We now plot excess vs vaxx rate by country, age, sex.
Finally: the correct answer was
A ✅
B ❌
C ❌
I cannot see any correlation.
Closer look on the 20-24 year old boys. I can't see any correlation.
We should normalize by the population size to get a relative excess which is not distorted by the country bin size, but that shouldn't change a lot.
Find here the dashboard with the joint dataset (after joining 3 sets: vaxx rate, mort. 2020, mort. 2021). public.tableau.com/authoring/Mort…
Next time: same game for the elderly age bins. At some point, this magic, so important serum should give a pos. signal or not?😅
This may help to understand what I plotted. It’s basically the difference over a time window of @OS51388957 cumulative graphs. His graphs are a bit older, so they stop at week 30. But it nevertheless helps to understand I hope.
so many lockdowns
so many test for entry
so many school closures
so mutch fear
masking 1.5 years
teleworking 1.5 years
alcohol bans
months of curfew
police beating demonstrators
QR fundamentalism
1/ #oversterfte Netherlands: The observed mortality rates from EMA Pharmacovigilance (C19 vax) look bad, but in a range that shouldn't show up in the total mortality. It would be a disaster if it did.
What we need are mortality rates by cause and age (e.g. cardiac...).
2/ NL 15-19 years: nothing to see, except MH17 incident 2014.
3/ NL 20-24 years: nothing to see here, except MH17 incident 2014.
2/ The dominating AE should be myocarditis in males.
In NL we have 1.6M males in the 15-29 male group.
With >50% vaccinated and assuming myocarditis rates of e.g. 1:10000 to 1:2000 we expect 80 to 400 cases, or 40 to 200 in Q2 and Q3.
3/ Is it possible to get data on admission root cause statistics from @rivm? In particular the amount of heart related issues in 15-29 old males by quater for 2021?
2/ For Austria and NL where 90% of the at risk group is vaccinated we expect 30%-50% of the ICU patients to be vaccinated if assuming a VE-ICU of ~90%.
3/ Let's show the results of the formula in 2D as function of
x) vaccination level
y) VE agains ICU
The resulting rate (calculation on right) of vaccinated in ICU is shown in the cell.
It can be used as look-up table to estimate (roughly) the VE.