1/5 Is "LONG COVID" a myth?
The possibility it is real is very low, this is according to an updated report dated the 11th of November 2021 by an official body that advise the UK government (NICE), based on reviewing the research that claims #LonGCovid is real.
2/5 NICE's analysis of these papers indicated that there is a serious risk of bias when it came to determining whether or not the symptoms found were a result of #LongCovid, and due to to very serious imprecision of the measurements used.
3/5 So why our governments, "medical experts", and mainstream media push the narrative you must vaccinate to prevent something which is likely to be a myth?
"More than a million people in the UK are suffering from long Covid"
4/5 "The panel were concerned that people are buying over-the-counter vitamins and supplements that may not help with their symptoms. They agreed that it would be helpful to highlight the lack of knowledge in this area".
Welcome to health, #BigPharma Ed. #LongCovid #LongCovidKids
5/5 During their education a typical MD will have ONLY A FEW HOURS of education on the topic of nutrition. Most MDs understand little about the topic, and are only trained to prescribe approved drugs.
אני מבטיח לך, ילדה שלי קטנה, שזאת תהיה הזריקה האחרונה. #PfizerLeak
אני מאמין שמצאתי פגיעות משפטית מכרעת שניתן להשתמש בה כדי לעצור את הניסיון להרוס את הדמוקרטיה שלנו.
מטרת השרשור הזה היא לספק היכרות עם הפגיעות המשפטית הזאת, שתאפשר לכם לקחת בחזרה את החופש שלכם.
לפני שאתחיל, הערה חשובה.
בעבר ניסיתי, ללא הצלחה, לגייס עורכי-דין ישראלים שישתמשו בפגיעות המשפטית שגיליתי וייתקפו את הממשלה בבית המשפט.
זה לא קרה.
כנראה בגלל שעורכי דין הם לא כל כך יצירתיים. אל תאמינו לי, תקשיבו לג'ורדן פיטרסון. @jordanbpeterson
2/4 Since the Israeli government and the Israeli Ministry of Health falls under the definition of a third party from Pfizer perspective (PLUS since the 2nd agreement is a research agreement) the Israeli government & everyone in the MoH are exempt from legal liability. #PfizerLeak
3/4 Since "any other theory" includes criminal law theory, the contract provides anyone who is involved in the vaccine program an indemnification, including from criminal charges.
This is why the Manufacturing and supply contracts are confidential: they are illegal.
02/ In 1977 a small-budget movie was released and got little attention. In its core, the movie plot was based on old mythological stories that have been enshrouded in our human memory from time immemorial.
03/ The movie included mythological elements that had an important message about the never-ending struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, life's vitality and power. The name of the movie, which I'm sure you have never heard before, was … "Star Wars".
The Pfizer Mandate.
How the mandate Pfizer was given to provide vaccines has created in Israel a new social class, and what does the mandate means for the rest of the population - not only in Israel, but around the world.
02/ One of the key events, which later led to the creation of the state of Israel, was the League of Nations decision to mandate the British empire to administer the territories of Palestine and Transjordan, following the end of World War I in 1918.
03/ "a mandate is a binding obligation issued from an intergovernmental organization (e.g. the United Nations) to a country which is bound to follow the instructions of the organization." (wikipedia)
After months of mostly ignoring my work, the world's media SUDDENLY started to talk about the Pfizer contracts, while, at the same time, it continues to ignore my revelations.
We live in a multiverse. In one universe lives most of the people who are following mainstream media, where news is being censored and information is heavily filtered to match a well constructed narrative, and where my work does not exist.
This thread is about our universes.
I first realized that I live in "another dimension" when the editor of @guardian, to which I complained about an article they published (on September 10th) about the Brazilian Pfizer contract which I exposed without referencing me, suggested to amend it. theguardian.com/global-develop…