Many, many experts already discussing the success or failure of #COP26, but on mitigation I must say that the overall progress since mid-2015 has been far beyond my expectations six years ago: (1/n)
First of all, back in 2015 I (either too pessimistic on UNFCCC negotiations or just not a visionary…) didn’t believe that ‘1.5°C’ could at all make it to the #ParisAgreement, which is now even more firmly cemented in the Glasgow Climate Pact (2/n)
Most major emitters now pledged long-term #netzero – even India by 2070 (only 20 years after EU, JPN and USA!) However hollow these pledges may be at this moment, I consider them to be sth like ‘substantive ratification’ of the #ParisAgreement. (3/n)
(this doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy this from @thejuicemedia, which was in fact brilliant!
With national #NetZero pledges in place, countries now have to demonstrate they actually walk the talk through concrete short- to mid-term actions, including further revisions of the collectively utterly insufficient NDCs. (5/n)
#COP26 also put non-state actors under spotlight. Massive effort by @hlcchampions to bring biz on board #RaceToZero campaign. Even heavy industries participating - near-unimaginable when I had a grant 2013-15 on reducing JPN steel sector emissions:… (6/n)
Sure, there are probably fair amount of companies #greenwashing, but thx to all the attention corporate #netzero plans will be closely scrutinised (@newclimateinst@netzerotracker on it - stay tuned for updates!) (7/n)
Glasgow Climate Pact also made explicit reference to FF. ‘Phasedown’ not ‘phase out’, 20 y too late… sure, but still a massive achievement. Isn’t it just too much to ask India to pledge both #netzero and coal phase-out, w/o developed nations delivering their ‘fair share’? (8/n)
Explicit call for stronger NDCs in 2022 also puts countries under pressure (yes, we @newclimateinst@climateactiontr will be watching you!) #Japan, for one, certainly won’t have a relaxing year with its ‘phased down’ 19% coal power share target for 2030… (10/n)
We all agree that progress on mitigation is too slow on all fronts to keep warming to 1.5°C & some outcomes that are disappointing, with #Article6 being one...
but, an optimistic me thinks (or wants to think) that #COP26 did lay an important basis for further action to keep 1.5C at least in ‘intensive care’, if not taking out of it in a healthier form (quoting @NiklasHohene