Joe Murgia Profile picture
Feb 16 108 tweets 26 min read
1 @LueElizondo on Jimmy Church

I'll do my best 2 live tweet accurately. And maybe, just maybe...I'll go live right after, & share my thoughts. If not tonight, tomorrow. I need to go live earlier. Last night, I was a little slow/tired.

Mar. 4th looks like Lue & I ❤️

2 As we wait for Lue, Church is spouting nonsense and rewriting history about all the crap he has said in the past about TTSA. He flipped on them once Tom decided to turn down further interviews from Church. Maybe bc Church was calling a Lue a disinfo. agent back then? SMH.
3 Still waiting as Church blows hot air.

"If [DeLonge] is replaced as CEO by say, Jim Semivan, that would make 'To The Stars Academy' a full on CIA operation."

~Jimmy Church, 2019
4 Lue: Anybody who knows me, knows I'm not smart. All the brains on are my wife's side.

I haven't weathered the critical storm. Any time you stand up for something, there's gonna be people out there that you're going to be challenging their preconceived notion or narrative. You
5 Lue: hope they jump on the bandwagon or agree to disagree. Biggest concern isn't with the folks who take shots at him. Real concern are the folks who believe that crap and don't know any better. That's criminal and reckless action. I'm here to provide the truth as I learned it
6 Lue: & do it in a legal way & push the ball forward. Takes a few shots at Greer w/o mentioning his name. You had a chance and you BLEW it with your snake oil. The anger and resentment is directed towards that. $1700 for some experience. Compares it to the behavior of dictators.
7 Lue: They take advantage of people who desperately want answers.

Don't be surprised if you find out some of these folks are criminals. Lue called us #UAPTwitter. 😩 😁

The folks throwing barbs aren't in the meetings I'm in in DC w/senior execs & senior military folks.
8 Just came back from DC with Mellon. It was one of the most successful visits we've ever had in Washington. Think about that. We have the NDAA with the #UFO office & human effects and that's now law.

JC says Lue told him (after DC visit) the shit is about to hit the fan.
9 Lue: Gillibrand, Rubio, Burchette have done more for this subject in the past year than any lawmaker since @SenatorReid (and Inouye, Stevens and Glenn). Staff members are doing the trench work and making the, "magic happen behind the scenes." Kudos to their staff!
10 Intel and defense communities are taking this very, very seriously, committing resources, time and talent and effort. Even the USDI, his arch nemesis, seems to willing to try to work on this topic in an amicable way. He was previously very vocal about the AOIMSG/USDI
11 problems that might pop up but they seem to realize we need to take this seriously, bc if not, Congress will be up their asses if they don't.

UFO events are going on every day, like last week & the week b4. Multiple, multiple events. Not just the Navy. Pilots are frustrated.
12 Lue says Mellon's letter in @thedebrief made it to some of the highest levels of our gov't.

Lue confirms that some of the recent events are Tic Tac-like events and some other types. Can't elaborate. We know they have been seen in multiple different forms.
13 Lue reminds us that the future reports require some of it to be unclassified. Church mentions other services (Air Force, Army and Coast Guard) but Lue will not confirm if they reported and when they reported.

But, the new system (of reporting) IS working.
14 Praise for @ODNIgov Avril Haines and @SenBillNelson. Folks in services and agencies all having convo about the same thing. What a difference from four years ago.

JC; Need a UFO czar. Is that you now?

Lue: Won't speak on that. Lots he can do on the outside AND inside.
15 AATIP accomplished a lot but some would argue he was able to accomplish more on the outside. He thinks he's most useful for the cause in his current role as facilitator. Lue thinks a UFO czar WILL be named.

Still some bureaucratic challenges and some folks need to retire.
16 But, Lue has faith & confidence those folks causing problems will be part of the final format of what this looks like. They won't be in the loop.

JC: Did you & Mellon assist Gillibrand with the text of her amendment?

Lue: She's no dummy. Look @ where she went to law school.
17 Lue: Her staff is amazing. Lue won't answer the question but he and Mellon has always been there to answer questions and help wherever they can. @gillibrandny is a very quick learner.

We've got one shot to do it right. Let's do it correctly and take our time.
18 Lue: Mellon is one of the smartest individuals I have ever met. It's scary. He's playing 3D chess and I'm playing four square. He's a truly one of those rare masters you get once a century.

