The British state & establishment, incl. civil service, #TheBBC & Parliament, are all beholden to the Orwellian & moral-supremacist ideology of Post-Racial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism, which goes to the opposite & equally insane extremes of Nazism.
That this ideology goes to the opposite extremes of Nazi ideology of #RacialPurity & supremacy is no coincidence, but forms the basis of its claim to moral authority & thus POWER. Anyone opposing it is cancelled as a neo-Nazi, fascist, bigot, xenophobe or RACIST.
This is why a large, rational & democratic majority has been powerless to prevent the madness of mass immigration into our already overpopulated country, & its demographic transformation. All opposition was, & continues to be, demonised as RACIST.
A classic demonstration of this was provided by former Prime Minister #GordonBrown, who dismissed a Labour critic of his government's immigration policy, #MrsDuffy, as a BIGOT. The deep significance of this, however, went largely unrecognised.
How can so many fail to recognise the madness of what is happening?
It is a consequence of the same human psychology parodied by Hans Christian Andersen in his fable of #TheEmperorsNewClothes. We fear to criticise authority, esp. when those who do so are severely punished.
And what greater punishment is there nowadays than to be called a RACIST by someone in a position of authority & high social status, as I have been, by the eminent British journalist & #OrwellPrize winner (no less!), #DavidAaronovitch, who works for @thetimes & #TheBBC?
Here's screenshot of @DAaronovitch & another British journalist both calling me a RACIST here on Twitter. I rebut their accusations & try to engage with them on the issue, but they don't respond: one blocked me, the other mutes me.
#DavidAaronovitch was brought up to feel morally superior to those who did not share his parent's communist ideology, most of which he discarded when he grew up, but not the #AntiRacism, which he clung to, & served him well, professionally, in post-racial multicultural Britain.
So, here we are, in 21st century Britain, not free, but dominated by a moral-supremacist ideology, just as we were in medieval times.
And not just Britain, but the entire "free West".
Was there ever a clearer case of Orwellian newspeak & doublethink?
But HOW to liberate ourselves? Which, as hopeless as it may currently seem, we should, I believe, at least attempt to do.
This, among other things, is what I tweet about.
We can't liberate ourselves by force, which has been attempted countless times, & always failed, because of a lack of understanding of ourselves, society & the state. Our liberation must proceed peacefully, legally & grassroots-democratically.
Despite all its failings, we need the state, at the very least to enforce the rule of law & non-violence, as well as our human rights & freedoms, without which we can make no progress. But to view it as our nation is a fatal - Orwellian! - mistake.
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They won't engage with me, presumably, because they think I'm a RACIST, & they don't engage with racists, anymore than they do with fascists. They are bound, ideologically, simply to demonise us; not to engage with us, despite me being neither a racist nor a fascist.
It all comes down to words & our definitions of them.
According to their definition of racist, I am one, while according to mine, I'm not.
I feel like the Greek philosopher, Socrates, who stood accused of impiety & corruption of the youth of Athens.
Anarchists recognised long ago that the state is the source of most social injustice, but were naive to believe that one could simply do away with it.
Now the state tricks us into identifying with it by deceitfully posing as our nation. But social injustice, & worse, remain.
What I mean by "worse" is the fact that #TheMatrix of state (#BigBro) & capital is now driving us to commit #CivilisationalSuicide, & you can't get a lot worse than that, notwithstanding that it has happened time & time again in the past, as with ancient Greece & Rome.
In Britain, where I live, it is the British state, establishment & Parliament, which are driving us towards oblivion, & yet we are taught to look to them to save us. The Jews might just as well have looked to Hitler & his Nazi party to same them.
I've discovered another great thing about #Bridport: the most popular breed of dog seems to be Westies (West Highland Terrier), which always elicits fond memories of my own, or rather my mother's, Westie, who died a year or so before she did. We were a 3-some for some years.
I've just posted a rare video clip I unexpectedly stumbled across of "The 3-Some" on a walk with my sister at #FairlopWaters, during the last Summer, 2016, we had together.
I must have taken this first photo just after my sister had shot the video clip. I've no idea who the other person & dogs are. The other shots were taken in #ValentinesPark.
When biologists (ethologists) seek to understand animal behaviour, they do so from an evolutionary perspective: How, they ask, does such & such a behaviour serve the survival & reproductive success of an individual, or of the social unit the individual is a member of?
We need to apply the same evolutionary perspective to understanding why human societies/states/civilisations, if not destroyed by a rival, ultimately always self-destruct, i.e. weaken themselves to such an extent that virtually any rival is able to destroy them?
This happened to ancient Greece & Rome, & is now happening to our own civilisation.
It's not too late - not yet - for us to recognise the cause & to correct it. All that is standing in our way are the very academics we look to as authorities on understanding society & the state.
The murder of #DavidAmess MP has been officially declared a "terrorist act", but what does that mean?
Was it also a "racist act"?
When a White man kills a non-White it's always "racist" (e.g. #GeorgeFloyd), but when a non-White kills a White person, it never is.
Why is this?
It is because Britain, America & most other Western "democracies" embraced an ideology of White racial self-denial & self-contempt, in a pathologically misguided, #NeverAgain, response to the evils of Nazism, the Nazis having all been White.
How can citizens of a democracy be persuaded to embrace an ideology of racial self-denial & self-contempt?
First, by not being a true democracy, but an Orwellian construct of lies & deceit, supported by a regime of rewards & intimidation.
America's founding fathers knew intuitively that creating a nation from different European peoples of the same race would be challenge enough, & that trying to include other, very different, races, like Native & Black Americans, would be impossible.
This was why, in the 1790 Naturalisation Act, American citizenship was restricted to Whites.
America never became the nation its founders had hoped it would, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain: a mercenary #PatronState, deceitfully posing as a nation.
America, like Britain & all so-called #NationStates, is an Orwellian construct of lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation; a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.