The Government trick voters into believing they're all FOR free-speech & AGAINST "nanny-state" interventionism.
But the Right has a recurrent obsession with pro-censorship, anti-free-speech legislation, & make repeated attempts to control what people see & hear.
I'm going to put to one side the BANNING of teaching of anti-capitalist views in schools, the concerning "free speech" measures introduced to CONTROL debate in Universities & the disproportionate obsession with antisemitism between 2015 & 2019, as I've written about these before.
Following the original video nasties moral panic in the mid-1980s, Mary Whitehouse & other right-wing reactionaries, supported by the frothing right-wing press, campaigned to ban some horror films available on video, & tough legislation was introduced restricting choice.
By 1994 Britain had the strictest film & video censorship laws in the Western world, but an amendment to the criminal justice bill sought to BAN the sale/rental of ALL videos that “present an inappropriate model for children or are LIKELY TO CAUSE PSYCHOLOGICAL HARM to children.”
While the vague & absurd formulation "likely to cause psychological harm" was unworkable, it was designed to appease right-wing reactionaries who saw video nasties as symbolic of all that was wrong with 'decaying' modern culture.
What impact to newspapers have on public opinion?
Prior to this, opinion polls in the run-up to the 1992 election suggested a hung parliament or a narrow Labour majority, yet the Tories received what remains the largest number of votes at a UK general election in British history.
What role does the press play in elections?
27 year later, & a new Government bill will create a “knowingly false communication” offence designed to criminalise those who send or post a message they know to be false, with the intention to cause “emotional, PSYCHOLOGICAL, or physical HARM to the likely audience”.
It doesn't matter that this formulation is absurd & unworkable, because that's not what it's for: imho, it's designed to fuel the culture war, divide voters, demonise progressive views & show SYMBOLICALLY that the Govt is all about 'action & solutions' - regardless of reality.
This bombastic & divisive rhetorical style has been a very effective strategy for the Right.
Julian Petley argues the video nasties panic illustrates "the quite remarkable power which a stridently populist press has managed to exert over the British political class for decades".
Do politicians believe that the opinions expressed by right-wing newspapers reflect public opinion? Or are these the opinions to which politicians are most highly sensitised & thus liable to react to in policy terms?
Either way, what the public actually thinks counts for little.
It's tragic how little representation there is in public discourse of the debate about the nature of the relationship between the right-wing press & politicians.
Where does the power really lie?
What influence do press barons exert?
What is the true nature of the relationship?
#Leveson gave us a glimpse behind the curtain, but then #Leveson2 was abandoned - why?
The Right are quick to defend their "free press", but when you have widespread lies & deception occurring in a democracy, then you don't have genuine consent: it's a non-consensual process.
When you then add the full range of incentivisations, the behind closed doors meetings, coercions, lobbying, conflicts of interest - the proximity of the right-wing news media to the Government, & a PM who worked for the Telegraph AND Spectator, Britain looks very undemocratic.
NOW is the time to raise the alarm about the lies, the endemic #ToryCorruption, the billions squandered in #ToryCronyism, the antidemocratic legislation around protest, the selling of our data, & the attacks on our legal system & the Electoral Commission.
Toxic divisive ranting anti-@BBC culture war shithouse Paul Dacre has been appointed as the editor-in-chief of the Daily Mail’s parent company because good sense & public outcry prevented him from becoming the next chair of the media regulator, @Ofcom.
The Mail under Dacre has been criticised for an alleged racist attitude towards the stories it covers. Nick Davies recounts an anecdote from a former Snr news reporter who, en route to a murder scene of a woman & her two children was told to return because the victims were black.
The Relationship Between Emotions, Politics & Populism:
'Populists, on left & right, have crafted their deeply affective accounts of who is the danger, who is in danger & who is to blame, to respond to contemporary affective requests.'
"Populist narratives become the lenses through which meaning is constructed, attributed & transferred; they attend to affective requests through the further mobilisation of emotionality, creating the affective glue that can potentially translate grievances into support."
'Exclusionary populists define the people strictly as 'natives' & thus construct a large number of out-groups, whereas inclusionary populists understand the people more broadly, as those who have been aggrieved by neoliberal elites, regardless of ethnicity, religion or culture'.
The Political Editor of the Daily Telegraph moaning about Labour "weaponising" Boris Johnson's inability to deliver a scripted speech is quite something.
Here's the Telegraph 'weaponising' a grotesque distortion of history & reality in order to demonise the Left - ironically, something which the Nazis also did.
Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative & nationalist movements, & in January 1933 became chancellor.
In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, & Jews - along with other left-wing political activists opposed to the Nazi regime - were purged from the German civil service, & trade unions were outlawed the following month.
Begum has never lived in Bangladesh. Last May, the country’s Foreign Minister, Abdul Momen, told the BBC that Begum has “nothing to do” with Bangladesh and would be refused entry. “The British government is responsible for her,” he said. “They’ll have to deal with her.”
A former MI6 official said that Begum’s fate was not being driven by security concerns or logic: “This is a purely political decision,” he said. “Why one would think that Bangladesh had any better capacity to deal with somebody? It doesn’t make any sense.”
"On its best day, Centrism is a lazy reinforcement of whatever the current status quo happens to be. On its worst, it is a destructive force that wreaks havoc on communities through its sheer ambivalence towards them" - @theothercoogan
'The centre, by its nature, is a constantly moving target, which shifts with the political extremes of the day. Today, the mainstream political discourse has moved so far towards Conservatism that today’s centre is yesterday’s right - a trend that shows no sign of slowing down.'
'We're told to debate, to strive for the middle ground, but we end up paralysed in a cycle of constant conversation with no outcome. That suits many just fine - we know the centre will ultimately hold & our lives will not change in any meaningful way regardless of who's elected'.
What kind of suspicious unethical person or organisation would sponsor you, but only on condition that you NEVER saying ANYTHING that MIGHT damage their reputation - regardless of what they do or may have done in the past?