I have a totally unproven hypothesis why the australian society did not discuss much before they imposed fast and robust public health measures against SARS-CoV-2: They already had quite some bad experiences with invasive species
(Thread ends with a kid's TV series!)
Cane toads: introduced into Australia with the aim to control beetles that were destroying the sugar cane harvest (didn't work)
Cane toads (dt.: Aga Kröte) soon became a problem themselves. They are prolific eaters (not only sugar cane beetles) and their skin secretes a toxin. Not good for the local ecosystems
Lots of other animals were also either introduced (wHy?) or just piggybagged their way there somehow: cats, dromedary camels, foxes, goats, bees (bees!), pigs and, for recreational hunting...european rabbits
Apparently people were totally surprised that the rabbits multiplied at an astronomic speed, destroying and undermining the landscape so horses and other animals would break their legs ("Threat level: Extreme")
So some clever people thought they could fight the rabbits with yet another type of invasive species: viruses!
They tried two proven rabbit killers: Rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), which is something like Ebola for rabbits
7/11 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_he…
And Myxomatosis virus, a member of the poxvirus family. This virus is transmitted by insects or by direct contact and causes a horrible disease with swollen eyelids and genitals, purulent ocular discharge, fever, anorexia, and death
Apparently the look of a myxomatosis rabbit can be quite traumatic, but nonetheless the makers of the Australian children's comedy TV series "The ferals" created a slightly messed-up looking rabbit character called "Mixy"
Myxomatosis in rabbits is prime example of host vs pathogen evolution, a real world experiment that is still going on. I have written on that subject earlier
Tot- vs Lebendimpfstoff, was ist das eigentlich und in welche Kategorie gehören die mRNAs?
Wie so vieles hat diese Unterscheidung Tot- vs. Lebendvakzine historische Wurzeln.
Der Pockenimpfstoff von Edward Jenner (Ende 18. Jh.) bestand aus "lebenden" Kuhpockenviren - diese lösten nicht die gefürchteten Pocken aus, waren aber nahe genug verwandt, um eine schützende Immunantwort zu induzieren
Ähnlich besteht z.B. der Masernimpfstoff aus abgeschwächten ("attenuierten") Masernviren, die so mutiert sind, dass sie zwar noch Zellen infizieren und sich weiter vermehren können, aber zu schwach sind um sich im Körper zu verbreiten (ausser bei Immundefizienz)
The season of common cold viruses has started. Due to a phenomenon called "interference", this COULD actually be helping a bit against SARS-CoV-2.
But interference is short-lived, so it is neither an argument to drop the mask mandates, nor to refrain from getting vaccinated
So what is interference? It means that infection by one virus can be inhibitory to other viruses (either same or different species) that come a bit afterwards. This can be observed both in cell culture and in epidemiology
The molecular mechanisms behind it can be different, but the most important factor is (drum roll....)
...ChAdOx1 or BNT162b2 vaccines already reduced SARS-CoV-2 infections ≥21 d after the first dose (61% ...versus 66%)..., after a second dose...(79% versus 80%)...respectively
...largest reductions...for symptomatic...and/or infections with a higher viral burden 1/5
Overall,...largest benefit...after two vaccinations and against symptomatic and high viral burden infections, and with no evidence of a difference between the BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 vaccines. 2/5
...benefits associated with vaccination were much greater for infection...with...high levels of viral shedding...estimated at 91%...post-second dose
...75%...effectiveness following one dose ≥21 d ago...
- of people who tested positive for the virus
(-> includes people who never got severe symptoms):
13.7% still reported symptoms after at least 12 weeks
-> "...more than one in 10...who became infected with SARS-CoV-2 have gone on to get long COVID"
Age distribution:
"prevalence was 25.6% at 5 weeks for those between 35 and 49 years old...less common in younger...and older..."
"children can get long COVID...Yet some medical professionals play down the idea, says Sammie Mcfarland" (UK support group Long Covid Kids)
Und wenn wir gerade dabei sind: Auch hier ist noch überhaupt nicht geklärt, ab das jetzt schlimm ist oder nicht. Meines Erachtens fehlen da noch einige Kontrollen, um das Ergebnis wirklich einschätzen zu können.
Was haben die Forscher gefunden? In 3 verschiedenen Chargen des AZ-Impfstoffs wurden ordentliche Mengen an humanen Proteinen nachgewiesen, darunter auch Hitzeschockproteine (HSPs)
HSPs sind eine tolle Sache, sie bewahren unsere Proteine in den Zellen davor, sich falsch zu falten und dadurch evt toxisch zu werden. Solche Fehlfaltungen gibt es gesteigert, wenn die Temperatur ansteigt, daher der Name.