How many people could still die of #Covid19 in the UK?
It’s an unpalatable question I know, but is worth pondering given cases are on the rise in many parts of Europe.
The good news is that, well, this thread contains better news than you might have thought.
First, the data:
Here’s the big picture. Covid may have been out of the headlines in recent months but the death toll has been creeping higher.
Now up to nearly 168k in the UK, 142k in England.
These are deaths where Covid is mentioned in certificate. Abt 90% were directly attributed to Covid.
You can split it into three broad phases:
1 Wave 1 last spring. 2. Wave 2 (arguably two waves in one) last winter.
3 The period since May.
Here’s the death toll in each (for England). Raising the question: what next. How many more deaths…?
Some of the boffins at @LSHTM inc @Lloyd_Chapman_ & @AdamJKucharski have an intriguing paper out with some intriguing answers. They’ve looked at lots of factors from age breakdown to vaccine status to previous infections. Full thing here:…
In short, and at the risk of oversimplifying, their model suggests that if Covid were to spread across the population now, there would be just over 10k deaths in England. Clearly more deaths is nothing to celebrate. But the level is strikingly low.
When you adjust for population, England faces the lowest “maximum remaining COVID-19 deaths” of any country the epidemiologists at @LSHTM looked at in Europe. Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Romania, on the other hand, look v exposed.
Why is England's potential mortality so low here when, say, Germany is so high?
Mostly cos of vaccines.
Germany has more unvaccinated elderly people. So unvaccinated people (the red slice) is v v big in the German potential deaths numbers. V small in UK where so many are jabbed.
Do the @LSHTM numbers mean England/UK can relax this winter?
Let’s have a look.
Here are the deaths figs for the top 5 (eg most vulnerable) countries acc to their model. Indeed deaths are rising there quite sharply. Seems to bear out their analysis.
Now look at the countries with the lowest “potential deaths”. Most of them do indeed have low deaths numbers.
BUT now look at Czech rep and Hungary. Deaths are rising v sharply there despite the @LSHTM numbers implying they’re less vulnerable.
So the fact that England has a comparatively low level of modelled vulnerability doesn’t necessarily preclude a spike in deaths.
But this analysis is worth keeping in mind next time you hear someone shouting we’re just as vulnerable - or more vulnerable! - than our neighbours.
*deleted and corrected a tweet above which mixed up Hungary and Bulgaria. Apologies to all Hungarians and Bulgarians.
How many more people could die of Covid in this country? The answer, according to a new study, is strikingly low.
There are provisos aplenty; but there's also hope. Here's a longer explanation about the new study:…
Here, for those who prefer their charts in video form, is a quick run through the numbers on how many people have died from #COVID19 and how high the toll could eventually get
Some 95.8% of adults in England have #Covid19 antibodies, according to @ONS data just released. Figures are broadly similar in Scotland, Wales and NI…
Couple of striking (if unsurprising) things from age breakdown:
- Among younger people (top row) note how antibodies (green line) is above vaccinations -> immunity from prev infection.
- Among older people (bottom row) you can see the “booster effect” pushing antibodies back up
Apologies I took the number from the wrong line here. Antibodies levels in England are 92.8% of adult population - that 95.8% was the number with 1 or more vaccination. Still very, very high.
Let's start with a simple question: how much is UK donating to poorer countries to help with climate change?
It's an important question given rich countries collective pledges are falling short of goals. That's been one of the big disappointments of #COP26
So: is the UK a leader or laggard when it comes to the $100bn?
Short answer: we give surprisingly little, given our typical leadership role in international development. But getting to the bottom of this involves diving deep inside a climate finance wormhole. Deep breath...
Let's start with the big picture. The idea behind climate finance is that rich countries should help poorer countries both to adapt to higher temperatures and to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.
The target was to get to $100bn a year by 2020.
We failed.
Might hit it by 2023
BLOG: The $130 trillion climate finance figure bandied around at #COP26 today is utterly meaningless.
It is “numberism” - an attempt to deploy big numbers as symbols rather than data.
Here’s my attempt to explain what’s really going on (excerpt below):…
Given there are so many numbers flying around, let’s consider what they actually mean.
First @MarkJCarney’s $130 trillion.
You might, from the noises made at #COP26, have been left with the impression that this is a new fund which will help combat climate change.
It’s not.
It’s not an actual pot of money dedicated to combatting climate change.
Instead it’s more like saying: here’s how incredibly rich these financial firms which have now signed our climate change pledge are.
Might help divert more money to energy transition. But not quite the same.
As @COP26 gets going in Glasgow, if you’re wondering where the world’s emissions actually come from, here’s a primer I made recently for @SkyNews
Here is one big problem overshadowing the discussions at @COP26.
The targets you’ll mostly hear about this fortnight (NDCs) are based on domestic emissions.
On this front the UK, for instance, has done brilliantly, bringing them down 35% since 1990
But consider how much carbon this country is not just emitting in its borders but is RESPONSIBLE for, via imported goods, and the total is much higher - the dark line here.
This is our FOOTPRINT.
It’s going down, but not as fast. And it’s not due to hit net zero til after 2050
Five things you need to know about today's Budget/SR. Do read my full analysis if/when you have time. It's in this link. But if you're pressed here's the quick 1,2,3,4,5:…
1. The forecast contained some BIG changes: much higher growth. Look how much higher the dark blue line here is than the yellow line (last forecast). Also much higher inflation forecasts. This has a bearing on the fiscal numbers, so...
2. The Chancellor got a MASSIVE windfall thanks to these forecast changes. Higher growth/inflation both push up net tax receipts. Roughy £35bn a year each year, thanks to higher tax receipts (even after the extra cost of benefits/debt interest). That is a LOT of money.
Half an hour left til Budget. Here are a few nuggets to ponder. Let’s start with a claim @RishiSunak may make (tho am hoping he doesn’t): that UK is fastest growing economy in G7.
It’s true if u look at Q2 alone (chart 1).
But look at GDP since covid and UK is mid/low table (ch2)
There’ll be lots of talk about fiscal responsibility and keeping the public finances in order.
All very well but by far the biggest issue in the coming decades is health-related costs which massively outweigh net zero. What does this govt do in the face of that?
After all, this govt has already set aside a large slug of the extra spending review money to health. The real question is what happens to other depts. Do they get real terms Budget increases? Does the era of austerity live on in certain corners of Whitehall?