I'm on the ground in Halifax, observing the #FluTruxKlan temper tantrum. Already I've observed police arresting a lone counter-demonstrator, and was literally told by a cop to "join the group".
I'm monitoring their Zello channel (Halifax Convoy 2022) and appears the convoy is a bit fragmented:
They caused an accident on Quinpool, emergency vehicles struggled to get through:
Unsatisfied with merely totalling a car and gridlocking Quinpool, they are now "slow-rolling" on a 100 series highway.
One thing that struck me about the "convoy" is how many big rigs there weren't. Mostly cars and the odd pavement princess. Saw Lexus, Mercedes, Land Rover, and lots of $80kish f-150s #nspoli#FluTruxKlan
Monitoring the Zello: the #FluTruxKlan are now leaving Bayers Lake to go back into downtown halifax to "slow-roll" by the empty Legislature. On a sunday. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm in for the night, but I have about an hour of gopro footage to set through, including the arrest of the lone counter-protestor who blocked the #FluTruxKlan and held a cardboard sign as vehicles descended Barrington towards downtown.
I was also sure to get footage of commericially-owned or other obvious business vehicles participating in the #FluTruxKlan, which I'll be rolling out in the coming days.
The google reviews will continue until morale improves. #nspoli
There were so few actual transport trucks in today's #PavementPrincessParade that the organizers were able to simply say "follow the red truck" on Zello as an instruction to their drooling fellow tantrum-throwers.
Someone named Brian Lee McKenna just ID'd himself as an organizer on Zello and asked #FluTruxKlan people to follow him. Does that make him a Grand Wizard? #nspoli
Organizers telling #FluTruxKlan to "block off next weekend", suggesting at least a short-term occupation is in the cards.
One of the #FluTruxKlan mentions on Zello that he'd been to Ottawa and that it was "huge for him".
Literally: as the lone protester who just faced down a mob of enormous vehicles was bundled into a police car, she shouted to onlookers, "get vaccinated, it saves lives".
That happened today in our city, right in front of me.
The foreign-funded insurrection we are witnessing is backed by a lot of the same methods we see in the states - bot accounts being used to get hashtags trending and create the appearance of broad support. 2/n
Many of these accounts were either started in the last six months, or are old, abandoned accounts which were compromised in a password leak. In either case they tend to have few followers, and many have very few tweets that aren't replies. 3/n
I drained my generator's fuel tank this weekend and had to douse my hands in vinegar to get the smell off, guess I was just imagining that, too bad.
If the cops "don't know" there isn't water in them, they also "don't know" there isn't booze, in what is an inherently open container. They could stop folks and ask to smell it.