It was inspired by a visit Frank Herbert made to my tiny little home town on the Oregon Coast. Not NEAR my hometown, my tiny hometown specially, which has some of the tallest sand dunes in the world.
Frank Herbert’s daughter lives here currently, and kindly donated her father’s research materials to our relatively small, but still awesome public library, the Siuslaw Public Library, where it’s currently on display.
One of the reasons I love it here is the bizarre strata of natural landscapes..
It goes immediately from the ocean, with volcanic rock formations, to the tallest sand dunes in the world, then forests and lakes, all within just a couple miles, a bit further and it’s mountains. 3/
Okay, here is a little thread about something that absolutely made my brain explode yesterday. I had never even put it together, somehow. But a tiny jump down a rabbit hole explained a HUGE part of my life in comics.
Wanna hear? It's weird.
I have talked about growing up on a remote farm in the boonies quite a lot. There were mostly farmers, fishermen, and loggers where I lived, very tough, strong guys. Mostly very nice guys, too!
But we didn't get a lot of tv reception, so access to movies was limited.
I can't remember the exact circumstances, but the only movie theater in our tiny town showed older movies on the weekends as matinees. They had a double feature of Doc Savage and The Man With the Golden Gun. I was just a kid, can't remember how old, but really young.
We were taking a cab in Belfast, and the driver said that be careful when we got out, because there would be shoes on the sidewalk and tourists trip on them in the dark.
We thought he was taking the piss…why are there shoes on the sidewalk?
And he said, it was Saturday night, and the girls would go out drinking in high heels, realize they could no longer walk in them, take them off, forget they are carrying them, and leave them on the street.
This sounded like horseshit, so we scoffed a bit.
He said, no, it’s true, and sometimes girls who could not afford nice shoes would go along the streets where the clubs and pubs were and just grab up the orphaned shoes…weirdest of all, they would often find just one shoe of a pair, and would frantically look for the mate…
Okay, today on @TableTopGails, this is a very short one, but I got two surprise boxes on the #MagicPorch today and I just opened them up and both are WOW.
I don’t believe either has been shown anywhere before, so prepare for a bit sneak peek from @wizkidsgames!
I was confused for a moment, because @wizkids also makes non-clip minis, and this doesn’t say Heroclix right away, but this game IS standalone, OR can be played with other Heroclix. It is from a recent mega-event in the comics (which I haven’t read yet!).
Okay, this is a bear thread. Warning, the punchline is kind of gross.
But at least it’s a short thread!
So, this whole ‘Gail is a bear’ thing started because I was in an important call with a director. I live in the boonies with huge glass windows all around.
During the call, I turn around, and there is a bear right outside on my back patio, trying to get in.
I’m having this cool meeting about an awesome project, I look up, a bear wants in.
It was a bit disconcerting.
I am not afraid of bears as a rule, I chase them away with a broom, maybe not the smartest move, but this one surprised me, it was like he want IN RIGHT NOW.
We had been having a lot of trouble with bears, one huge bear made a nest right next to our house.