire on December 1, "until they are no longer needed."
Some random observations on today's sad news.
1. This is, in effect, an expansion of the vaccine passport, disguised as a lifting of restrictions. Don't be fooled.
If you thought we had a split society before, just wait. Now businesses will be under financial pressure to apply passports so they can increase capacity and survive. They will be under pressure from some customers to demand vaccinations, and from others not to.
They may well face boycotts either way.
Places of worship will face the same pressure. The media will soon be full of glowing articles, with a smiling pastor/imam/rabbi (probably not all the same person) in front of a place of worship which has proudly...
...decided to love its neighbours by banning them.
And religious institutions which have, until now, had remarkably little to say about the injustices of vaccine passports will find they can avoid the issue no longer - and it will be a very difficult one.
2. Sorry, kids, but nothing about kids, or masking in schools. Low priority? What kids can look forward to is continued masking, distancing, restricted activities, plus an aggressive vaccination push. Remember when high vaccination rates and low case rates...
...were going to get us back to normal? And once kids 5-11 can be vaccinated... I guess unvaccinated 5-year-olds will also be segregated and excluded?
3. Put out another Amber Alert for The Science. It astounds me that the government can announce the retention...
...and expansion of the passport system and no one stops to ask: does it even work? Not the reporters, not the opposition, and certainly not the TV and Twitter doctors. As of today we have a month of publicly-available data to help with this obvious question,...
... but the data is lonely.
In a very, very short period of time we've gone from Vaccine Passports are Bad to Vaccine Passports are Good to Vaccine Passports are Necessary to Vaccine Passports Shall not Be Questioned. That happened so quickly.
Even asking whether they work is frowned upon.
I could only imagine a question in the press conference, based on today's official data: Premier, there have been 115 outbreak-related cases in restaurants and bars since the implementation of the passport;...
...there were 136 in the same time period prior to the implementation. So these outbreak-related cases have declined by 15%, but during the same period Ontario's average daily cases have declined by 28%. Are the passports really preventing transmission and outbreaks?
Or: Premier, daily vaccination doses are now at their lowest levels since last spring, & first doses are particularly low. This is despite the fact that almost 1.6 million eligible Ontarians are not vaccinated. Are the passports really helping increase the vaccination rate?
Might they be having the opposite effect?
That vaccine passports reduce transmission and increase vaccination rates has somehow become an accepted fact. No evidence necessary, and contrary evidence not considered. Discussion over.
4. We've already seen organizations and institutions come up with policies that far exceed government requirements, in some cases encouraged by the government. Even if government restrictions are relaxed, you can expect that many institutions, organizations,...
...and businesses will maintain their own restrictions to signal how safety-conscious and progressive they are and because, quite frankly, many people are terrified.
5. Covid comes in waves. Surges. Spikes. There will be another one, if not two, between now and March.
Ample reason for the government to move the goalposts again. And the goalposts are not defined, so that makes it even easier.
Here are Ontario's numbers. I don't think they actually matter. This is about politics and it's about ideology. Covid has spawned...
...a new secular religion. It requires no facts and it tolerates no dissent.
492 daily positives, slightly down from a week ago and certainly not indicative of a Thanksgiving Effect. Test positivity was an excellent 1.4%. Active cases rose slightly; that will happen...
...more often because "recovered" cases are on a two-week lag from new cases, and our new cases have been low for a couple of weeks now.
I'd previously noted that hospitalization numbers seemed rather high; they suddenly corrected today, which makes me wonder...
...about reporting issues. Hospitalizations dropped by 13 to 261, down from 265 a week ago. ICU dropped by 12 to 149, down from 163 a week ago. Ventilators dropped by 13 to 94, down from 102 a week ago.
Daily vaccine doses were under 26k, with first doses under 9k.
These numbers continue to be the lowest we've seen since spring.
The effective reproduction number continues to remain well below 1.0.
Although there was no "deadly fourth wave," it will be another half year before measures are fully lifted. And if they are...
...lifted in March - and I have my doubts - it will have been more than 2 years to flatten the curve."
Imagine that someone was able to collect information on occurrences of chest pain in every "otherwise healthy" university student, staff member or faculty in North America that were exposed to chemicals as part of their studies, employment, or tenure.
Data was collected for decades from the beginning of Sept. to the end of April - every year.
"Inclusion criteria" included all of the above - and "otherwise healthy" was defined as NO previous episodes of chest pain prior to enrollment, employment, tenure - AND..
...NO pre-existing history of cardiac problems, hypertension or respiratory health issues.
Data for male & female subjects is separated and comparison between to the two is analyzed.
#REMINDER : Whether or not your employer got written or verbal consent (or no consent at all) for you to disclose your CV-19 vaccination status - employer-mandated and/or gov't-mandated CV-19 vaccinations all constitute coercion.
Under PHIPA 18(1)(d) - consent in #Ontario is NOT legal if obtained under coercion.
Due to mandates - it is NOT possible to obtain LEGAL consent in #Ontario.
(Same would apply in other jurisdictions - you will just need to look up your laws.)
Vaccinated or not - consent or not - your employer is NOT allow to collect, USE, or disclose your personal health information (i.e. CV-19 vaccination status) without LEGAL consent. PHIIPA 29(a) & 30(1)
Aka...your employer broke the law...several times.
It is probably safe to say that next to zero chose the legal route.
Stay with me...
And it is actually BECAUSE OF Directive #6 - that they CANNOT legally do this.
The gov't threw employers under the bus - leaving them with the choice to either...
a) implement the mandates in Directive 6
b) face a potential public backlash for taking the "out" provided in the fine print - which happens to be the ONLY legal route.
On October 17, 1931, the sadistic gangster Al Capone was convicted - NOT for the crimes & violent rampages that many had hoped for - but rather on what many would consider a technicality (albeit serious) or white collar crimes: 3 counts of tax evasion.
Much of the success in bringing an end to Capone's bloody & tyrannical reign is due to the relentless efforts of 27-year old U.S. Treasury Agent Elliot Ness & his team of "Untouchables".
Currently in #Ontario , we are clearly having difficulty advancing challenges to the government's unscientific restrictions, clear lack of risk reduction TO OTHERS with vaccine mandates, and Charter challenges.
"Hospitalizations", "ICU Admissions", "Deaths", etc. are all just subsets of the total number of "cases" (aka "positive" test results) - and as such are subject to the same "case definition".
Hmm...It seems that many of Kory Teneycke's staff have connections to the federal Liberals as well. canucklaw.ca/kory-teneycke-…
Can any of you internet sleuths fact-check this - see how far up the tree this went?