Does Lue prefer Home Depot or Lowes.

HD bc he spends so much money there & they will
19 probably erect a statue of him in front of the store he frequents. He does carpentry and plumbing bc he's too cheap to hire someone. Now he's stuck doing all of the home repairs and has to help his wife's friends when things break. Lue has HD aisles memorized.
20 JC: Some trust Lue, some on fence and some don't trust. Should I, JC, trust you, a disinfo. special agent?

Lue: 1st off, counterintel isn't a dinfo. special agent. That's the work of psyops. (Church tries to back track) Ur description of my job was incorrect (what a surprise)
21 Lue: My job was to capture terrorists and spies. Whether you trust me or not is up to you. Do your own homework. If u don't like what I'm doing, don't listen to what I have to say. The last four years of progress speaks for itself.
22 Lue: Another shot at Greer and the high amount of money he charges for his events. Says $1700.

Look at my track record and judge me on that. Did I deliver on what I said I was going to deliver? That's it. If you don't want to trust me for other reasons, he doesn't care.
23 The ones he wants nothing to do with are fraudsters and hoaxters. They are not welcome. He hopes they don't trust them and stay away. Let's him focus on real disclosure.

JC talks about metal samples Lue (or TTSA) picked up from Larry and Benny. Lue says they have very
24 riveting stories. When Lue left TTSA, the CRADA went w/him (Lue) bc he was the signatory on it (we did NOT know this). Doesn't want to speak for Larry & Benny but there's still interest in that material. Preliminary study has begun on it. It's up to them what they wanna say.
25 Lue: Too early to tell about the materials but it deserves further analysis and is interesting. Need the right studies to be done. Those two names were NOT provided to JC by Lue.

Lue's book. It's coming along quite well. Not easy & it takes a lot of time. You can't
26 just put your thoughts down on paper, you need to back it up. He wants people to read the book and say, "It was a moment in time that changed the convo. It put out info. that was ABSOLUTELY irrefutable."

There's a very, very real reason why he's writing it but won't say now.
27 He hopes his book will create a roadblock that will prevent the convo from sliding backwards. Book is centered on UFOs/UAP, his time in AATIP, what they found, how they found it & who was with them.

Do u consider yourself someone who knows secrets or someone who is TRYING
28 to get at that info.

Lue: We know secrets. I had a security clearance but he can't share that classified info. But he CAN share unclassified info. that's never been revealed. AATIP did a lot of classified work.

Lue reads a headline. Life beyond: NSA warns aliens could
29 contact humans thru high-frequency signals as experts say we're not alone in the Universe. Declassified doc from NSA: Communication with ET Intelligence explains the various ways aliens could communicate.…
30 Lue thinks this report was declassified bc of the convo we're been having over the last four years.

This means, it's not just the DoD, or CIA or AF or DNI. It's the NSA! Back to book...

The unclassified/blurry videos in 2017 sparked the convo and allowed classified info to
31 get to where it needed to go.

JC: Does that report suggest we've received a signal?
Lue: Fun to speculate. But you don't spend taxpayer $ without a reason.
32 JC: Agencies are used to not cooperating & not communicating to public, Congress and other agencies. How do we know what they know?

Lue: They weren't cooperating but that is changing. It's starting to work. Needs to be better but it's a start. They're having weekly meetings,
33 (among agencies), working groups, VTC (video teleconferences) and reports to Congress. Committees are poking them in the chest and saying, "We want answers. What are you doing? Come up here and testify."

It's working. Lue says to write a TY note to your representatives.
34 Are these folks talking about Roswell and things before 2004?

Lue: Of course b4 2004. What does DoD know and when did they find out about it? Tic Tac-like objects go back to 50s and 60s. Described like a throat lozenge or white butane take. Have radar tracking them @ 13k mph.
35 What do u know about Roswell? Did u investigate at all?

Lue: In AATIP, we were aware of Roswell but focused on current military cases. Roswell is important but its a cold case. Military folks care about now & not 50-70 years ago. Do we need 2 shoot it down & defend ourselves?
36 JC: Did you learn anything about Roswell?

Lue: I'd like to think so. You talk to enough people, you hear enough things (as EWD has detailed). There's a lot of info. to suggest that obviously it wasn't a weather balloon and it was more than one incident.
37 Lue: The data suggested that what happened in Roswell, NM was something very extraordinary and I'll leave it at that.

