First, I was really unprepared for how well it would perform! Many tweets in the thread had more likes and retweets than anything I'd ever done previously. 1/n
I knew *I* was seeing an uptick in bad-faith/inauthentic interactions, but others are seeing it in huge numbers and this really seemed to cause the thread to resonate strongly with a lot of users, particularly new users. 2/n
Also notable was the number of folks in the scientific community who are constantly bombarded by horse-paste quackery and are grateful for any help in STEMming the tide (har har). 3/n
One thing I want to clarify is that, although I began the theads by talking about "bots", really the same tactics apply to bad-faith human actors operating burner accounts.
If all the interaction is scripted, does it really matter if it's a human carrying out the orders? 4/n
Another thing I was unprepared for was my own shortcomings in identifying problem accounts!
I false-positived this one based on two keywords only, "immune system" and "tyranny". Lesson learned: no one criteria is 100% diagnostic. 5/n
One thing I *did* expect - and *was* prepared for - was the amount of bad-faith shills absolutely soiling themselves in my mentions, apoplectic as the numbers climbed.
I wasn't ready for the way some folks positioned me as a thought leader on this topic, when really these are things I know just from using the platform for a long time.
Starting my thread for today's #halifaxconvoy: activity is starting to pick up on the Zello channel "Halifax Convoy 2022". So far they've banned a user just for having "BLM" in their username.
The convoy types on the Zello are monitoring Halifax traffic and police presence, and the availability of parking spaces around Peace and Friendship park.
The Zello #tonkatantrum mods seemed to have added a new moderator, and it looks as if it's failed PPC candidate Michelle Lindsay, in case anyone was wondering if that party is full to the roof with absolute loons.
The foreign-funded insurrection we are witnessing is backed by a lot of the same methods we see in the states - bot accounts being used to get hashtags trending and create the appearance of broad support. 2/n
Many of these accounts were either started in the last six months, or are old, abandoned accounts which were compromised in a password leak. In either case they tend to have few followers, and many have very few tweets that aren't replies. 3/n
I drained my generator's fuel tank this weekend and had to douse my hands in vinegar to get the smell off, guess I was just imagining that, too bad.
If the cops "don't know" there isn't water in them, they also "don't know" there isn't booze, in what is an inherently open container. They could stop folks and ask to smell it.
I'm on the ground in Halifax, observing the #FluTruxKlan temper tantrum. Already I've observed police arresting a lone counter-demonstrator, and was literally told by a cop to "join the group".
I'm monitoring their Zello channel (Halifax Convoy 2022) and appears the convoy is a bit fragmented:
They caused an accident on Quinpool, emergency vehicles struggled to get through: