Furthermore, counselling is not a regulated profession, so how will they legislate for this? How can they call #ConversionTherapy "abhorrent", then state that adults can consent?
Everyone at risk of conversion therapy is vulnerable, not just children.
To give credit where it's due - the proposals on the "physical acts" as part of #ConversionTherapy seem quite robust. This adds the motivation to the physical act (e.g. assault, corrective rape) as a mitigating factor when it comes to sentencing.
Onto the more complex and covert "talking therapies", it's clear that the government doesn't want to regulate counselling. That's OK! But to trust individual judgement when you also state that #ConversionTherapy is inexcusable in the medical profession makes no sense.
Individual therapists can be both amazing and dangerous. When you have #GC therapists sharing #transphobic tropes, such as @/thoughtfults, we have to be clear - there is no room for #ConversionTherapy in our profession.
I want to repeat my note here. The government states that #ConversionTherapy is "abhorrent" but as long as the adult consents, its fine? Surely the same can be said of any crime such as assault, heft, murder then? Hyperbolic maybe, but I'm so tired.
I agree with the legal proposals here - but proving intent and that the adult didn't consent will be so hard.
They then state that the @prof_standards is enough, but the public is largely not aware, and it is entirely voluntary.
I will point out that I'm glad they are considering the potential impact of people being taken overseas. Much like the protections from #FGM and #ForcedMarriages, they are considering a protection order for #ConversionTherapy.
The charity sector is far from perfect. When the @ChtyCommission allowed the #LGBAlliance to be registered as a charity, I lost all faith in them protecting the #LGBTQIA community. And just this morning I heard Bev Jackson state that the LGBA don't want to #banconversiontherapy
Why wouldn't they think there is a need for a ban?
Why wouldn't they want to protect the #LGBTQIA community? Is it because they agree with #ConversionTherapy?
My overall assessment is that there are many positives within this policy document, but there are also many loopholes that concern me. From passing the buck to the PSA/Counselling Ethical Bodies, to allowing a 'pray the gay' option, and most importantly,
allowing adults to consent to the abusive practice of #ConversionTherapy.
This is far from perfect, and I really don't think it's doing enough to protect some of the most vulnerable people in this country.
Excellently articulated by @JayneOzanne, we can't even "consent" to not wearing a seatbelt, despite understanding the risks, so why are we allowing people to "consent" to torture and abuse?
Box 1: Umbrella "Asexual"
Asexuality is defined as a lack of sexual attraction to others/ low/ absent interest in/ desire for sexual activity. Asexuality is sometimes called ace.
Asexuality is like any other identity – at its core, it's just a word that people use to help figure themselves out.
So important, this is amazing for @BPSOfficial to fight for.
I worked for a school that had #isolationbooths for children. The vast majority of kids were Pupil Premium or had additional needs, disabilities and special educational needs.
I probably wasn't the best employee, because I rarely kept these kids in isolation. I would sit with them and explore what was happening and why they'd been sent to me.
I had kids self-harm there, threaten others, melt-down. But that was seen as "bad behaviour"
No, it was children reaching out desperately for help. Needless to say, I didn't cope in that environment myself. I felt like I was being punished by senior staff when I challenged it and nothing came of it. It was only when I went off sick, and a member of