How many different races of ETs are visiting Earth. Have you been shown a number.

Lue: I don't know. We've heard a lot of different theories. A lot of it is
38 Lue: is simply hypotheses. There's info. to suggest all sorts of things but e don't have enough info. or data. Doesn't want to share what he has heard from others. It's conjecture and then folks say, "Well, there's 9 races and..." Lue: "That's great but you don't really know."
39 Lue: The way the CIA would handle it is: Look at the different vehicles & different shapes/performance characteristics and utility. And based on THAT information: Are there different occupants? And if so, how many?
40 Are they from different places, and different purposes and different performance characteristics.

JC: Sounds like you've had this discussion with someone in the CIA.

Lue: I can't go there.
42 Bigfoot. Yes or no?

Lue: No idea. Cryptozoology is very interesting. New species are always being discovered so it's possible. Some colleagues of his during AAWSAP were looking at that.

Lue: Go out Bigfoot watching with beer and a rifle and night vision. Fun! JC: No rifle.
43 I skipped Number 41.

JC asks about Mellon and AF article. Is it lighting a fire under the AF?

Lue: Certainly it will cause them to be angry but I don't give a damn. They need to do their job. Mentions @SECNAV came out several months ago and said they know UAP are real but
44 Lue: they weren't a priority bc we don't know their origin and can't confirm if they're a threat. Doesn't make sense. Air domain awareness IS the responsibility of the AF. Lue has worked with some of these AF folks, including AF OSI. The problems are coming from high up in AF.
45 (Remember my Evangelical Christian and Collins Elite tweets. THAT is where a big part of the problem lies).

Lue: AF either...

1) Knows
2) Doesn't know.
3) They don't care.
46 It will show gross incompetence if they were tracking this all of these years and never said anything. And also, Blue Book, where they said, "Nothing to see here."

He thinks some gatekeepers are probably getting a bit nervous right now bc the convo IS taking place.
47 Doesn't matter what AF thinks. They work for US & not the other way around. It's the same bureaucracy he faced while in AATIP where they just didn't want to do anything about it.

Lue has spoken to AF pilots who tried to report to UAPTF & were shut down by chain of command.
48 There's a systemic problem. Congress & DoD are trying to do the opposite. If the AF doesn't want to tell the American people, fine (Not fine ~Joe), but they better not hide it from Congress, Secy of D, DNI &. At that point, it's a rogue element. Don't want 2 go down that road.
49 Lue: If I was in Congress, I'd haul the AF up there (Capitol Hill) so fast, you'd hear a sonic book.

JC mentions AF brass telling their folks to not discuss the topic in certain secure, UAP chat rooms.

Lue: Some elements in intel community want to shut the chat rooms down.
50 Why? Not enough funding. (😂 What a joke). They both note how ridiculous that is.

JC: Is there a way 2 get to the AF radar data & is there a way to get to it?

Lue: Yes. Thinks that will happen but he's not sure if the AF will help with that. May have to do it without them.
51 Here, Lue comes pretty close to pointing out the problems w/the AF are the same problems he faced at OUSDI/DoD. They think these are demons and they don't want us to study it.

Lue: "It's is a small band of bureaucracy in the AF that's been staunchly opposed to this topic."
52 Most folks in AF want this topic addressed.

Navy facilitated Navy folks going up to Congress to testify. AF should learn from that. LE not aware of any AF regulation (2 encourage them 2 report UAP) that's been promulgated. Doesn't mean it's not there but he's usually aware.
53 JC brings up Gillibrand amendment and crash retrievals. Why include it if there's nothing there.

Lue: Not at liberty to discuss anything related to CR. Kudos to them for wanting to find out and get to the bottom of it.
54 JC: Amendment and health-related effects.

Lue: No secret we were looking at potential biological effects UAP might or might not have on biological specimens. Brings up Havana Syndrome (he's not connecting UAP & HS here) and how Americans are getting sick.

If there's an
55 an advanced tech out there that's harming (or helping) humans, we need to get to the bottom of it.

