3/My model is 80% D, 15%I, 5% R which is what the composition of the electorate who votes for a Democratic candidate in a swing state/district might look like.
Goal here is to help us understand where the head is at of the voters we need to talk too.
If Democrats cannot credit for our core promise to voters in 2020 - defeating COVID, securing the recovery - we will not get credit for passing bills whose impacts will not be felt for years.
Here are some graphs with the new jobs numbers factored in, once again showing just how much better Biden and Democrats have been as stewards of the American economy over the past 30 years. 1/
In just 9 months Biden has seen three times as many jobs created on his watch as were created during the last 3 GOP Presidencies, COMBINED.
Obama Clinton 33.8m jobs
Biden 5.6m jobs
2 Bushes, Trump 1.9m jobs
Breaking it down by month, its
Biden 620,000
Clinton Obama 176,000
2 Bushes Trump 9700
Yes that's Biden at 60x times job growth rate than last 3 GOP Presidents, and yes that's 10,000 a month for Rs.
So, a thread about digging out of our current hole and making the 2022 elections competitive again.
Our most important job now is to lead America through the end of COVID and into a sustained recovery. That is why Biden was elected, and it is work that is still not finished. 1/
COVID has an extraordinary trauma for everyone.
There may not be a singular event this disruptive to our basic lives again in many of our lifetimes.
Getting us through it, ending it, putting it behind us remains job #1 for Democrats. 2/
I think Dems need an argument about MAGA not just Trump.
Realize @TerryMcAuliffe shorthanded it in the closing days, but goal should be to show how MAGA has replaced conservatism in the GOP, and brand the entire party as unfit/extreme.
So, the new strategy memo I just published about how Biden can get his poll numbers back up and once again seize control of the national debate has gotten a bit of attention this week.