Hi! I'm Kristal Audain, an SEO working in product at Groundworks. Let’s talk a bit about the impact of having an SEO team mindset vs having an SEO Champion.
This can be accomplished in one of two ways: Hire SEOs who work cross-functionally outside of the SEO team or have the SEO SMEs teach other members of the team basic SEO skills based on their duties.
I happen to work on a unique team that has done both.
We have 5 members of the team who are currently working or have worked as SEOs in the field:
Head of SEO
SEO Analyst
Product Manager
Head of Web Development
Director of Data & Analytics
By making SEO a staple in the strategic toolkit, it makes ideation, implementation and analysis so much more effective than having 1 or 2 champions that are constantly going to bat for the cause.
All in all, spread the SEO wealth! Whether high level or hands on, there is room for SEO in so many different job functions and it will eliminate the need for the SEO champions to constantly reply, “Well…it depends.”
🧵Here's a step-by-step guide to finding and checking any website's backlinks 👇
🧵1: Open up Semrush Backlink Analytics Tool
To take a deep dive into a site's link profile, you'll want to start here: l bit.ly/3rY69kq.
🧵 2: Enter the domain whose link profile you want to analyze
Hit 'check it,' and you'll see an overview of the backlink profile for the domain or page that you've entered, with key insights.
🧵Not sure what type of CTA you should add to your copy? Here are some different types to consider 👇
🧵Boosting lead inquiries
- Lead Magnets: Use when you offer something of value for free in exchange for someone’s details, like an email address. E-books, helpful guides, and similar resources can help add to your database.
- Free Trial: A “try before you buy” approach.
🧵Product Purchases
When you get down to it, you want people to find you online, like you, trust you and then buy from you. Try:
- Contact Sales
- Shop now
- Get % Off
- Book now
- Free Shipping for purchases over a certain $
🧵 The importance of SEO is not something to overlook, and being an expert in an SEO tool is actually an important skill when working in the digital marketing industry (and something recruiters are looking for). Hang on tight while we’re explaining why:
🧵 Organic Search and digital marketing are closely connected. If you think of a search engine as the marketplace for your service, then ranking highly is a great way to market what you’ve got on offer.
🧵Organic search marketing can take a bit of time to show results, and SEO is a process that evolves with your site, meaning that you need to stay on top of it to keep benefiting.
Often it seems as if getting your client to do what you say is impossible. Many times audits are never fully implemented or ignored completely.
We fix this with 4 strategies: Target HIPPOs, Audit Structure, Delivery Schedule, Embedded Project Management @joehall#SEOThread
1: TARGET HIPPOs: The Highest Paid Person's Opinion is typically what decides which direction a team moves in. If your audit isn't appealing to the HIPPOs of an organization it likely won't get off the ground.
Hey! 👋 I’m Celeste Gonzalez, Junior SEO Specialist @RicketyRoo and a freelance SEO content writer. I’m here to share an often overlooked aspect of many content strategies so you can display who you are and stand out amongst the crowd.