Is the tech a potential threat? There's a difference between threat and hostile intent. Can we look at the biological consequences & figure out what caused the injuries?
56 (I believe one other thing they were doing (AAWSAP) was trying to understand propulsion via the injuries. What tech caused this? What propulsion? See Jim Penniston's book & his convo w/Kit Green)

UAP are inder intelligence control. Are they occupied? There's a lot of convos
57 going on about that.

(Lue has spoken about occupants and photos of occupants on other shows. Maybe on @ufouapam? Or @TOEwithCurt? He doesn't go there with JC.)

Lue: Lots of haters out there. Jokes that all the haters are actually three people under different/fake names.😀
58 JC brings up how he doesn't agree on everything w/Lue. (Who cares? We're all like that. I've disagreed with Lue plenty of times.)

Lue doesn't have time for artificial drama & points out that ufology eats its own.

Lue: if ur a hater, you're really gonna hate me: I want to
50 Lue: OBLITERATE ufology as we know it (Good!). I wanna destroy it. I wanna crumple it up, & burn it & rip it into a thousand pieces & put it thru the shredder. And hopefully, what comes out of it is something much more scientifically focused (like the work of @tedroephotograp
52 Lue (and others) and rational.

(Church was laughing as Lue said that but let's not forget, Jimmy brought us bullshitters like Corey Goode, David Wilcock & Emery Smith, over & over bc it was good ratings).

Lue brings up Avi Loeb. We need scientific, academic, & technology
53 Lue: communities to step up & have the convo. Folks like @elonmusk, like him or not. And Avi talking about Oumuamua might be an interstellar probe. Every concept in science that we hold near & dear to our heart started out as someone's zany idea that turned out to be correct.
62 My numbering is off. Semi-live texting takes a little bit of a toll on me)

Lue: Let's try to look @ this topic objectively. If I could reinvent ufology, I would bc I don't like where it is. He's worked w/some folks on #ufotwitter who are rationally minded & want the truth.
63 But then you have other folks who are ego/pride-driven & they think the convo should all about them. But it should be about US.

Lue, Mellon are advisors to @GalileoProject1. They're using tech to try to figure this out by collecting info. on UAP. Trying to dispel some of the
64 Lue: stigma & taboo with this subject.

There's a university in Germany & college in US that now have a curriculum on UAP (that's happened in the US before). NDU ( and other places are having topics of discussion on UAP. We need the best and brightest,
65 Lue: working on this, along with everybody else.

JC: You worried if Avia makes a discovery of something ET, that the gov't may come in & run interference & take the info. and it doesn't go public?

Lue: No, cat's out of the bag. Too late for that. To try to put a finger in
66 Lue: the dyke at this point is fruitless bc cracks are popping up all over. Doesn't like using the word, "leaks." He thinks Avi and GP have a decent chance of finding something. Rather than suppress, offer the Nobel Peace prize bc it could bring all of us together.
67 Lue: There are people (like, maybe some in Dod) who consider me that proverbial pitbull, UFO guy. I prefer to be known as the pitbull transparency guy. UFOs are just one topic. We're facing a national crisis where faith & confidence people have in our institutions is at an
68 Lue: all-time low. The American people deserve to know about a lot of things, not just UFOs. I'll make sure THAT comes to light, too. Once we reach critical mass & he can sit back & relax a bit, he wants to explore of those other issues bc the American people deserve to know.
69 Lue: I'm not a UFO guy. I'm an ex-gov't guy that wants transparency. There's a lot of topics I think Americans would be SHOCKED...brings up JFK. Why can't we see all of the documents now and not 25 years from now? That's crap! No reason than to cover your ass.
70 Lue: "You only do it to protect sources & methods and that's not what's going on here. I don't accept or acknowledge that. Plus, you can still get the info. out and protect sources and methods.

There are other issues like that. Brings up the Pentagon Papers, Vietnam & how we
71 Lue: were being lied to & people don't seem to care. He calls them Sheeple. He's not like that & will not roll over. He won't listen to some bs from a guy (once again, Greer) dropping flares out of a plane. That's crap! That's criminal! This is a serious topic & I'm committed
72 to it. If American people really don't want to know, he'll go pack his stuff and work at Walmart. He'd rather not be in the public eye and not put his family thru this, but...he's doing it bc he's committed to the cause. You either feel this way or you don't.
73 JC: White House having the convo?

