1. Not interconnected to the global financial system:
- Debts are mainly owed to Chinese companies.
- Didn't happen overnight, problems started last year when the pandemic slowed down sales.
- Anyone that still owns their debt may need to find another job.
2. No blowout financial crunch:
- TED spread FINE
- TED spread is difference between the interest rate on short-term U.S. government debt & the interest rate on interbank loans.
- In 2008, the TED spread exceeded +300 bps, breaking previous record set after the crash of 1987.
Today is Warren Buffett's 91st birthday. With a net worth of over $100 billion dollars, he is undoubtedly the greatest investor of all time. To celebrate, here's a thread of 91 life lessons from the investing genius:
1. You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out
2. It takes 20 years to build a reputation, and five minutes to ruin it
This week, in <5 minutes, we’ll cover The Retail Revolution:
A Brief History of Market Access 👉 Exclusivity & Old ‘Boys’ Clubs
The Information Age 👉 Electronic Trading
Entry of ETFs 👉 Jack Bogle, Passive Investing