Lue: WH not a monolithic entity. U have Nat Sec Council, WH, advisors, senior cabinet members of the agencies & departments. Quite a few people need 2B brought into the loop. I'm not going to speak on behalf of this admin or any admin. I'm
74 Lue: not part of their cabinet, and until I am (wouldn't that be great?!) I don't know what they're talking about on the inside. I can tell you what the layers below them are saying and they're taking this topic very seriously. I can tell you some folks in very high places,
75 Lue: before they were in those positions, like @VP Harris, where they were probably privy to this convo via SASC, SSCI & things like that.

How do you see 2022? Timeline or big event where info. is revealed mid-year or in a month?

Lue: I never like to be specific. I'd rather
76 Lue: under promise and the over deliver. In the beginning, I said we were going to have a fundamentally different convo in a year & that happened. In fact, that happened again last year. Said we'd have a significant convo & we have. Every day, convos are occurring & actions
77 Lue: are happening to help improve visibility into this incredible enigma we call #UFOs or UAP. I'm not a gambling man, but if I was, I'd say that 2022 is shaping up to be a banner year for disclosure. I said from day 1 that disclosure isn't an event, it's a process, and
78 Lue: we're living through that process right now. Some folks may be frustrated but I have look back and say, "What a magnificent time to be alive. This is a new paradigm for our species and we're facing it. And yeah, it's tough and sparks fly and there's a lot of friction.
79 Lue: "But we're doing it. And we've moved tectonically, pretty far, in just four years. I don't think four years ago, if you were to ask somebody, would we be having legislation & law & directors of CIA & directors of National Intelligence and directors of NASA & presidents,
80 Lue: "all coming out and saying, 'Yeah, this is real,' they would probably try to commit you to some sort of mental institution. But yet, here we are, right? We're having this conversation. You and me and your wonderful audience, and it's real. It's not wishful thinking.
81 Lue: "Wouldn't it be great one...if, one day... No, we're here now. Right here, you and me and your audience, living through history. And history hasn't finished writing itself. So a what a magnificent time to be alive, what an exciting time to be alive for our species."
82 Lue: "Yeah, we've got problems. We've got Putin right now at the front door of the Ukraine, and we've got China looking into the South China Sea and into Taiwan. And we've still got terrorism and we've got Covid and we've got political issues and infighting and we've got
83 Lue: "economic issues and inflation now, and we've got some social unrest. But that's all normal. We do that any way as a species. That happens all the time. That's never changed. What has changed is that we're having a conversation about something potentially existential,
84 Lue: "something bigger than our entire species, bigger than our entire world and our preconceived notions of who we are. So I tend to be a little more optimistic. I think there's a lot that we can expect in this next year for 2022. I wanna manage expectations, I don't wanna
85 Lue: "say a UFO's gonna land on the WH lawn. But it doesn't have to. We're having the conversation, we're exactly where we need to be. In fact, we're probably a little ahead of where I thought we would have been, so I'm quite pleased, I'm quite content." #ufotwitter
86 Lue: asked about something he mentioned in the past: humankinds.

Lue: It's very personal for me. We put limitations & barriers on everything. Look at a map. We are a species that doesn't even realize the way we think, in some cases, has been preordained. Don't want to talk
87 about faith & things like that. Look at a city. We have these neat little grids, N & S, E & W, bc we wanna know where we are, we want direction. We want speed limits on the roads & rules & regulations & policies so we know where we fit. We [wanna] know where we are physically,
88 Lue: socially & economically. We get uncomfortable as a species with the unknown. It scares the hell out of us. In reality, if you were to take a globe and realize there is no up or down, we're all spinning, hurtling through space around some obscure star in some obscure part
89 Lue: of some obscure star, in some obscure part of an obscure galaxy we call the Milky Way. And all of this can come to an abrupt end at any moment w/bombardment of life-ending comets and meteors at any moment. We simply don't know & we don't like to think about those things.
90 Lue: The Universe is huge, it's grandiose & we like to look at mankind, when we say mankind as having two arms, two legs, ten fingers and that kind of defines who we are as a human being and as a species. But maybe there's a larger family. Maybe there's something bigger to it.
91 Lue: "Maybe we have a lot more in fact, life in the Universe, has more in common w/itself. And a lot of what we do & the way we think...we think in binary terms."

Good/bad, hot/cold, left/right. We think @ life in extremes in a binary sense: Do I do this or that?
92 Mother Nature doesn't work that way. "She works in wondrous diagonals & fractals." Going left or right may make sense if ur coming up to the edge of a cliff but in reality, life is like a minefield & left or right could kill you. Sometimes, no decision is the right decision.
93 Sometimes, u wanna go up or down or backwards. We have 2 force ourselves 2 think about it that way. Especially with this topic.

If UFO lands on WH lawn tomorrow, first 2 fundamental Qs from military: Extend a hand or point an M-16 at it? Neither one of those might be right!
94 We're looking at the entire equation incorrectly! We don't have enough variables or data to even solve the equation. It's too early to solve that equation. Either one of those may wind up being bad for us. It may not be a good solution and we have to force ourselves to stop
95 Lue: thinking in terms of simple, rudimentary, humanistic ways that we do. Mother nature has proven to us over & over that she doesn't work that way. Imagine having to go to work & you could only take a series of left or right hand turns & u couldn't go straight or diagonal.
96 Lue: It's inefficient & would take u a long time. But that's how we think as a human species. We're cardio-social beings. Starts in womb when we hear the on, off, on, off, of our mother's heart for 9 months. That may be why we look @ life (anthropologically & sociologically)
97 Lue: the way we do. But that's flawed. Scientists are now saying that may not be the way the right way to look at life in the Universe & nature. We have to be able to expand our understanding & our reasoning. And the way we process data is just as important as confronting
98 Lue: life beyond our planet bc we have to be ready for that, we have to be prepared to think in non-human terms. And that's really hard, that's a hell of a challenge.

JC: Are we prepared for undeniable proof?

Lue: No. Look at social media. We're not even prepared to have
99 Lue: the convo yet. There are people (haters) who are trying to stifle the convo.

But whether we're ready or not, it's happening. And we NEED to be prepared for it. Rarely is mankind ever ready for a paradigm-changing moment, but we adapt bc we're a species that adapts very
100 Lue: well. So I think, regardless if we're prepared or not, we need to have the conversation.

JC brings up Ratcliffe & Bill Nelson & says we're tracking (via sophisticated systems in orbit, around Earth), & seeing things come in as interstellar objects & heading to Earth.
101 (AFAIK, there is no data that shows interstellar objects coming to Earth. If that data exists, it's buried in classified programs)

Lue: That's very compelling, isn't it? NASA has been looking for microbial life on Mars for a long time & spending a lot of taxpayer $ on it.
102 Lue: And SETI has been looking for techno signatures in our Milky Way & spending a lot of $ on it. The only thing we're proposing is that maybe it's already here on this planet and you may not have to look quite so far. And there seems to be enough compelling info. that says,
103 Lue: "Hey, look. There's something here. I commend @SenBillNelson for champion this cause, I think he took a lot of risk doing it and I think history will remember him very kindly.

Is it something that lives here? If so, does the Navy know some of the locations?
104 Lue: "I think people are aware, in the gov't, that there may be some quote, unquote "hotspots," in the vernacular. Areas that have a high degree of frequency of UAP activity." He won't expound bc he wants to allow the gov't to do its job. "But yeah., that convo has occurred."
105 (Link 2 last piece of info. about UFOs having a landing & takeoff spot in the ocean, east of Miami)

JC: Rumor about a clear, definitive picture of a triangle object leaving the ocean, & flying up, circulating in the intel agencies. Have u seen it?
106 Lue: "I am very much aware of it."

JC: have you seen it?

Lue: "I have seen some very compelling images. I will not say, specifically, which one or which ones, but I am very well aware of that photograph."

JC: How clear is the photo?
107 Lue: "It's about as clear as looking at the guitars on the back of your wall right there.

JC: When you saw this, what went through your mind: Us or them?

Lue: "I think you know the answer to that already, Jimmy."

JC: Triangle could be our tech.
108 Lue: "I can't comment on any type of technology that we may have that's advanced. What I can simply say is that there's enough compelling evidence and information to suggest that what we are witnessing is NOT our technology, nor is it foreign adversarial."

109 If u value my work on here w/live tweeting, voluminous other tweets, my blog & YT, feel it's informative & appreciate my effort...and, would like to help me do this full time, 24/7! 👇🏼




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More from @TheUfoJoe

Feb 15
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I continue to ♥️ @gillibrandny!

As I said last night on my livestream, our success in getting to the bottom of the #ufo mystery will rely on our representatives staying vigilant and not letting folks like Storch blow it off. Kudos to KG!
2 KG: "Mr. Storch, in your current position as NSA Inspector General (IG), are you familiar with the DoD's IG's ongoing assessment of the response from DoD components to the intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomenon into controlled DoD air space, as well as #UAP activity
3 KG: "around naval and air operations? Further, do you think the NSA has been responsive to the DoD's IG inquiries?"

Robert Storch: "Thank you for the question, Senator. I'm afraid that's 𝘯𝘰𝘵 an issue with which I am currently familiar. However, if confirmed, I certainly am
Read 13 tweets
Feb 14
1 #ufo - Excerpt from "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon."

"Following the meeting with the Undersecretary, the prospect of [an AAWSAP-like ~Joe] program within DHS seemed promising. At that point the team was introduced to a very high-level official at DHS named Sacha Mover who was a
2 "driver of much of the relatively new DHS program initiatives (Lacatski had already met Mover). Mover had a fascinating story to tell the group. He had been born & raised in a rural area of Kentucky, & he told Kelleher that many of these small rural communities in Kentucky are
3 "still not on the electrical grid, partly because of a lack of political will and partly because the economics of electrification simply do not add up in the minds of many commercial power utilities that serve these small communities. In 2008, Mover went back to where he grew
Read 29 tweets
Feb 13
1 #ufo Redfern on Collins Elite & what they thought of Roswell. Goes along w/my fav THEORY that whatever this intelligence is, it can create craft & bodies out of thin air via REALLY advanced tech. And, for whatever reason, it wants us to believe they’re ET…when they’re not. 👿
2 For this thread, let’s assume it’s only one intelligence and not multiple.

One way Redfern learned about this Collins Elite group was he interviewed a man who claimed to be a former, senior member.
3 “As Vallee once said, ‘For them, Reality is negotiable.’ That means both conscious reality & material reality. We think of a projection as immaterial…perhaps with sufficiently advanced technology, one can ‘project’ material objects as easily as we do CGI.” ~Garry Nolan
Read 4 tweets
Feb 13
1 Some folks can't handle some of the more "out there" ideas/theories/speculation on this subject & they wind up arrogantly mocking them. In 2020, when I was talking about DeLonge saying the intelligence behind #UFO feeds off our negative emotions, this was one of the responses👇🏼
2 Tim is far from alone in dismissing that type of hypothesis but DeLonge is far from alone in suggesting that MIGHT be what's going on. You have Rudolf Steiner, Carlos Castaneda, @g_knapp & Kelleher in HFTS, Ray Boeche, long-time paranormal researcher, Paul Eno and others.
3 Is there any evidence human emotions can somehow affect the physical world and be measured?


This is from "The Energy Cure" (TEC) by Bill Bengston. Page 244. REG = Random Event Generator (Or, Random Number Generator - Puts out 1s or 0s. Like flipping a coin)
Read 9 tweets
Feb 12
1 #ufo - Nice job by @dave_beaty.

Dave: "To date, I am not aware of any public statements from the thousands of potential witnesses on the ships. I believe that there could have been a gag order issued by the Navy."

@JeremyCorbell has spoken to multiple folks on multiple ships.
2 JC: "We're talking about up to 100 targets at one time, out in this area, swarming nine different war ships, all with a very similar thing going on where there is one stationary, above each vessel. And then others, swarming around, kind of playing, with like, massive, massive
3 JC: "lights on. So it was said to me, one of the most impressive was said to me by numerous people, on numerous ships, who were in the position where they should be fighting the ships, you know, dealing with all of this. There's a lot of people involved in this
Read 6 tweets
Feb 11
1 Hal Puthoff and @EricRWeinstein on #UFOs, UAP, remote viewing, Ingo, Scientology, Lazar, abductions and more. Here are a few highlights.

I have lots to say about this but need to do some things first.

"Demonic technology..."
2 Hal Puthoff and @EricRWeinstein on #UFOs, UAP, remote viewing, Ingo, Scientology, Lazar, abductions and more. Here are a few highlights.

I have lots to say about this but need to do some things first.

Read 10 tweets

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